

At this moment, the man who had been guarding Chen's father was still blocked by the sofa, and there was really no way to stop Chen's father. The green-haired woman was also blocked by the coffee table, and it was also too late to stop Chen's father.

 Leng Yanfeng did not expect that this man who had always been honest would suddenly become so crazy. Looking at Chen's father who was rushing toward him, the dagger on Chen Tingting's neck instinctively thrust forward.

 "Chi!" With a sound, the dagger was inserted directly into Father Chen's chest, and Father Chen's body froze.

 "Dad!" Chen Tingting exclaimed, her eyes wide open with a look of horror on her face.

 Mother Chen, who had just come to her senses, saw her husband being stabbed in the middle by Leng Yanfeng. Her expression changed, and she seemed to be going crazy. She lunged at the bald man in front of her with all her teeth and claws.

 "I'll fight with you..."

 The angry mother Chen burst out with fierce fighting power, and she caught the bald man's eye with one hand, and poked the bald man's eye out on the spot.

 The bald man screamed and punched Mother Chen on the temple. Mother Chen's body froze as she rushed forward, and she fell directly down.

 All of this happened between sparks of calcium carbide. When Leng Yanfeng moved the dagger away from Chen Tingting's neck, Ye Xiu's body had already moved. He had been standing at the door, about five meters away from Chen Tingting and Leng Yanfeng, but his speed was extremely fast, and he had rushed to Chen Tingting almost instantly, but even so, he still had no time to stop Leng Yanfeng. dagger

 Inserted into Father Chen's heart.

 Listening to Chen Tingting's heart-rending roar, Ye Xiu also felt uncomfortable in his heart, and his whole body directly hit Leng Yanfeng, knocking him out on the spot.

 When he reached out to support Chen's father who was about to fall to the ground, he saw that Chen's mother had also fallen to the ground. A blood hole was opened at the temple, and a pair of eyes were staring at this side.

 A sad atmosphere enveloped Ye Xiu's heart. Even though Chen's mother was very realistic and had many problems, she was Chen Tingting's mother after all. She was the closest person to Chen Tingting. But now, Chen Tingting lost her parents in the blink of an eye. .

 Ye Xiu's heart was filled with sadness when he thought that Chen Tingting would become an orphan like himself from now on. "Take...take care of...Tingting..." Father Chen, who was stabbed by the dagger, didn't even see the scene of his wife's tragic death. When he saw Ye Xiu holding him up, he only had time to speak out with difficulty. After hearing these few words, I completely lost my life.


 "Dad, Mom..." Chen Tingting's miserable cry sounded. She struggled to help her father, but her hands were tied tightly by the rope, and her wrists were bruised with blood.

 Ye Xiu felt sad, and the corners of his eyes felt wet.

 "Uncle, don't worry, I won't let Tingting get even the slightest scratch!" After whispering to the dead Chen's father, Ye Xiu quickly pulled out the dagger from his heart and directly cut off the rope that tied Chen Tingting.

 "Dad..." Chen Tingting had already burst into tears. She numbly took her father's body from Ye Xiu's hands. She was so shocked that her mind went blank.

 But Ye Xiu quietly raised his head and looked at Leng Yanfeng who stood up again.

 There was peace in his eyes!

 At this moment, he was no longer even angry, but only had an absolutely cold murderous intention.

 "Do it!" Leng Yanfeng did not expect that things would turn out like this. In his plan, he planned to humiliate his mother-in-law in front of Ye Xiu first, and then torture Chen Tingting.

 But who could have imagined that the man who had been staying honest would ruin everything.

 What I didn't even expect was that Ye Xiu was so fast and saved Chen Tingting in just a split second.

 But he didn't care, his ultimate goal was to kill Ye Xiu.

 Even though he is extremely powerful, they are not ordinary people. These four people are the accomplices of the three blood foxes. The seven are known as the Seven Monsters of Death. The strongest person is not the blood fox, but the green one. The woman with green hair!

 That was a three-point existence that even he was afraid of. He didn't think Ye Xiu could escape from such an assault. Almost as soon as Leng Yanfeng finished speaking, the green-haired woman had already drawn out her samurai sword, and a bright sword light lit up. However, the first person to rush to Ye Xiu was the man who had been carving the statue. , his distance from Ye Xiu is basically

 Coming closer, he rushed in front of Ye Xiu with almost a single step. The dagger in his hand stabbed out instantly like a poisonous snake, stabbing Ye Xiu's heart.

 Facing this lightning-fast blow, Ye Xiu swung the dagger in his hand and easily deflected the man's dagger. Then he flipped his wrist and the dagger in his hand instantly swiped the man's wrist holding the knife.

 The man was in pain and the dagger in his hand fell down. Just when Ye Xiu was about to take this opportunity to kill the man directly, a dazzling sword light came through the air.

 Facing the sharp sword light, Ye Xiu had to step back to avoid this terrifying sword.

 The man was so frightened by Ye Xiu's stunning move that he broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, his partner arrived in time, so he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to continue the attack, but suddenly saw a cold light coming from in front of him.

 Instinctively, he wanted to raise his hand to resist, but when he reached halfway, he felt pain in his neck, and a dagger was inserted directly into his throat.

 His body suddenly stiffened and he looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief, only to find that his hands were empty.

 When did he throw the dagger?

 Faced with Green Shadow's terrifying knife, he still had the energy to throw the dagger? How could he do it?

 No one would answer his last question. His strong body fell heavily to the ground, and the half-carved statue fell right in front of him.

 If you look closely, you will find that it actually looks like a blood fox.

 "Sorry, Blood Fox, I can't avenge you personally, but I will be with you soon!" Looking at the half-carved statue, the man muttered silently in his heart, and then lost his life.

 The blood fox is the woman he loves!

 He was the first to take action impatiently because he wanted to personally avenge his lover. However, he really underestimated Ye Xiu's strength.

 And the price is your own life! Leng Yanfeng, Lu Ying, Aaron, and Qing Kong, who rushed towards him from the door, all had their pupils shrinking. Apparently, they did not expect that Ye Xiu could throw the dagger in his hand while avoiding Lu Ying's fatal blow. Killed their comrade


 Especially for Green Shadow, this was a great shame and humiliation for her. She became so angry that the samurai sword that was slashing downwards instantly changed its direction and slashed horizontally towards Ye Xiu's body! At this moment, Ye Xiu was defenseless, and with Chen Tingting behind him, there was no way he could avoid it...