

"You are quite the runner despite your short legs, little mate!" He commented sizing her up with his lazor sharp eyes. His Adam apple kept moving with each word that rolled out of his mouth. "Who are you?" She asked with a frown sizing the man up, he looked dangerous, the kinds that made you really want to stay as far away as possible. "Now mate...that hit a really sour spot!" He said hand in his chest to show how hurt he was. He had been running amok for years looking for her yet she didn't even remember who he is! "I don't know what you are talking about Sir!" Maria said bowing her head to him. She could feel his wolf's presence and it didn't give her a good feeling. It was a life she had left behind and didn't want to return to it. "You sure wanna play this game? " He asked the smirk on his lips fading, playing dumb! "Fine. You started this mate... I'll help you end it." He assured her. "I vow to you, my moon!" An alpha that has everything yet nothing and a princess banished from her kingdom have been tangled in the webs of fate. The cruelty of their past has set out it's claws that'll shred them apart but what of them? Is Marianne willing to face her demons and own up to her reality or will she keep running away. Is he ready to accept what's in store for him after letting her leave for five years?! Another werewolf based story that I hope will keep your minds rolling once in a while. Please read and support my work. Thank you

Litto_ways · ファンタジー
73 Chs

Chapter 1

The moon, the sun, the sky, the stars, the winds the seas, the night, the days, I imprint on them and find a new me" Marianne Moonclaw.

The winds on a sunny afternoon blew into the room making the curtains sway gently carrying in a soft fragrance of roses. Shallow breathes resonated in the silent room but they were almost lifeless.

There was a knock on the door and a soft creak sounded as a black head peeped into the room. "Mother?" A soft voice of a teenage female sounded as she stepped into the room carefully. She turned to look at her father who had escorted her into the room.

He nodded encouraging her to go in and with her beloved father's assurance, the little lady stepped in hesitantly.

On the huge bed in the center of the room lay a pale white woman with striking resemblance to the little girl. His black hair had turned ashen black as signs of life leaving her body became more evident.

"Marianne, my baby?" The lady on the bed called out with her hoarse voice but she didn't even have the energy to turn and look at her daughter.



Outside the room.

"Father! Is there really nothing we can do?" A green haired male asked his father. Martin Moonclaw the third son of the Alpha and the brother closest to Marianne.

"Your mother's wolf is dead. That's a part of her soul that's gone. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do" the Alpha said solemnly and ruffled his son's hair. "Let Maria get a chance to say goodbye to her mother." He added as he stepped away from the hallway.



"Mother!" Marianne's desperate cry resonated in the room as she felt her heart tear at the sight of her mother.

"Are you crying now?" Mary Moonclaw asked weakly.

"Are you leaving me behind? It's your birthday soon mom and I prepared a big gift for you...why..why don't you stay with me a little longer? I really can't bare to see you leave!!!" Marianne cried bitterly.

Mary sighed heavily and shifted her lifeless eyes to her daughter. "Listen to mom, Marianne. I don't want to leave without telling you something very important so listen to mother carefully!"

Marianne immediately stopped crying and sniffing.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry...mom has wronged you and I want to leave after I've apologised to you." She spoke dragging her tired lungs to say these bitter words that had been sitting on her heart for the past years.

Marianne looked at her mother in confusion. "Why are you apologizing mother?" she tried to speak but her voice came out as a squeak.

"You are not your father's daughter." She dropped the bomb and chocked. Marianne froze.

Mary looked at her daughter's eyes and tears begun to fall from her eyes. Her heart was heavy, her mind at a loss as she felt her life come to an end. She had to say it! "Mom betrayed dad and had you. That is mom's worst mistake for I didn't mean for it to happen, neither did I mean to hide from you or your father. I just wasn't brave enough and feared what would happen to you. I never told this to anyone but you. I..I believe you deserve to know. If...if dad doesn't abandon you, stay with him as his daughter. If..if he learns about it ... cough...which I hope he doesn't...stay with him either way."

Marianne felt her chest constrict painfully and a sob left her sealed lips. Marianne opened her mouth to question her sick mother but the loud sound of a glass crashing onto the ground followed by the clattering of a metallic tray startled both mother and daughter. They simultaneously looked to the direction of the sound, Marianne turned as pale as her mother while her mother lost even the little life she had left seeing the broken and betrayed look of her mate.