
Way to control your subordinates

Jiang Pingan and others' faces had long lost their color.

 Originally, they had always thought that Ye Xiu was just an idle person with no ability at all.

 In the past few days, the company has encountered such a big crisis, and he has only come through it once. After handing over the power to Jiang Ping'an, he completely let it go.

 It was under this situation that even people like Liu Wenfang and Qin Ke were not optimistic about Ye Xiu and made their own choices. But who could have imagined that he hid so deeply.

 Without paying attention to the small things in the company, they used their strongest strength to turn the situation around and turn defeat into victory.

 Not only did he firmly control the Xingyao Financial Group, he also took the opportunity to acquire the most profitable properties of the Qin family and the Leng family.

 This set of sharp combination punches only made everyone dizzy for a while.

 For such a person, he and others have been laughing at him as a prodigal.

 Seeing Ye Xiu's gaze, Jiang Pingan and others were so frightened that their whole bodies trembled.

 "Haven't you already sold your shares? Why are you still standing here?" What they didn't expect was that Ye Xiu didn't attack, but instead chuckled. Except for Jiang Ping'an, everyone else was stunned. Yes, he had sold his shares. Even if Ye Xiu won the final victory, what would it have to do with him and others? At most, the things promised by other families are gone. Anyway,

 Now that you have obtained the equity money, what else do you care about?

 "Then Mr. Ye, are we leaving first?" Zhang Xiaoping asked weakly.

 "Well, go ahead and remember to tell the police honestly about the things you have done secretly over the years..." Ye Xiu chuckled.

 "Police?" Zhang Xiaoping and others' expressions changed. Why did they involve the police?

 In just a moment, Rongdu Police Chief Yuan Hua personally led people in. In addition to the police, there were also many people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

 Seeing this posture, the expressions of Jiang Pingan and others completely changed. To be honest, as members of the board of directors of Xingyao Consortium, they naturally make a lot of moves in private. No one has really clean hands. However, these moves do not harm the company's interests too much. Qin Mufeng has always turned a blind eye. one

 Only one eye.

 Even in his opinion, what if their problem was really discovered? They are all members of the board of directors. Once some dirty information is revealed, the reputation of the consortium will also be affected, which will affect the consortium's stock price.

 But things were different now. These guys actually betrayed the company. Naturally, Ye Xiu wouldn't let them go easily.

 "Ye Xiu, you can't do this to us, we are all veterans of the company!" Zhang Xiaoping was the first to jump out and shouted loudly.

 If he were really taken away by the police, based on what he had done over the years, a ten-year sentence would be a light sentence, and the funds he had just received would not be enough to fully compensate him.

 "Elders? Didn't you all sell all your shares? What is your relationship with the company?" Ye Xiu said innocently.

 Zhang Xiaoping almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

 Yes, they have sold all their shares and have nothing to do with the company anymore. Who are they considered veterans?

 "Okay, if you want to say anything, go tell the police. Don't bother me anymore..." Ye Xiu waved his hand nonchalantly.

 Yuan Hua nodded towards his subordinates, and the group of policemen rushed over and handcuffed Zhang Xiaoping and others directly. They ignored the wailing of several people and escorted them away.

 But in the end, only Liu Wenfang, Qin Ke, and even Jiang Pingan were left behind.

 He was the only one who still retained a small amount of shares in the company, and Ye Xiu wasn't worried about any negative impact at all. Liu Wenfang was a little dazed. She didn't understand why Ye Xiu left her. Although her hands and feet were relatively clean and she had not done anything in private, she had betrayed Ye Xiu this time. With Ye Xiu's current energy, she wanted to give her Settle down for yourself

 This crime is not an easy matter.

 Qin Ke was not surprised, just ashamed. Especially when he saw Yuan Hua coming, he just wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. He really did something wrong this time. He had always been confused about why his father was willing to work for Ye Xiu all his life with his father's abilities. At that time, he always felt that his father only valued feelings and worked for Xingyao. The consortium did that

 So much, but I am grateful for Ye Zhengnan's promotion back then.

 In his heart, he actually didn't care much about Ye Xiu.

 This is why after his father fell into coma, he would compromise with Qin Lanyue and others. That was because he felt that Ye Xiu's ability could not deal with Qin Lanyue and others.

 He did this just to leave a way out for himself and his father, but who could have thought that Ye Xiu, who had never been in his eyes, would turn the tide at the last moment.

 Not only did he thwart the plans of several big families in one fell swoop, but he also took this opportunity to severely damage several big families. How could he be a prodigal with such a mind?

 He finally understood why, despite his father's talent, he was willing to submit to Ye Xiu all the time. In addition to being grateful to Ye Xiu's father, he also had more trust in Ye Xiu. The funny thing was that he didn't realize this. a little.

 Thinking of his lack of willpower, he was already filled with shame and didn't even know how to face Ye Xiu. But now, not only Ye Xiu was present, but also his old acquaintance Uncle Yuan.

 They were all loyal followers of Ye Xiu, but he betrayed Ye Xiu!

 I wanted to say something, but I felt that no matter what I said at this time, it would be so feeble. "Okay, now that the overall situation has been decided, it's time to revitalize the company's business. Sister Liu, I hope that in the next period of time, you can cooperate with Mr. Zhao to stabilize the company's situation!" Just as Liu Wenfang and Qin Hua thought Ye Xiu would punish them, but in the end

 When Shao Hui cursed a few words, he heard Ye Xiu make arrangements directly.

 Liu Wenfang was a little dazed. He had done such a thing, but Mr. Ye was still willing to believe in him and let him stay in the company? Zhao Yunxuan on the side was also a little dazed. Ye Xiu handed 500 billion into her hands as a sign of his absolute trust in her. He originally thought that after the matter was over, he should transfer the equity he held to Ye Xiu, but who It can be imagined that he

 He actually asked this old man from the Xingyao Consortium to cooperate with him to stabilize the company? What does it mean?

 "What? You don't want to?" Looking at Liu Wenfang in a daze, Ye Xiu chuckled.

 Liu Wenfang finally came to her senses and realized that Ye Xiu had really forgiven her.

 "Yes, yes, thank you, Mr. Ye..." Liu Wenfang looked excited, and there were tears twinkling in her eyes. They were tears of emotion! She owes the Ye family and his son so much...