
Chapter 573: Everyone has a sympathetic heart, except for Bai Hongtu

If surveys had been circulated among Jiang Li's peers during his candidacy for the Human Emperor, their evaluations of Jiang Li and the other two would have probably been like this:

Jiang Li — Crafty, cover your ears when you see him with Bai Hongtu. You shouldn't believe a single word they say.

Bai Hongtu — Crafty, cover your ears when you see him with Jiang Li. You shouldn't believe a single word they say.

Yu Yin — Exceptionally strong. If you see her, you should run immediately.

If surveys were to be circulated among Jiang Li's peers now, their evaluations of him and the other two would likely be like this:

Jiang Li — Worthy of being the Human Emperor, he has transitioned from being openly unscrupulous to covertly so.

Bai Hongtu — We're lucky he wasn't chosen as Human Emperor. It would be best if he stayed obediently in the Dao Sect.

Yu Yin — Exceptionally strong. If you see her, you should run immediately.