

Mimasaka was frozen with fear of the cold stone woman before him. She was out to get him with out a doubt, and she had good reason to want him gone. He took something precious from her. Mimasaka fell to his knees begging for forgiveness, only to be kicked upside the head sending him into the judges table. "Sorry forgiveness isn't on the menu today." She said making the area feel like an icebox. "You got this Honey!" a voice from the crowd caught every one's attention and their he was Kojirō Shinomiya. Her parents and her friends behind him. "I told you Mimasaka you won't get away. Let's settle the score YOU HEARTLESS PRICK!" She yelled before heading to her station writing down what her dish will be. she then handed it to a small girl. The Judges appeared to be scared of the dish she will be preparing. "GET YOUR ASS UP MIMASAKA! I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY TO WAIST ON YOUR PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A CHEF! " She yelled I got to my station why am I nervous. I can beat her no problem. She focuses on power packed dishes that she got from her father. she is nothing more than a shrimp. This is my stage and this bitch doesn't belong here. I was working on my beef stew trash talk when I saw it. The speed and precision of her knife cutting the chicken. I could barely keep up with the movements. It was so graceful not a hair out of place. The chicken fell into perfect cubes. she proceeded to boil them in citrus infused water. what is she making? I thought before I saw dried ghost peppers, chili peppers, poblano. She crushed them into a powder followed by placing a cup of it in the boiling chicken. "what are you trying to do burn these people. I don't think you understand how far out of your element you are girl. You should go back to making a house like a good wife. After all females don't belong in a professional kitchen." I laughed only to be stopped by her laughing. she turned and I felt like I was looking at a psychopath. "no no no let me tell you something Mimasaka. You are the last person I would ever let say that. Yes I am a halfblood but you know what this halfblood is going to mop the floor with you. So get ready for my Devil chicken skewers." She said before draining the chicken. I was about to pull the roast out of the oven and cut it. I placed it in the broth with the vegetables. She pulled out lemon oil holding it to the crowd and I saw who she was looking at. Aldini blushes seeing the bottle she nods at him before adding it to a skillet once it was hot enough she add the chicken. a fire came roaring to life when she add the spice mix. The kitchen's angel has fallen from grace. She is the fallen angel of the kitchen.

Iris pov

No way was I letting this fucker beat me. I hope the judges like spicy food. The chicken and vegetables were on the skewers. The Judges were shocked looking at the skewers before taking a bite. "The devil Skewer can be made with pork, beef, or chicken. I just feel chicken can pack more of a punch. Apple wedges for a way to cool your tongue before the next level. Citrus infused water to soak and intensify the spices." I said watching the Judges take in my dish. They went on about how it was a assault on their tastebuds. Mimasaka presented his beef stew boasting on how his was better. "You lose girlie you will never cook in a professional kitchen again." He said laughing so sure of himself. "Oh you really think so do you?" I said making him stop. He looks at me dumb founded. "She is right you lost Mimasaka." My grandfather said. "Her dish may have been born from a hate caused by you. The dish had a cool refreshing after taste that calmed the fire. She won Mimasaka it is you that needs to make good on the deal." My grandfather said crossing is arms. Mimasaka fell to his knees bowing to me. I turn my back on him "All that have lost to this man come claim your lost property. He had no right taking that from you. I am here to return it. Students gather into the stage taking back what was theirs. Kojiro ran picked me up spinning me around. I laughed wrapping my arms around him. He pulled me into a kiss making everyone cheer. He pulled away looking up at me. "I thought about what you said to me. Iris I can't wait anymore Marry me." He said making me gasp. "Now but I thought.." He shook his head. "I don't want to have another moment without you. I want you Iris Sakamaki you are the first thing that enters my mind when I wake and the last before I lay down to sleep. It's you and it will always be you Iris. I am asking you to take that leap of faith and become Iris Shinomiya." I started to cry. "YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!!" I yelled knowing I felt the same way. He left carrying me out the area I walked in a Sakamaki and I leave a Shinomiya.