
COTE x Reincarnated As A Slime | Slime Overlord Chronicles

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji---A complex and multi-faceted individual, characterized by a reserved and analytical exterior that belies a strong sense of empathy and determination, the Demon of Fourth Generation and The Perfect Human, somehow, died and reincarnated in the world of "That time I reincarnated as a slime" along with Rimuru. As someone who enjoys crossovers and has been re-reading 'That Time I reincarnated as a Slime" recently, I can't help but let my fingers overpower me and write this. Sorry Fahad (my beta-reader)

Reprobate69_1 · その他
9 Chs

Chapter 07 : Killer or Savior?

Author's Note

I tried to rephrase the fight Canon fight scene with a few changes in the end in the Rimuru POV. I'd suggest reading whole without skipping anything. 

(Kiyotaka Ayanokouji) 

It has been a day since I was named. The perks of evolution were more than what I had anticipated. One of the most visible advancement was the boost in magicule density and their amount. Not only that, something changed within me. It was entirely different than the name that seemed to etch itself deep on my soul. 

 It was something else, like a seed of maddening chaos that seemed to plunge my entire being into an abyss of unfathomable chasm of insanity, wherein the mind becomes lost in a labyrinth of impenetrable darkness and bewilderment. 

With an effort, I casted aside those thoughts and gazed forward. Before me stood a village of Ogres, nestled amidst the lush verdure of the surrounding forest. These monsters displayed an intelligence that is evident from the sophisticated architecture of their dwellings, and each of them possessed a remarkable bounty of magicules, far exceeding than that of the other monsters in the Forest of Jura.

Nevertheless, there is one among them that I perceive with caution. 

Although the seal of obedience has been lifted, and I am no longer compelled to slay them, I am keen to test the limits of my evolution. I am uncertain whether I possess the strength to vanquish them all, but I am eager to put my newfound powers to the test.

Venturing forth into the lush greenery of the forest, until at last, I arrived at the periphery of the Ogre village. 

"Let's get started then, shall we?"

Tucking my hand inside my pockets, I took a step forward. 

Looking to my right I saw an Ogre. He had a big muscular build with orange skin and a pair of tusks protruding from the side of his jaws. 

As his lips parted to articulate his words, I flicked my fingers, conjuring a searing blaze that kindled within his very being, voraciously consuming him from within. The wails of agony were silenced before he could even scream as onyx fumes billowed forth from his orifices, and his once mighty frame collapsed to the earth.

"Machiavellian. Run an analysis on Ogre anatomy." 

[Answer: Analysis on Ogre anatomy has commenced]

[Notice: Analysis on Ogre Anatomy has been completed]

From the analysis provided by Machiavellian, the Ogres were basically lumps of muscles. The redeeming factor about them was their high vitality. But there was one thing that was uncanny. 

[Subject "Ogre" seems to have underwent martial arts training. Permission to use Skill "Mental Manipulation" on the subject]

"Do it."  

The accepted consensus amongst neuroscientists is that the brain survives about six minutes after death, after which the oxygen supply to the brain is cut down, and it shuts down permanently. However, human bodies differ from each other, and so does our brain. The same concept applies to these monsters. Their anatomy was mostly similar to humans. 

Since, the oxygen supply to the brain is still smooth, I should be able to extract information from his memories. 

[Memory extraction has been completed]

A surge of memories washed over my brain like an undulating waves of foreign emotions as I experienced everything. The moment this Ogre regained his consciousness to his death. Standing up, I looked down at his corpse, which on the surface seemed perfectly fine but had all its organs burnt from the inside. Hovering my hand above him, I spoke out loud. 

"Machiavellian, suck the magicules." 

[Answer: Magicule suction will now commence]


After sucking Ogre >//<

After draining every last drop of magicule inside the Ogre, I moved on towards the village. 

[Notice: Mastermind has been activated] 

About time I plot something. 

(Rimuru Tempest)

A few days later

It has been a few weeks since the demon boy disappeared. I am currently inside the sealed cave to test my new abilities. After Shizue-san passed away, most of her skills were inherited by me. Her unique skill 'Degenerate' allows me to fuse together and separate skills to produce new skills as needed.

After consuming her, I was able to change to my appearance. I look like an androgynous Shizue, not having any gender, my default size smaller due to the limited mass of my physical body. Furthermore, the black mist I occasionally produced is my magical power making up for the difference in mass and as needed I can alter my form to grow in age or switch between genders. My sense of taste has also returned which is a good thing. 

Right now I was testing the new skills that I inherited from Shizue-san. One of Shizue's stronger creations is , [Black Flame] A skill that produces a highly destructive mass of black plasma thus is yet another skill that I have to be careful with. 

The mask I received from Shizue san works to suppress magic power. I had successfully managed to repair it which helps me to appear as a normal human while wearing it. 

Just as I was about to fire another big mass of black flames, I felt a mental transmission from Ranga. His thoughts were distorted, frantic and a bit... scared. Leaving everything immediately, I made my way towards him. Ranga had been a reliable partner and was strong enough to overpower most monsters. To be able to force Ranga to contact me for help, the enemies might be truly formidable.

Arriving at the scene I saw Ranga engaged in a heated battle. 

The rage in Ranga's snarl was palpable. As if chiding him, two ogres, one with blue hair and one with black, leaped in response.

A moment later, a shock wave formed a crater in the earth, sending piles of dirt and mud into the sky. The blast from Ranga's Voice Cannon held enough power to atomize a group of goblins on the spot. 

But it would only work, of course, if it actually struck the ogres.

The dodge did not unnerve Ranga. He was proud of his abilities, but seeing them avoided was the least of his concerns at the moment. He sprang off the ground, hoping to end any tandem attack from the blue- and black-hairs before they could unleash it.

They were both still in the air, and Ranga took aim at the black ogre, reasoning this was the weaker of the two. Putting one out of the picture would rob them of the teamwork they seemed to be counting on in this battle.

Ranga was halfway toward realizing his goal. What he failed to notice was that he had more than two opponents. The moment he was in the air, a wall of fire suddenly appeared before him. It resembled the spiritual magic conjured by shamans, but it was a different type-a so-called mystic art, part of the family of illusory magic. Mastering such a complex spell indicated exactly how advanced these ogres were not some rabble living primarily off instinct, but those capable of learning and acting on reason, like the human race.

The Flame Wall blocking Ranga's path was not particularly harmful, but it did allow the caster to fully block a single enemy attack. Conjuring such a shield in front of an advancing foe could also serve as a smoke screen, earning the caster precious time to formulate a plan.

And that tactic succeeded. Losing his target, Ranga was forced to land back on the ground. 

Ranga was disheartened to face foes who relied on guile and deception to avoid direct confrontation. The opening spell of Confusion had impaired his keen sense of smell, and most of his comrades had succumbed to its effects, leaving only Rigur, the leader of the security team, and Gobta, his second-in-command, to stand by his side. 

The remaining hobgoblins and their tempest wolf companions, summoned for emergency support during a hunting expedition, were unable to participate in the fray.

Ranga glared at the wall of flames and the pink-haired ogre sorceress who had dispatched his companions. The six enemies before him were formidable opponents, as they were of higher rank among the Forest of Jura residents. 

None of them were to be underestimated, from the black- and blue-haired ogres whom Ranga tried to engage, to the purple-haired ogress whom Rigur was battling, and the gray-haired ogre elder who was holding his ground against Gobta. 

The magic-wielding pink-haired ogre granted her allies a significant magical advantage, and the red-haired ogre next to her calmly observed the unfolding conflict. They coordinated their efforts as a team, displaying intelligence beyond that of a typical race. It was evident that they were at least B rank or higher. 

Despite their courage and strength, Rigur and Gobta's ability to withstand the assault would not last forever.

The terrain was strewn with hobgoblin soldiers and tempest wolves, though it appeared that none of them had been mortally wounded. 

Knocking out such a substantial number of foes without causing significant injury required a potent magical strike. 

In the distance, I observed a one-sided skirmish between a purple-haired ogress and Rigur. 

She wielded an enormous iron mace with ease, her prodigious strength causing Rigur's sword to buckle and his wooden shield to shatter. 

His defeat seemed imminent. Ranga noticed my presence and hurried to my side, expressing his deepest apologies for the dire situation.

I interrupted him, acknowledging that it was not their fault. 

The ogres, one of the most advanced races in the Forest of Jura, were simply too powerful for any hobgoblin to withstand for long. With a gentle command, I directed Rigur and the remaining hobgoblins to lower their weapons. 

To my surprise, the ogress ceased her attacks and gave me a curious glance. Despite her robust physique, she retained a strikingly proportionate figure, unmistakably feminine. Moreover, she carried herself with an unexpected sense of nobility.

I instructed Ranga to escort Rigur, who was battered and bruised, to safety. The ogres, though still cautious, made no attempt to stop them. Rigur could barely muster a few words, his wounds leaving him gasping for breath. 

Against an opponent of the ogress's caliber, his skills, which were barely above B rank on a good day, were of little use.

"S-Sir Rimuru... I-I cannot express my sorrow..."

Rigur's body was riddled with scratches, leaving him barely able to muster a word as he stuttered out an apology to me. He was no match for the powerful ogress, his skills hardly exceeding B rank on a good day. I reassured him and provided him with a potion, confident in his speedy recovery.

I turned my attention to Ranga, inquiring about the fallen hobgoblins and tempest wolves strewn across the area. 

He explained that a potent sleeping spell was cast, rendering them all unconscious without resistance. It was a stroke of luck that it wasn't a confusion-type spell, as the consequences would have been dire. 

The use of magic, however, was a discouraging turn of events.

Taking a moment to assess the situation, I couldn't help but note the peculiarity of the group before me. 

In stark contrast to my expectations, they were not only fully clothed but also dressed rather elegantly, shattering my preconceived notion of the ogre race. 

Towering over me, they were all imposing in size and stature, and their apparel hinted at an intelligence far beyond what I had previously credited them with. 

Indeed, if their refinement was any indication, they could prove to be even more formidable than a party of human adventurers.In the hierarchy of danger, intelligence played a vital role. Even if two races were matched in physical strength, one's wit could be the deciding factor in determining the level of threat it posed. 

And when it came to high-level creatures like these, the stakes were much higher. The ogres before me were already at the B rank, and with better arms and coordination, they could easily hunt down even Ranga. 

What really piqued my interest, though, were their weapons. While it wasn't uncommon for monsters to possess weaponry, the sophistication of their armaments was striking. 

They wielded eastern-style swords, a far cry from the crude clubs I had expected. The elderly ogre's mastery of the Japanese katana he wielded was impressive, suggesting he was a skilled swordsman in his own right. When combined with the immense ogre strength and magic they possessed, the group posed a grave danger. 

That magic was being channeled by the pink-haired ogress, who stood off to the side in an ornate outfit. She exuded both sweetness and unwavering resolve, and her attire hinted at a noble lineage, perhaps even demon royalty. 

But it was the red-haired ogre who posed the most significant threat of all.

"What sort of evil monster is this?!" the pink-haired one shouted as I gauged them all. "Stay on your guard, everyone!"

As I looked over the six ogres before me, I couldn't help but notice their distinct features. Despite their intimidating size and strength, they were a peculiar group, each one dressed in well-made clothing, a stark contrast to what I had expected from the ogre race. The pink-haired one, in particular, seemed to be on edge, her eyes locked onto me with a mix of fear and hostility.

Her accusation took me off guard. "Whoa, wait a sec. You think I'm evil?"

"Oh, attempting to play dumb, is it?" she countered, her voice laced with suspicion. "No good-hearted human would ever have sent a monstrosity like that. You appear to be hiding your magical aura from us, but you are fooling no one! Did you think you could deceive us?"

Her words stung, but I remained calm, trying to reason with them. "You cannot pull the wool over our princess's eyes! Reveal your true self, now!" the black-haired ogre demanded.

Despite my attempts at explaining myself, they were unwavering in their belief that I was a threat. "Enough of this," the red-haired ogre growled. "If you insist on making such flimsy excuses, we have ways of making you reveal the truth. We know you are with the "Literal Incarnation of Evil" who dared attack our allies!"

I was left with no choice but to defend myself, as fleeing would have left the sleeping hobgoblins and tempest wolves vulnerable. "Sir Rimuru," Ranga asked, "what will we do?

It seemed like I had no other choice. We had to fight, but I couldn't help but feel like there was something else going on here as well. 

"Ranga, handle the pink haired one." I ordered and took out my own katana. 

Just as we were about to attack, I heard a familiar voice. 

Looking to my right I saw around 30 more Ogres, walking towards the group. The tallest one of the group with Orange hair came forward and red haired Ogre'e eyes bulged out. 

"H-How..." He whispered. 

"We were saved by our new master." The orange haired ogre said as he pointed towards a point in the darkness. 

"Long time no see, Rimuru." The figure said as his blue eyes glistened and his presence weighed down on the surrounding with an unholy amount of pressure from his magiclues. 

He was back!