
COTE: Hikigaya's Rejection of the Strength-First Philosophy

Hikigaya entered the school designed for those who prioritized strength above all else. Under his sister's insistence, he had set a goal to make ten friends before graduation. Faced with this somewhat challenging task, Hikigaya had opted for a minimalist strategy. "Virtual friends count too. Komachi should understand my approach." Yet, three years had passed since then. As he surveyed the room, Hikigaya found himself surrounded by an array of male and female individuals watching him with a mix of curiosity and desire. Among them were Horikita Suzune, Sakayanagi Arisu, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Kushida Kikyo, Karuizawa Kei, Ryuuen Kareku, and Koenji... Hikigaya couldn't help but sink into a profound sense of self-doubt. "Komachi, are these people my friends?" Note: This is a translation. Original Link: https://trxs.cc/tongren/9314.html

Infinite_GlitchZ · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Suzune Horikita is a Yuri

Horikita Suzune's resolute statement that she would never join the student council neither surprised nor disappointed Hachiman Hikigaya.

In truth, he couldn't afford for Suzune to discover that he had, in fact, already joined the student council. The repercussions would be too catastrophic.

So, he kept his mouth shut.

Faced with his silence, Suzune quickly grew bored. She redirected her attention back to the book in her hands, abandoning any further attempts at conversation.

The next class began.

Class 1-D was as chaotic as ever. The students had no respect for the concept of a classroom, freely breaking every rule under the teacher's nose. Some were chatting, others playing on their phones, and a few even engaging in self-study. A couple of students were so brazen that they came late—or didn't show up at all.


"That was so dumb but hilarious!"

Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki were laughing obnoxiously loud in the middle of the lesson. Their rowdy behavior even drew annoyed glances from their classmates.

But since the teacher at the front of the room never said anything about it, none of the other students dared to speak up either. As time passed, more and more students joined in the fooling around, turning the classroom into a complete circus.

The atmosphere was now utterly rotten.

Hachiman observed everything coldly from his seat. He had no intention of being the hero to stop the madness.

After all, even if he revealed his true thoughts, or laid bare the harsh reality of the school's meritocratic system, who would actually believe him? Most likely, they would accuse him of meddling in affairs that weren't his concern.

Logic dictated that he keep quiet, playing the role of the silent observer.

In fact, Hachiman was starting to understand their homeroom teacher, Chabashira Sae, a little better. She was probably so disappointed in Class D that she chose to remain silent, waiting for the perfect moment to spring a nasty surprise on them all.

Hachiman couldn't wait to see the reactions of his classmates when they finally learned the truth.

"Hey, let's go to karaoke after school!"

"I'm in! Count me in!"

It was noon, and the students were leaving the classroom in groups to head for lunch.

Suzune Horikita, who had been sitting behind Hachiman like a watchful warden, also left to eat lunch.

Seeing the perfect opportunity where no one was paying attention to him, Hachiman carefully stood up from his seat. His plan was to sneak away to handle his duties for the student council.

He had received a message earlier informing him of the student council's daily work hours. He needed to make his move without anyone from Class D noticing.

"Hikigaya-kun, want to go grab lunch together?"

A sudden voice startled him. For a moment, Hachiman thought that his secret was exposed, but he quickly realized that it was just his paranoia getting the better of him.

The speaker was none other than Kikyo Kushida.

She still hadn't given up on her goal of getting him to help her become friends with Horikita Suzune. Right now, she was clearly more determined than ever.

Damn it, don't just casually talk to me in front of the whole class!

Ike, Yamauchi, and practically every other guy in class were glaring daggers at me!

Internally cursing his misfortune, Hachiman made a decision to find a permanent solution to this Kushida problem.

After a brief hesitation, he replied, "Kushida, I really can't help you get close to Horikita. You should give up on it."

"But I really want to succeed," she said, her voice filled with desperation.

Her sorrowful expression would evoke a protective instinct in any man. At that moment, Hachiman could feel the murderous stares around him intensify—sharp enough to cut him into a thousand pieces.

Damn, is this the terrifying power of a woman?

Mom was right. You should never mess with women!

Hachiman sighed deeply. He knew that he had to resolve this situation before he became the enemy of every guy in Class D.

"Why are you so determined to get close to Horikita?" he asked, hoping to get to the bottom of her motives and unravel the mystery behind this peculiar girl.

"Because I don't want Horikita to remain isolated. It's not healthy for her to be alone all the time, don't you think? How can someone live without any friends?"

Wait, wait, wait—are you implying I'm not her friend?

Well… I guess I'm not.

Hachiman sighed again, then cautiously responded, "Maybe some people don't want friends. You can't force someone into a friendship, you know."

"Is that really such a bad thing?"

Kushida's eyes filled with sorrow, as if she couldn't comprehend his words.

Hachiman clicked his tongue in frustration. Her performance was too good—he almost believed her himself.

"Why are you trying so hard? You're already friends with most of the class. Do you really need Horikita too?"

"Because I want everyone to get along," Kushida replied earnestly. "It's not just about Class D. I want to be on good terms with students from other classes too. But if I can't even befriend a girl in my own class, how can I achieve that?"


Hearing her words, Hachiman's heart was filled with an indescribable unease.

This girl is far more problematic than I ever imagined.

Up until now, he had considered Kushida to be a "ghost-level" manipulator, but he was beginning to realize that she might be a "dragon-level" threat.

Kushida Kikyo was far too twisted—a problem that couldn't be solved by any normal means.

This was someone he absolutely had to avoid entangling himself with.

The thought echoed strongly in Hachiman's mind.

"Kushida, you want to get along with Horikita Suzune, don't you?" Hikigaya pondered for a moment before deciding to take a gamble, attempting to decisively cut through the increasingly chaotic situation.

"That's right."

"Well, let me tell you—it's impossible."


Kushida Kikyou's face was filled with stubborn determination. She was clearly set on obtaining a perfect reason. Without one, there was no way she would give up.

Of course, Hikigaya didn't actually know the real reason why Horikita Suzune refused to make friends, but he could come up with one on the spot.

Facing Kushida Kikyou, Hikigaya's expression grew complicated as he spoke, "Alright then, it seems I have no choice but to tell you the whole truth—the real reason Horikita Suzune doesn't make friends."

"W-What is it?"

Kushida nervously swallowed, her gaze fixed on Hikigaya.

"Because Horikita Suzune... she's into girls. She prefers beautiful girls her age over boys!"

After dropping that bombshell, Hikigaya immediately crossed himself in his mind.

Dear God, please forgive this innocent lie!
