
COTE: Transmigrated as Horikita Suzune


PrincessThrone · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

Ryuen taking Control

Today is technically the first day of the classes. And I have already bought myself everything I would need for a year or more years with Manabu's points, aside from food.

My current private points: 150K.

I entered the class and went to my new seat, the farthest from the Protagonist's seat in the last row.

"Oi Suzune."

I sighed. Just leave me alone!

"What is it?"

"Found something about the school from your Onii-chan? Kukuku!"

So he was stalking me.

"Yes. Apparently, stalking is a crime."

"So? I can go wherever I want."

"Sigh. Why don't you just tell me, Ryuen? What is it that you want from me?"

For the first time, Ryuen's face turned serious.

"The school is suspicious. Free items, free food, some senpais eating garbage while some eating deluxe food. Nobody answers any questions as if they are scared to tell us anything. So I did the same thing you did yesterday. Offered 'em points. They still didn't answer anything though."

"That means school has threatened them from opening their mouths."


"Then what do you plan to do?"

"Buying information from Sakagami. He is a teacher, so I can try."

Buying information... I think it costed 200-250 class points in fanfics.

"But what if the information is spread to other classes? Won't it only cost us?"

"Kukuku! I know how to keep people's mouth shut. But why are you concerned about the information leaking to other classes?"

"It's just an instinct, but I think there will be class competitions. You said that some upperclassmen were eating garbage while others were deluxe food, right? It can only mean that some class gets more points, while other is almost broke."

"Kukuku! So you are a beauty with brain, eh?"

"And you only have a brain, but lacking in the looks, eh?"

"Kuku! And a feisty one at that! Let's go on a date today. We will have some 'fun'."

"No thanks. I like girls."

"Really? Then it's better. Let me in for a threesome-"

And I kicked Ryuen's leg. But he just laughed.

"Would you go away from here, or should I file a complaint against you?"

"Kuku! Relax Suzune! Although your frown is sexy as-"

And I brought out my compass-chan.


"Kuku! I'm going. Just don't regret rejecting me. Kukuku!"

And finally he went away, and I sighed in relief.

Sakagami-sensei came, and started teaching. Some paid attention, some yawned, and 1-2 sneaking glances at their phones.

A girl with brown hair was sneaking glances at me, with a weird expression.

'Hey, you like girls?'

She whispered to me. So she listened everything.

'Not really. I plan to settle in a declining village and enjoy single life. I was just trying to drive away that jerk.'

With several cute maids, of course. In a mansion with pool, farms and cattle for my food and milk, like an agro Queen.

The classes came and went, and the last class was homeroom. Sakagami came again. And this time, Ryuen stood up.

"Kuku, Sakagami, sell me all the information about the points system."

Sakagami smirked. Honestly, he looks like a creep, and has a bad personality as well.

"Sure. But that will cost you 1M points. That means, 25,000 points per person."

I also stood up.

"Not anything else, right? It will not cut our points next month, will it?"

Tbh, I don't need to give away 25K points for useless information. But if we get 700-750 cp instead of 490 because of this, I will not make a fuss to give everyone a chance to not comply with giving points.

"No. Only 1M private points, nothing else."

Hmm? This is even better. Getting 800 points will not be impossible.

"Oi, everyone fork out 25,000 points."

"Huh!? Why should we?"


"Kuku, I am asking last time. I don't have much patience. I am your leader from today!"

"Huh!? What the hell are you going on about!? I am not giving you any money!"

Yamauchi yelled and grabbed Ryuen's collar. Aggressively.

In return, he got his head smashed on his table.

"Kukuku, Sakagami, that was legitimate self-defence, right?"

"Of course."

I guess Sakagami and Ryuen are really similar.

The bell rang, and Sakagami left immediately.

Ryuen went in the front, wrote his number on the board and banged the teacher's table.

"If you want points next month, hand it over. I don't have much patience!"

Some were terrified, and immediately sent their points. I also sent the points, because it is pointless to drag things out.

"Kukuku! It looks like some people do have brains. What is everyone else waiting for!?"

"I am not giving you any of my points!"

Ishizaki shouted, and Ryuen went to his seat. He leaned close to his face, and Kuku'ed.

"Fork out the points."

Ishizaki lost temper and punched Ryuen. And in return, beaten black and blue. Self-defence.

Some more people tried going against him, but nobody was spared.

And during all this conflict, people who were scared gave out the points, and people who opposed were beaten up in self-defence.

Though Albert just shoved Ryuen while going out of the class, and Ryuen was flown away.

"Kukuku! Hey big guy, fight me!"

"No thanks."

Albert left, and the rest of the class was Ryuen's hostage. Some had expected Albert to handle Ryuen, but sadly he dislikes conflict. So whoever else had any will to resist had their hopes crushed, and everyone sent Ryuen the points.

"975,000 points. So Albert is the only one left huh. Whatever, listen everyone! I am your leader from today. You obey me or challenge me to a fight like these loosers. I don't want anything to leak outside of the class. You all must be on your best behavior.

And Suzune, you are my lackey-"

"I am not."

"Oh? You are going to resist my rule?"

"You can rule as you want, as long we get more and more points. But I will not become your lackey."

"Kuku! Oh? How about Vice-Class leader?"

"No thanks. If that's all, I will be going."

I stood up and started leaving the class, but Ryuen blocked my way with his Kuku smile.

"Ryuen, I don't have time for your nonsense. So, out of my way before I complain to the school."

"Oh? Do it. It's not like I started anything. It was all just self-defence. And I can stand where I want in the class."


"What is it that you want?"

"Become my lackey."

"And why exactly?"

"Kuku! You want more points, don't you? So isn't it better to co-operate with me instead of opposing?"

Haaah... Assiciating with Ryuen will mean that my reputation will hit rock bottom. But he is cunning and cooperating with his plans will get me extra points.

I took out my phone and started typing something.

"Kukuku! Who are you calling? Your Onii-chan?"

I ignored him and sent him the message. His notification rang, and he took out his phone, read it, and then smiled.

"I sent you 10K. I would like you to not bother me with this."

Of course I didn't send him any point.

"Kukuku! You are free to go. Just don't try to oppose my rule."

"Whatever. I am leaving."


Sigh. What a tiring day.