
An un forget able journey

*Phone ringing**


Kelsey picks up the phone. 

Craig and JP were on a conference video is currently call . 

" Oh hey guys...."- Kelsey says . 

" Hey Kelsey ,  so your down for tommorow's plan right ?"- Craig says in      enthusiasm .

"Hmm yeah yeah I'm down . We're gonna rock it tommorow . "- Kelsey replies . 

Yes they all three were going for a movie tommorow . 

Craig's parents'will be dropping them there . 

And they will be accompanied by Jessica ( Craig's little sister ) .

But the movie place is a way more far from there house . 

On the other edge of the town . 

The next day they all get ready in the morning and JP and Kelsey started walking towards Craig's house .

Meanwhile in the Williams house ........

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooo "– Craig shouts almost crying . 

"Please don't send Bernade with us . Please I beg you guys. "

"Oh dear honey . I will be alright . Your brother is good and we can't come you know that right . We wanted to but grandma's calling . "- Craig's mother said to him while her hand over Brenad's shoulder . 

" Thank you mom . Can I also ask my  friend Alexis to come ?  I will also get company . "- Bernad asks .

"Ya sure honey , tell her that treat is from our side ."

" Ya sure thanks ."

" Come on Nicole we gotta go . My mother has called me ." – Craig's dad shouts to his mother in his as usual excited tone . 

" Coming "– And Craig's mom gives Bernade a bunch of dollars to count . 

Both of their parents left the house and Bernard looks at Craig and Jessica .

" Get ready both of you , we'll be leaving in 10 minutes . I just have to make a phone call ." – Bernard says the last line in a shy way . 

" What about my friends ? "– Craig asks .

" Don't worry we'll wait for them too . But not more then 2 minutes ." – Bernard replies .

" Okay big brother I'll be ready in. 5 minutes ."- Jessica says running out of the room to her room .

The door bell rings..

" Oh looks like your friends are here kid ."- Bernard says to tease him .

Craig rushes towards the doore without even letting Bernard finishing his sentence .

Craig opens the door .

" Oh hey Craig !! Aren't we going . We met your parents on the down block .We thought that the plan was cancelled ."– Kelsey says the moment Craig opens the door .

" Oh I wish it would've got cancelled . We could've played instead of getting stuck with Bernard ." – Craig says without having excitement in his voice. 

"Oh don't worry buddy . We all will enjoy there . "– JP says trying to make Craig a bit happy .

"Hmmm let's see ."

Jessica runs out of the door and Bernard follow's her .

" Alright let's move everybody . I don't wanna be late ."– Bernard says locking the door .

Everyone moves towards the car . Craig sits on the front seat .

" Woah woah , easy kid . You can't sit here "– Bernard says .

"But why not "

"It's reserved"

"Reserved ?..For who "

"My girlfriend dumb ."

" Yeahhhhh whatever "– He shifts to the back seat .

The car starts moving.....with Jessica filled with excitement, Bernade being happy cause he can go with his girlfriend, Craig being really sad and both of his friends accompanying him .

They all picks up Alexis from her home and starts moving for the movie .

Time lapse


After an hour and half , they were still sitting in the car .

Alexis and Bernard in the front talking about different dishes they could cook . JP and Jessica sitting in the middle talking about Mr. Pickles and other toys. While Craig and Kelsey sitting in the last, Kelsey was  talking to Mortimor Pokoly ( her pet bird who always used to sit on the top of her head )

and Craig just been silently looking out .

After a friendly and silently drive of 45 minutes they all starts to get board (except Bernard and Alexis ) , but no one complaint. 

And suddenly there is a loud popping sound near the front tire of the car and the car starts to loose it's momentum ,and at last it stops .

"What happened " – Alexis says .

"Let me check "– Bernard replies in quite a hurried voice .

And a minute he comes back in the car with an face of disappointment . 

"We have a flat tire ."– He says .

"And no extra tires left to replace it . "

Everyone is in tension now .

Craig looks out of the window and realises that he knows this place by heart . 

It is just his lovely creek but at some other end .

He checks his map and gets the idea of how he can get replaceable tires at .

Craig thinking in his mind —

"But should I tell him that I have an idea . I don't know what to say . Is he gonna be happy with that ."

Craig speaking words out of his mind

"Alright everybody , I know this place and I know where we can get a tire ."

"Craig shut up no time for jokes "– Bernard says .

"No it's not a joke I'm saying this for real . Trust me "

" Okayyy !!!!! Bernard , I think we should listen to him too " – Alexis says while looking at both of the brothers .

"Okay so what's your plan "

" Follow me "

Craig get's out of the car and starts walking towards the forest ( creek) , his map in his hands and everyone following him .

Even Kelsey and JP had no idea where they were going this time .

After a short walk of 20 minutes, Craig stops and says everything you want you can get here .

"Ohh "– Kelsey and JP says looking at the sign board .

"What where are we Craig , this is not funny ,"– Bernard says while looking around .

" Oh no look Bernard , it's the  Junk pile . We sure can get everything here ." – Alexis says while calming him down .

"Let's go in "

They all goes inn and all the three started shouting 

" Junk lord – Junk lord " 

A big boy comes out of nowhere wearing a purple cape,a thing on his head looking like a crown ,  a rubber bag in his neck and at the end trash  bag pants .

" Craig who the hell is this cartoon . Do you know him ?" – Bernard Whispers in Craig's ears .

" Wait up Bernard . "– He replies .

" Oh it's our Craige boy . What brings you here  boy ."– Junk lord says .

" Oh hey Junk lord . 

We need your help right now ." – Craig says and stops right away for him to speak .

" Hmm hmm listening ."

" So we were on our way and we suddenly got a flat tire.  Can you give us a tire ?" 

" Oh well actually I do have some tires but you know Craig nothing's for free now days ."

"Oh that's not an issue  . Here take a dollar ."– Bernard says while giving him a dollar .

" Well most certainly that is an issue Mr. , don't you know the rules of the creek .  WE DON'T USE MONEY ." – Junk lord replies in a serious tone .

" What , what else do you use then . Honey bees ."

" Bernard I got this please let me handle this . "– Craig says .

Craig goes through his handbag and at last takes out    a pair of broken sunglasses .

" Hmmm will it work " – Craig says offering him those glasses .

" Heyyy !!!!!!!!! I know this is a Junk pile but that doesn't mean we only trade Junk here . Sorry not excepted ."– Junk lord replies in sort of angry and sad tone .

JP picks  "Mortimor Pokoly " from Kelsey's head and says – " How about this ? Just look at him ." 

"Heyyyy" – Kelsey shout's and takes her bird back from JP's hands .

" Don't worry buddy it's alright . I'll never let you near JP anymore ."– Kelsey says to Mortimor Pokoly while looking at JP in terror .

In the meantime Craig comes up with an idea . He quickly looks into his bag and takes out a pair of chopsticks. 

" Will they work ."

"  Are you serious? Why would I trade tires for chopsticks with you . "

" They're not regular chopsticks .THEY ARE LUCKY CHOPSTICKS ." 

" What"

"Yeah once I ate my dinner with them and the next morning I found a lot of trash in my dustbin. "

" Woahhh ."

" Craig if they were so lucky then why didn't you gave them to me ." – JP says in a confused manner .

Kelsey while hitting JP with her elbow .

" Shuuuu , wait up JP"

Junk lore touching the chopsticks so carefully as if they are his best treasure.

" Okay take how many tires you want deal done ."

" Yeah we did it , thank you"

" Craig are all the people that stupid here ."– Bernard Whispers into Craig's ears .

" Noo its just some of them ."– Craig replies in the same tone .

" I bet JP is one of them"

They all starts collecting tires and Junk lord looking at his shining lucky chopsticks .

" Hey Junk lord can I keep this "– JP says holding a bunch of broken cups in his hands .

"Yeah no problem"– Junk lord replies without even looking, like he doesn't care anymore .

After a couple more minutes of hardwork they all changed the tire of the car and get's ready to start the trip again .

————————Time lapse

The movie ended and all four kid's came out of the movie theatre .

"Mannn it was soo good movie . I loved it ." – JP says .

And they all starts mumbling about the movie .

Bernard and Alexis were waiting for them right outside the theatre .

The moment Craig see's Bernard he stops right ahead and comes back in his serious face .

Without asking anything else Bernard says – Who's hungry? "

All of the kids shouts in excitement except Craig .

Bernard notices it but did not says anything .

They all goes to the resturent and order's their normal meals .

All three with burger and fries, Jessica with kids food , and Bernard and Alexis with lasania .

While eating his fries, Craig accidentally spills his drink on the table .

He suddenly starts panicking trying to not to look into Bernard's eyes .

" Don't worry it's alright .

Waiter!!!!!!'– Bernard says looking straight at Craig's face .

Craig feels a bit calm and wonders cause Bernard never talked to Craig that calmly .

He feels good and doesn't question that again cause he don't want to ruin this moment .

They all finish their food and goes back to their home .

All shouting and filled with happiness and this time Craig was accompanying them too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!