
Crazy Girls : Crossover Yandere Harem

I thought that I finally hit the jackpot. I thought that this was my chance to realize my dream. Well. I should have seen it coming. Never trust a demon to not try to fuck you up. "Darling... Are you trying to leave me?" Fuck! I ducked as I avoided the knife that nearly stabbed me. "Akira-Kun is mine." Lol. You think I didn't see you put the drugs in my drink. Those girls are fucking crazy!!!! But... Gotta admit that they are hot. Hum... Perhaps... I am the craziest one of the bunch?... Na... No one is saner than me. --- Here link of my new Story. Name is MIDNIGHT PRINCE : Empire of Sin https://www.webnovel.com/book/midnight-prince_24908760405236305 would appreciate it if you could give reviews and put it in your collection. NOTE: I am also writing an original story called SON OF THE HERO KING. Go take a look, please.

HIKARU_GENJI · アニメ·コミックス
60 Chs


A white void was surrounding me.

"Is this what death is supposed to be like? Well, it's rather peaceful." I mused as I was floating aimlessly in that void. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

I tried to speak out but nothing came out from my lips. I couldn't produce any sound. I shrugged my shoulders? and went back to stare at the surrounding infinity that around me. I did this for a while before something occurred to me. I was calm. Indeed, I was far too calm to be natural.

There was no apprehension, anger, sadness, boredom or any emotion at all, just a calm acceptance of my situation. 

Even the revelation of this unnatural phenomenon had only sparked the tiniest flicker of worry before it too was swept away by the calmness.

I spent what must have been hours as I attempted to force myself to feel anything. It was only partially successful. I could feel the emotion but it seemed to be dulled by whatever was happening to me.

My self-reflection had no sooner finished than a voice suddenly sounded around me. 

"Don't you just hate it when those girls are forgotten for ones who generally aren't even that good?"

I didn't know how nor when, but as soon as I heard that voice, I was suddenly seated in what looked like an apartment room with just a TV. I said it 'looked like', because, outside of the living room and the TV, everything else around me was still a white void.

I turned to face the one who previously spoken with a bored tone and answered with as much honesty as possible.

"Pretty much. Sometimes I am like, why make a harem and make us care for all those beautiful girls if only to give up on them later."

The one I was facing was a man. A bearded middle-aged man wearing a short and a shirt with a floral pattern. 

'So this is god? Sigh, I wonder just how many people would kill themselves if they knew how he look.'

The man smiled, clearly reading my thought,

"What I look to you is different from what I look like in other people's eyes. A soul as frail as you would never be able to gaze at my true form. Also, I am not God as the one you think. Where I am from I am more known as a divine beast. Call me… Yeah, call me Asmodeus."

'A soul huh...So I am really dead.'

I didn't feel particularly upset, nor did I care that the one in front of me used the name of one of the princes of hell or some divine beast. 

After all, I died in the most epic way possible. While... Fucking. 

Though, It should be rather traumatic for the one I was fucking. I shouldn't have done that but hey... 

I knew how bad the state of my heart was, even more so after my failed operation. The doctor had been pretty honest with me. As such I thought, 'Since I only have a few months to live, how could I die a virgin?' 

"Yep, pretty pitiful to die without fucking. Nothing feels greater than this. Belphegor and Beelzebub would object. But, the sensation you get while having sex his without a doubt the greatest drugs. Anyway, let's go back to our discussion.

"What do you think of all those harem anime?"

What did I think? I only had one word


I didn't hate harem per so. Far from it. I loved harem. Good harem. Those Iike, Magika Kenshi, Shinmai Maou or Hybrid heart, where the mc, despite being a little shy did the job and ended by fucking the girls. 

Frankly, only eunuch or holier than thou would say that they hated harem. No, my problem was how the vast majority of harem were portrayed.

Reading over hundreds of chapter of a pussy mc blushing and stammering every time he faces a girl while suffering the abuse of some tsundere and the teasing of some gal that is in reality too shy to say what she felt. 

Reading about a guy that screams that he will become harem king, but who isn't even enough of a man to fuck all those beautiful girls when they literally throw themselves at him and ask for it.

Reading about a mc miss all the chances to act like a man and lead all those girls by making them think they have a chance when in fact we all know with whom he will end up with from day one.  

No, all of this was nothing. The worst of the worst. DENSE MC. How I hated the one who created this concept. The day I watched Infinite Stratos I am sure I would have puked if I hadn't been forbidden to eat anything prior to my operation. 

"Apart from very few exceptions, most harem stories are simply a waste of time. I am pretty sure I would have lived longer if not because of all the anger I felt over them."


I jumped a little at his outburst,

"Ahem ahem sorry. See, I have been alive for rather long, and I have seen some pretty fucked up things. But those harems? Man, even in my days, torture was less cruel."


I nodded while marveling at the situation. Who would have thought that I would one day have a discussion about harem with a demon prince.

"So, now, could I know why you called me?"

I mean, I was pretty happy in the void. No stress, no sound, no weak heart. It was heaven.


"Tell me...Don't you want to form a true harem?"

Silence fell between us. At this moment, I had only one answer.

"I am in."

What about the price you may ask? Pfft. I was ready to die just to lose my virginity. I would sell my soul in a heartbeat for a harem. 

A large grin settled on his face as he watched me. It wasn't a mocking grin, nor one used when everything worked. Rather it was the kind of grin you gave to a friend.

"Ok, your answer was good. To be honest, had you asked any conditions, I would have been very disappointed and would have eaten your soul here and there. Thankfully...For you...Seems like I wasn't mistaken."

I would have broken into a cold sweat if I had a normal body. Losing my soul didn't scare me. Losing it before realizing my dream would. I decided that it was better to think of something more important 

"So, is it the part where you give me some wishes?" 

"Nah. Man. You read too much light novel

Like WTF? Being given a second chance at life in the world of your dream as well as information about the plot should already be enough for you to kneel down and pray to me. But you want a wish? No wonder Mammon love you humans so much."

Asmodeus grumbled a little as he went on, 

"Still, I can't have you die on me too fast. Hum… OK. Let's do it like that. You have four chances. Make those four wishes. But they must not be OP as you humans call it. If they are then you will lose one wish."

Looking at his smile full of malice, I decided to think carefully. 

Firstly I didn't need four wishes. Even one would be enough. As such I would use one wish as a sacrifice. 

"I want the strength of Saitama."


Ok. No one knew the true strength of Saitama. Some even saying that he was stronger than Goku(lol) but at the very least. He should be at planet buster level. 

Now. He said that he didn't want me to die too fast. This already means that the world I was going to would have some sort of danger. More precisely, a harem anime with dangers and enemies that are lower than planet level. 

'Man. That didn't really help. But well. OKay. Let's choose this one first.'

"Hinokagutsuchi. The sigil of kaname from darwin's games. I want it."

'Truthfully. I wanted UBW or GoB. But well. I doubted those two weren't in the OP category. What more GoB was trash without Gilgamesh treasures and EA.' 

A smile formed on Asmodeus as he said, 


If I was still alive, I would have let out a sigh of relief. 

'Now, Kaname's weakness was mostly his stamina. Be it mental or physical. He only managed to lessen the strain after heavy training. Should I ask for infinite stamina?'

"I wish to have a body with a potential without limits."


'Sigh. I will have to suffer a little. But it doesn't matter. Anyway, being able to have physical activity is a dream for me. It will also help with my sigil.'

Now that those two were decided. I was truly struggling for the third. What could I ask for that wasn't too OP. 

I needed something that could help me. A support ability that could save me or stop me from being in danger. I searched through my mind as I tried to remember the novels of anime I read. 

'Fuck. This is harder than I thought. Why did he have to add the no OP part? If he didn't I would have asked for Saiki kusuo's power or for Zeno's power.'

Asmodeus smiled as he asked, 

"Out of ideas? My patience is limited. Choose one fast."

'Okay. Let's gamble.'

"I want the Nine eyes belonging to Seol Jihu."


"Wait. Not all the directions. I just need the left and lower direction."

The nine eyes were divided in five directions and nine colors. Frankly when completely activated that power was truly a fucking cheat. More precisely, the upper, central and right directions. 

Still, being able to use the two less powerful directions was alright.

"Hehehe!! I must say, I am truly surprised. Still, I am also satisfied. As such. I will accept."

Well, I have never felt so stressed. I didn't know where the guy was sending me. But I had no illusion. Harem or not, the fact that he mentioned me dying, mean that I shouldn't underestimate that world. The left and lower direction are necessary for survival. 

As if he seemed to remember something, he suddenly added, 

"Ok, here how things will go. I want a true harem. One where you get the girls and bang them hard. No bullshit blushing like a pussy. As such, I will add you a bonus and add a modified version of the central direction. Happy?"

I could only nod and prayed inwardly that whatever modifications he made wouldn't be a pain to deal with. I didn't bother asking. If he didn't tell me then I didn't need to ask. 

"Secondly, as all protagonists worthy of the name. I will give you nearly unlimited stamina in bed and a body that can only impregnate when you wish so. We can't have you going limp or wearing a condom. Bareback for the win!!!"


*Clap* *Clap*

This time I was way more interested. I had always been jealous of those hentai mc who could go at it for hours and fuck ten of girls every day without ever getting them pregnant.

"For the last boon, hum. Let's see. I will give you the lucky pervert power. Though, not at the level of Rito Yuki. Man, that child was insane. That luck of his was against, space time and causality. Just please. Don't let those fucking tsundere walk all over you. Capish?"

I didn't need to be told twice. I was no masochist. Of course, I didn't hate tsundere per so. Good tsundere like Rin from fate were so cute to watch. But, I hated abusive little bitch like Louise the zero. 

Asmodeus accepted my silence for what it was before walking and putting his hand on my shoulder with a very powerful grip, 

"Listen, I don't care what you do there. Become the greatest devil or the greatest saints. **** thousands of girls or take your time making them fall in love with you. That for you to deal with. Just show me a fucking good harem. Otherwise you and I will have a serious discussion after your death."

"Don't worry. This is my life long goal. I would never forget it."

Seemingly satisfied with my answer, he nodded and say, 

"Now bye bye. I hope that your story will entertain me."

Feeling as if my body was slowly vanishing, I understood that time was up. Still, before completely going I wanted to make something clear, 

"This is my own story. I care not of your entertainment. I will live for my happiness. If you don't like it then stop watching."

On those words. I completely blacked out.