
County of Westmarch

#1 Demons & Dragons {MATURE CONTENT R18 - No Rape} "There's nowhere else to run, little firefly," Azrakhel chuckled, his voice a silken rasp against Rinn's ear. The moonlight filtering through the cracks in the abandoned castle tower bathed them in an ethereal glow, highlighting the raw desire simmering in his mismatched red and gold eyes. Rinn, her back pressed against the rough stone wall, scoffed. "In your dreams, demon. I'd rather kiss a gargoyle than be caught dead… well, not entirely dead," she amended with a smirk, "between your sheets." Azrakhel, amusement dancing in his eyes, trailed a finger down her arm, sending shivers down her spine despite the defiant fire in her violet eyes. "Sheets? How quaint, firefly. This dusty floorboards will have to suffice for tonight's entertainment." Rinn bristled. "Entertainment? You think this is some game, demon? You burned down my house, my family—" He cut her off, his touch surprisingly gentle as he cupped her face. "Let the past be ash, firefly. Embrace the now. The heat between us is far more interesting than cold vengeance." Rinn's heart hammered against her ribs, a traitorous counterpoint to the anger that still simmered within her. This infuriating demon, with his infuriating charm and even more infuriating good looks, had somehow breached the walls she'd built around her heart. "Vengeance may be cold," she conceded, her voice a husky whisper, "but so is this stone floor. Besides, demons like their conquests fiery, wouldn't you agree?" A slow, predatory smile spread across Azrakhel's face. "Then by all means, firefly, let the flames begin." Their journey began with hatred, a fiery dance fueled by vengeance and a desperate pact. But amidst the chaos and the battles, a flicker of something unexpected ignited - a love as passionate and dangerous as the enemies they were sworn to be. Would Rinn choose the path of vengeance carved by the Council, or surrender to the all-consuming passion of the demon who both destroyed and desired her?

Rhysmonde · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Defiant Bride II

Panic turned Rinn's blood to ice. The ring of fire, a malevolent crimson serpent encircling the room, promised a fiery end. Yet, a strange phenomenon occurred. The air crackled with heat, but it didn't singe her skin. The smoke, thick and acrid, didn't choke her lungs. It was as if an invisible barrier protected her from the inferno Azrakhel had unleashed.

Ignoring the absurdity of it all, she charged towards the demon, her violet eyes blazing with defiance. Azrakhel, for his part, watched in stunned silence. Here he was, a creature of chaos, about to orchestrate a symphony of screams and hellscape, and yet, this human female, the supposed centerpiece of his destruction, was waltzing through the flames seemingly unscathed.

Denial flickered across his mismatched eyes. Mates were a rare occurrence amongst demons, a once-in-a-millennia bond forged in chaos and destruction. And she, this fiery human with a rebellious spirit that mirrored his own, couldn't possibly be his.

Rinn skidded to a halt before him, the heat licking at the edges of her vision. "Stop this!" she roared, her voice surprisingly steady despite the tremor in her legs. "There's no point in hurting innocent people!"

Azrakhel remained silent, his gaze burning into hers. His blood, a volatile mix of power and something he refused to acknowledge, roared in his ears. This human shouldn't be immune to his flames. This wasn't part of the plan.

Frustration bubbled over in Rinn. This demon, with his devilish good looks and silent brooding, was getting on her nerves. He wasn't even responding to her very reasonable demand to stop setting the place on fire! Deciding words wouldn't work, she did what she did best – she punched him.

A satisfying crack echoed through the smoke-filled hall as her fist connected with his jaw. Azrakhel, a being who had wrestled dragons and basked in the fiery heart of volcanoes, reeled back in shock. No one, not even the most powerful demon lords, had ever dared to lay a hand on him. Yet, this human, this tiny spark of rebellion, had just punched him.

He stared at her, a slow smile spreading across his face, a smile that promised more chaos, more destruction, and maybe, just maybe, a very interesting conversation about defying fate and the searing heat of an unexpected connection.

Azrakhel, a smirk playing on his lips despite the throbbing ache in his jaw, finally broke the silence. "Feisty," he chuckled, his voice a silken rasp. "Humans, always so quick with their fists and even quicker with their tongues."

Rinn bristled. "This isn't some grand performance, demon! This is pure, unadulterated cruelty. You call burning people alive art?"

A flicker of something akin to surprise crossed Azrakhel's demonic features. "Oh, these humans," he drawled, amusement tinged with a hint of something… darker. "They're not as innocent as you believe, little firefly. They've committed acts that would make your blood run cold, things that would even make a seasoned demon such as myself flinch."

"That doesn't give you the right to be their judge, jury, and executioner!" Rinn roared, her voice echoing through the smoke-filled hall. A primal anger flared within her, a burning hotter than any demon fire. The idea that this arrogant, handsome demon thought his twisted sense of justice justified mass murder was infuriating.

Azrakhel's smile faltered for a fleeting moment. A disconcerting realization dawned on him. He was justifying himself to her. To a human. This wasn't something he did, something he ever needed to do. Demons didn't explain themselves, they didn't answer to anyone. Yet, here he was, trying to make some twisted sense of his actions to this infuriating human with violet eyes that burned brighter than the flames he controlled.

The embers of fury within him rekindled, fueled by this unwelcome internal struggle and the audacity of this woman. With a snarl, he unleashed the full force of his power. The ring of fire intensified, licking at the walls, sending screams echoing through the trapped crowd. Rinn, however, remained untouched, a defiant island in a sea of inferno.

"Stop it!" she shrieked, her voice cracking with a mixture of fear and fury. Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. She lunged at him again, pummeling his chest with her fists. "You arrogant, sadistic monster! Don't you dare hurt them!"

The raw emotion in her voice, the desperation in her eyes, sent a strange tremor through Azrakhel. It wasn't fear, it was something more potent, something he couldn't quite grasp. He watched, mesmerized and frustrated in equal measure, as this human female defied him, her spirit a beacon of defiance in the face of his overwhelming power.

Valaric, with his usual sardonic grace, leaned against a nearby oak, the heat from the burning House Elancourt licking at his pale skin. "Well, Riordan," he drawled, his voice a touch too amused for the apocalyptic scene before them. "Not your usual garden bonfire, is it?"

Riordan, ever the picture of serene calmness despite the inferno raging nearby, adjusted his blindfold. "Indeed," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Demon fire, by the looks of it. That explains why you haven't melted into a puddle yet."

Valaric shot him a playful glare. "Oh, please, even a mundane inferno wouldn't dare singe a creature as magnificent as myself." He scanned the burning building, his brow furrowing. "Though, the chances of anyone surviving this fiery spectacle seem… slim to none, wouldn't you say?"

Riordan, ever the pragmatist, sighed. "Most likely. This isn't some rogue imp's prank, Valaric. This is a demon lord at play. Let the flames have their course. There'll be nothing left but ashes."

Valaric, however, shook his head, his obsidian eyes gleaming with an uncharacteristic determination. "Not necessarily. If the demon truly wanted no survivors, it wouldn't be hanging around, fanning the flames. This inferno is… specific. Controlled. It suggests our fiery friend might still be inside."

Riordan's amusement evaporated, replaced by a flicker of concern. "Are you mad, Valaric? That's a demon lord's fire! Turning it off requires more than a bucket of water and a good pair of lungs."

Undeterred, Valaric straightened his immaculate black suit. "Details, details. Besides, what's a little existential risk compared to the potential for a truly heroic act? Imagine the headlines: 'Valaric the Magnificent Saves the Day (Again!)' They practically write themselves."

Riordan raised a hand in a futile attempt to stop the vampire. "Valaric, for once, listen to reason! This is beyond even your considerable abilities."

Valaric, however, was already striding towards the inferno, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Nonsense, Riordan. Where's your sense of adventure? Besides," he threw back over his shoulder, "even if there's no one to save, someone should at least put out this bonfire before it roasts the entire county."

With that, Valaric, ever the unpredictable whirlwind, plunged into the heart of the demon fire, leaving Riordan to sigh dramatically and mutter, "This is why I can never have a quiet drink with you, is it?" He followed Valaric hesitantly, a determined frown marring his usually carefree expression. Whatever chaos Valaric was about to unleash, Riordan would be there, blind but ever watchful, to ensure the vampire's foolhardy heroism didn't end in his permanent demise.

Rinn, fueled by a cocktail of fury and despair, rained blows on Azrakhel's chest. Each punch landed with a dull thud, the sound swallowed by the roar of the flames. He could have swatted her away with a flick of his wrist, but a strange paralysis gripped him. The sight of her tear-streaked face, a beacon of defiance amidst the chaos, sparked something raw and unfamiliar within him. It was a flicker of… empathy? The very notion was abhorrent.

The fight raged on, a bizarre ballet of desperation and reluctant restraint. Just as Rinn landed another blow, a wave of disorientation washed over Azrakhel. It was a sensory overload, a cacophony of sound and light that ripped through his senses. This momentary lapse gave Valaric the opening he needed. With a flick of his wrist, a whirlwind of water materialized, surging towards the inferno. It wasn't enough to extinguish the flames entirely, but it weakened Azrakhel's control, the fire flickering precariously.

Distracted and off-balance, Azrakhel watched in horror as Rinn, her vision blurring from the smoke and exertion, stumbled. Before she could hit the ground, he caught her, the coolness of his touch a stark contrast to the searing heat around them.

Rinn, fueled by a desperate hope that her family had somehow escaped the inferno, continued to lash out. Images of her father's gruff demeanor and Elspeth's condescending smirk flashed through her mind. They were awful people, but they were hers. A choked sob escaped her lips, the corset around her chest tightening with each ragged breath.

The world spun, then faded entirely. The last thing she felt was a strong arm cradling her, and the faint hope that they might somehow escape this fiery nightmare.

Azrakhel cradled the unconscious Rinn in his arms, the dying embers of the fire casting an eerie glow on his face. He had extinguished the flames himself. A feat that went against every fiber of his demonic being.

Why? The question echoed in the hollow space of his mind. Why did he care? Why did the sight of her defiance, her tears, her vulnerability stir something deep within him?

Valaric and Riordan emerged from the dissipating smoke, their eyes wide with disbelief. A demon lord, known for reveling in chaos, had just put out his own fire. And all for a human woman. Their gazes flickered to the girl in his arms, a silent question hanging heavy in the air.

This wasn't just about a fiery spectacle and a rebellious human anymore. It was about a powerful demon, his motivations shrouded in confusion, and a defiant human girl who had unknowingly ignited a spark within the heart of a creature built on destruction.

The night had only just begun.