
How long?

"Can you come again Gohan? I think my ears are going bad at my age." Chichi asked as rubbed them playfully, but stopped once she noticed Gohan's scowl.

"I already told you. While it's been only a measly 1 year for you, it's been over 100,000 years for me. People who live there can usually live to about 5,000,000 years old, if they even survive the beasts, hunger or dehydration. Heck, I'm older than Kami was when he fused with Piccolo!" Gohan explained, looking at the shocked faces on everyone.

"That's impossible! Are you saying that you're immortal?! That's the only explanation that you lived for so long!" Vegeta shouted. Gohan just rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Did you not hear me earlier? Yes I'm over 100,000 years old, everyone in that world can live that long easily if they don't get killed first! If anything, I'm still pretty young by their standards! And I made my kingdom pretty quick in a measly 500 years, or by yours in 1 year!" Gohan continued while Piccolo's eyebrows rose.

"You say that like 500 years is something that go by fast." Piccolo commented, while Gohan smirked at him.

"My life span can reach theirs easily now, since anyone who lives there becomes cursed with longevity. I have at least another 4,900,000 years left alive, so you can't blame me for thinking that 500 years goes by in a snap of a finger." Gohan retorted back. At this, Vegeta looked at him with something akin to wonder.

"What are the people there like?" Goku asked excitedly. If the people there could live such long lives, who knows what else they could do!

"Well, they are like regular humans, except for their long lives." Gohan responded. 'I don't want them to know about the magic yet, they would definately be on my back after that!'

"Anyway, it's past early morning, it's about 3, I think we need to call it a night." Chichi stated as she noticed Goten was nodding off on the table.

"Alright, goodnight everyone! Come on 18, Marron!" Krillen exclaimed as everyone started to leave one by one till only the Sons were left in their home.

"Gohan, would you like to sleep in your old room? I've made sure to keep it clean in case of guests." Chichi asked, in which Gohan nodded in response.

"Thank you mother. Would you like some help?" Gohan offered.

"No, you just go and rest. You may look younger than me, but you are older than all of us!" Chichi exclaimed.

"Alright, then goodnight everyone; I will see you in a few hours." Gohan said as he walked towards the bedroomm, leaving a smiling Chichi behind.

'Wow, a king! My son is a king! If only Goten would would focus on his studies more then he could possibly be like Gohan with his OWN position! Maybe even have a position in Gohan's kingdom as some type of official!' Chichi thought as Goten suddenly sneezed and shivered in his sleep.


When Goku woke up the next morning, the first thing he realized was the intense Ki in the forest outside his house. Quickly getting up and putting on his clothes, he walked out as saw Gohan in a forest clearing. It was evident he was training for a while, if the clothes that drenched him was evident enough. But what really caught Goku's eyes was the weapon Gohan was using.

A long spear with a curved blade at the end. The handle looked like it was made of pure gold that was almost as tall as Gohan, while the blade was a metal he never seen before that glowed slightly red with almost a bloody rose color, it was a beautiful sight as Gohan fought an invisible opponent. He suddenly felt a wave of heat hit him out of nowhere , and as he jumped back from it, he noticed two things; one was the strange energy around Gohan, and the other was that Piccolo was watching too.

"You noticed too?" Piccolo asked as Goku nodded.

"Yeah, the heat almost burned me up. What was that?" Goku asked, but Piccolo didn't answer until after watching Gohan some more.

"I don't know, why don't you ask him when he's done instead of asking me, he's been at it for a few hours, he should be just about done." Piccolo answered, a little sarcastically as he continued to watch Gohan. It almost looked like he was dancing, each of his moves were gracefully moving to each one perfectly, and the spear was his dancing partner. As Goku continued to watch him, he noticed the glow on the weapon was shining brighter and becoming bigger as Gohan was whispering something. the light continued to grow until it was almost the size of the handle.

'What is that? Is that something that the weapon just does, or is it Gohan's doing? Is it dangerous?' Piccolo questioned himself as he watched. The answer was clear a second later when Gohan cleanly cut through a giant boulder nearby in half. The light grew suddenly to nearly 50 feet, phasing through the boulder and trees as if nothing happened, only for everything that the light touched to fall down in half in mere seconds. Goku and Piccolo immediately found themselves in battle positions.

'What WAS that? That wasn't Ki, was that something that Gohan learned over in the other world?' Goku thought as he watched Gohan slow down, the light slowly dying down till nothing was left but a red blade on a gold handle as Gohan caught his breath, sweat sheening off of his tan, toned body as he cooled down, noting his dad and Piccolo watching him.

"Hello, how long have you guys been there?" Gohan asked.

"Your father just got here, but I've been watching since the start. Mind telling me what the light show was about? Was that Ki?" Piccolo asked in return. Gohan laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not really, not sure if you'll believe me if I told you." Gohan said, trying desperately to avoid the question; but it was evident he was not going to get out of it easily with the way Piccolo just raised the ridge of his eye.

"Oh, is it something that you didn't want to tell everyone last night. Whatever it is, it can't be that unbelievable." Piccolo stated, smirking a little bit.

"It was magic, I was using a form of projection magic." Gohan stated as if he was talking to his administrators. Piccolo barely made any movement, but Gohan could tell that he stiffened himself a little bit. Goku on the other hand, it was evident he was surprised.

"Wait, magic!? Like what Babidi used?" Goku asked, but Gohan just shook his head.

"No, what Babidi used a form of dark, possession magic that is passed down through bloodlines. I specialize in elemental and combat magic. Not everyone can master it, but pretty much anyone can use those in some degree in the other world, they just need to learn how." Gohan explained, Piccolo nodding his head in understanding.

"So what was that you did with the light? Was that a form of combat magic?" Piccolo asked.

"Yes, what you just saw me use was an advanced combination form of the element of Light, with the shape from projection magic. I invented it myself once I was pronounce enough in the both of them." Gohan finished. Piccolo nodded once again, but Goku just shook his head in confusion.

"I don't get it!" Goku explained. Gohan laughed, the most than he laughed in a long time.

"Come on, why don't we go to master Roshi's dad, I've been dying to see the ocean again." Gohan offered. Goku nodded his head, but right before he flew off, he turned back around to Gohan.

"Hey Gohan, may I see the spear? I've been wondering about it." Goku asked, but Gohan didn't answer straight away. His hand tightened slightly on the handle.

"Sure dad!" He answered, quickly smiling as he handed the spear, Gahiji, to his father. Since Gohan had made it with his own hands, with materials that he fought for and collected himself, including the Flame and Death Opals embedded in the blade, he was hesitant to part from it, and he usually stores it in his space storage bracelet on his left arm.

Yes, to Gohan, his spear was practically his child that he hunted for. That's the reason he named it Gahiji, meaning "hunter".

As soon as Gohan let go of Gahiji in his father's hand, Goku immediately nearly fell from the sheer weight of the spear. Bringing his Ki up till it was nearly Super Saiyan, he finally was able to hold it, but with difficulty.

As Goku looked over it, he noticed several things that he didn't noticed before. Like the handle was not smooth as he first thought, but there was grooves in it to handle easily, and the gem in the center, Goku didn't know what it was, but all he knew was that the spear was beautifully made, and very dangerous to handle if someone was to carelessly handle it.

"It's very heavy Gohan, how on earth were you able to move it around like that earlier?" Gohan shrugged.

"I don't know, I just do. It's probably because I made it. Anyway, are we going?" Gohan offered again, taking back Gahiji and placing it back in his bracelet, before setting off for the Island.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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