
Cote: Unofficial Special Exam

Unofficial Special Exam Dear Student, You have been chosen to participate in an unofficial special exam that will be conducted throughout your 3 years at the school. The experiment aims to test the fairness of our special exams and how easily a student can be targeted for expulsion. As such, the school has chosen the following students as 'Test subjects'. Class A: Shiro, Sora, Light Yagami Class B: Akiyama Shinichi, Karma Akabane Class C: Yuichi Katagiri, Jabami Yumeko Class D: Ayanakoji Kiyotaka, Lelouch Lamperouge The goal is simple, Expel as many students on the list as they try to do the same. Please be advised that leaking this information to students who are not involved in the exam will lead to immediate expulsion. Note: I do not own any of the characters used in this story nor the setting, all rights go to the respective owners of each series. All characters have their age altered to fit in the same year and are otherwise unchanged

slade_lilo · 書籍·文学
3 Chs

Chapter 1-3: Let's play a game

"Well then, the people have spoken," Sora said with a smile as he dropped his hand. Despite the lack of rewards for participating in the special exam, the majority still voted to participate. 

The likelihood of a student accepting the absurd conditions of the exam - maybe that was the selection criteria used to choose them? 

"Then I guess that settles it." Light said as he let out a sigh. He had also chosen to vote for peace so I could empathize with his feelings. As we prepared to wrap up the meeting, Sora suddenly spoke up again,

"Well, it might be over, but I believe everyone should be given an equal chance," he said as he ravaged through his bag looking for something. Even sitting across from him, I could see that his bag was mostly filled with things you wouldn't really need for going to school. He then dropped a deck of cards on the table and continued,

"So how about we play a game? If anyone wins against us, then we'll join whichever side they choose." He then took out the cards from the box, and upon closer inspection, it didn't look like any regular cards I had seen before. Instead of the usual appearance, they were all completely blank.

"Does it matter which side you end up choosing? The rest of us will still try to expel you." Karma bluntly stated, but Sora didn't back down.

"Of course it does. If the majority doesn't want to participate, then we can protect each other when the time comes and you'll always be outnumbered."

Although we didn't know what exactly the special exams would be like, it was reasonable to assume that an individual could interfere with students in other classes to either help or impede their efforts. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense that most of the people we need to expel are in different classes.

"I see. Then let's play your little game." Karma confidently smiled as he suggested. It seemed like he was confident of his card abilities too.

"Let's up the stakes a bit then. 10,000 points each, winner takes all." Lelouch spoke up and everyone looked at him curiously. The game we would be playing hadn't even been announced and yet he was already prepared to risk his points. If points became more valuable in the near future, it might not be a good idea for us to spend that much on a game. I looked at the rest of the students to see if they shared the same view.

"That sounds reasonable." Light answered in a calm tone.

"10,000 is kinda small though," Karma said with a shrug. After his response, everyone turned to look at me almost simultaneously. If I was the only one against the crowd right now, it might not look good.

"I don't mind it too," I answered and everyone turned their attention back to Sora as if my reply was already obvious.

"Good. Then we'll play an original game I just came up with. But I should warn you. Blank never loses!" The two siblings struck a pose at his words with each of them holding a card. I was curious about the duo's odd behavior, but it seemed the others didn't share that sentiment.

"An original game?" Lelouch asked, eyeing him suspiciously. It was a reasonable reaction; after all, Sora had just claimed to have created the game just moments ago. I was a bit glad that it wouldn't be a common game, as I might be the only one unfamiliar with it.

"That's right. It's a very simple game based on luck, so anyone can win." Sora replied as he started to distribute the blank cards, giving each person on the table 2 cards. I examined the cards I received and except for the blue patterns on the back, the faces of the cards were completely blank.

"I will explain the rules." Sora grabbed two additional cards from the deck and took out a pen. He then scribbled something on the two cards and showed it to us. One of the cards had the letter 'R' on it, while the other had 'P'. He then gave one of them to Shiro as he started to explain, 

"A simple game of rock-paper-scissors. You just have to write down either R, P, or S on your cards and afterward, we'll challenge each other. In each round, the winner takes the loser's card, and the loser gets to choose who to face next." 

"And what if it's a draw?" Lelouch asked the question that weighed on everyone's mind.

"The two players will choose, either they both lose or they both win. In the case of both losing, you will both lose your cards. If you both choose to win, then you will exchange a single card of your choice in private. Of course, if one of you votes that you both lose then that vote will have higher precedence."

At first, it sounded like a game of luck, but the longer you play, the faster that factor continues to change. It goes from a luck-based game to a battle of memory. 

"I guess that makes sense, but how will we choose who goes first? " Light asked as he grabbed a pen from his pocket and started to scribble something on the cards. 

Did he already decide on a strategy to use? The others also raised a brow at his sudden action but didn't say anything.

"Whoever wants to play first can go whenever they want. They will get to choose who to challenge and everyone else can't disagree. Ah, by the way, whoever gets challenged has to put down their card first, " Sora replied with a knowing smile. 

It was obvious he was trying to bait someone into becoming the first player by stating the disadvantages of not becoming one. In a game such as this, the fewer rounds you play, the more powerful you become as the game progresses. Simply put, even if you win multiple cards in a row, it wouldn't be too advantageous because everyone would already know which cards you have at all times. On the plus side, you will also have many lives to sit on, which might be enough to win.

"Then I will go first," Karma said as he brought a pen to his cards and started to write down his choices. At his signal, everyone else around the table started to do the same, myself included. 


In this game, you could either choose one of each card, which trims down your combinations to only 3 options; Rock-Paper, Rock-Scissors, and Paper-Scissors or you could choose the same one twice, which will also be 3 options, Rock-Rock, Paper-Paper, and Scissor-Scissor. In total, the 6 of us had only 6 options to choose from, so there was a 1-in-6 chance of choosing any one of them. In an ideal world, each of us would pick one of the six combinations. 

I wrote down my selection on my cards and looked at the others who had also just finished writing their own. Karma then pointed a finger toward me as he spoke,

"Ayanakoji was it? I choose to challenge you." 

I nodded and placed one of my cards down. This was the worst-case scenario since I was being forced to show my hand earlier during the game. Karma followed and placed his card down with a confident smile. Sora decided to mediate between us as he spoke up,

"Ok. Then I will reveal the result."

Karma: Scissors

Ayanakoji: Scissors 

"Both lose," Karma said before I could even speak up and Sora swiftly took both of our cards and tore them down to pieces. Despite both of us losing, Karma looked like he had just won and had the same expression on his face. He then raised his hand again and spoke,

"I will go another round. I choose you this time." He pointed at Light, who calmly placed a card down without hesitating. Karma followed suit and placed a card down, and in the next moment, Sora revealed the results again. 

Karma: Paper 

Light: Rock 

"It looks like I might be in trouble," Karma said as he pulled both cards toward him. Now that both of his cards were revealed, his situation wasn't good. Any attempt to throw paper against him will result in an instant loss for Karma because he didn't have any card to counter it. 

Either he throws Rock and loses against paper or he throws paper and forces a draw which might still result in a loss depending on the other side's choice. Well, I wasn't one to be judging other people's hands since I only had one card left. My chances of winning were already slim. 

Should I even try to win? I thought to myself as I took out my cell phone. This whole little game was just a way to feel each other out without resorting to excessive means like what Karma had done earlier against Lelouch. The more hands you show, the higher the chances of becoming everyone's target, but at the same time, presenting yourself as the weakest one will also make you the first target. 

I guess it won't hurt to try.