
COTE : A Man On A Mission

" You are being admitted to Class-D, the worst Class of your year. " " If you successfully reach Class-A, you will get freedom for your lifetime " " Don't disappoint me.. Masterpiece. " What if Kiyotaka, instead of using ANHS as a means to experience freedom for a temporary period, goes to ANHS as a stepping stone to get the freedom he always wanted on a permanent basis? What changes will this one choice bring in the story?

AnkitFTW · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 1 : A Man On A Mission

" One more round. Keep going. Don't stop even for a second. It doesn't matter if you are tired... it doesn't matter if you want to die, push through it... that's how you, the masterpiece can polish yourself even more. "

Inside the white walls of his world, a brown haired boy of age 15 as of that moment, was dodging punches thrown at him, of extreme intensity coming from a 7 time Boxing World Champion. They had already sparred one another for more than 16 rounds, each round of 5 minutes each, far more than a regular boxing match.

Both of them were panting as their movement definitely got a bit sluggish, unlike the early rounds.

The 32 year old champion in front of the boy had scars and injuries all over his face and body, which he covered with tattoos. The professional boxer grinned at him like a predator as he closed the distance between the both of them and threw his left hand near the brown haired boy's midsection, causing him to receive that punch straight to his gut, but instead of being fazed, the teen without any change in his expression threw an incredibly fast jab straight on the World Champion's nose, creating a loud crack noise, reverberating throughout the whole room.

Blood started dripping through the man's nose on the white floor, as he smirked in satisfaction. 

" Good job Masterpiece. Guess it's my defeat this time. You truly have improved a lot. "

He raised his hand towards the teen, who grabbed it without any hesitation, causing the older man's smirk to get wider.

Immediately he pulled his hand with an incredible force, but didn't get his desired result as the brown haired teen stood still on his place like a rock , without moving an inch. Immediately the boy's empty eyes radiated a large amount of blood lust as he immediately kneed the boxer on his midsection with an incredible force, causing him to drop to his knees. He started coughing out blood but got kicked on his head with an incredible force, causing him to fall unconscious.

But unfortunately for him, the boy was not planning to stop. As he readied his arm for another punch-

" It's enough Kiyotaka. Stop right now. "

The brown haired teen, who now goes by the name of Kiyotaka immediately retreated his arms back to himself and faced the man, calling out to him.

Similar to his own empty eyes, the man looked at him with apathy, while wearing a small frown on his face. The only difference between them was that Kiyotaka's eyes were empty and filled with nothingness whereas the older male's eyes were sharp and radiating cold anger.

The older male immediately pointed towards the now unconscious boxer and raised his voice.

" Immediately take him to the nurse for a check up, while I have a talk with my 'son'. "

" Y-yes Professor.A-ayanokouji. "

" H-hurry u-up. I don't wanna-die yet. "

The unconscious body was picked up by two young males, most likely the age of 23-25, wearing white coats and masks on their face.

Professor Ayanokouji directed his glare towards Kiyotaka, who remained unfazed and looked at the older man with an empty gaze in his eyes, as if he didn't just massacre a 7 time World Champion a couple minutes ago.

" Your last attack was very unnecessary. He could've died. "

" After our Sparring Session ended, he initiated the fight by pulling my arm like that. The White Room taught me that I should always be careful whenever someone sneak attacks me. That's what I did. It's called self defence, so I don't see the problem.

Also you are saying as if I hadn't killed 12 instructors before. "

The boy's voice was monotonous and robotic as he described himself killing 12 people without feeling any remorse.

Professor.Ayanokouji's glare hardened as he immediately turned his back towards the brown haired boy.

" Go to your room and take a shower immediately. After that, enter my room. Let's have a father-son chat. "

Kiyotaka's face showed no change in expression, though he felt disgusted when he heard the word 'father' come out of that man's mouth.

Nodding quickly, he walked away with quick footsteps from that man, trying to somehow hide that disgust beneath the deepest parts of his empty heart.


" Why so far away? Come near me for a bit. I have something important to show you. "

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, still wearing his white uniform, slowly took small steps with caution towards his 'father' who was sitting on his office chair at the moment.

Kiyotaka's eyes met some document papers, which that man took out from his drawers.

He sent a bored gaze towards his son, who was staring at those documents with mild curiosity in his eyes.

" Don't be shy and take a look at the documents. I took it out for you personally. It's important for your future. "

Kiyotaka grabbed the papers and started shuffling through them as his father started filling him with information.

" White Room is getting shut down because someone leaked the news of our presence, resulting in the Government starting an investigation against us.

The other students from the 5th Generation are going to be transferred to one of my mansions, for the meantime.

But since you are the masterpiece of the White Room, I can't let you have an easy life or you will start gaining rust on your skills. So, here's your task in the meantime the WhiteRoom is being shut down ....

You are to be admitted into Advance Nurturing High School, which is directed by one of my close colleagues.

You are being admitted to Class-D, the worst Class of your year.

You would get 3 years on your tenure to get to Class-A.

You are not allowed to change your classes.

If you successfully reach Class-A, you will get freedom for your lifetime, you won't be pressured by me to do anything against your will...

But if you fail on your mission, after graduating from ANHS, just like these past couple years, I would gain complete control over every single action of you.

Am I clear? "

Kiyotaka, who was looking through the pages of the documents of the school, looked back up towards his father with suspicion in his eyes.

" Why are you doing this? There's no way you are letting me gain freedom after all these years. What do you really want? "

Mr.Ayanokouji sent him a small smirk, snatching the papers away from him.

" Don't get cocky now... who says that you are reaching Class-A? I will make sure you don't reach Class-A by sending a lot of hurdles in your path. And staying in Class-D is already enough of a liability for you. "

" What's the deal with this whole Class-D and rising to Class-A? Is there some kind of class competition or something? "

The old man shrugged his shoulders before getting up from his chair.

" Who knows... "

He slowly raised his hand and put it on Kiyotaka's head, slightly ruffling his hair. One may think it was a loving moment between a father and a son, but it was far from it. He increased his pressure over his son's head and forced him to look down.

" You've worked hard all these years Kiyotaka... Don't you dare disappoint me now. My expectations are incredibly high for you. "

The boy didn't bother pushing away his 'father's' hand and just nodded at him quietly.

Satisfied by his son's reaction, Professor Ayanokouji retreated his hands and slowly made his way out of the room, but he was immediately stopped as Kiyotaka grabbed his hand.

The glare he sent to the brown haired teen was colder than ice which would cause anyone else to freeze in fear. But unfortunately for Mr.Ayanokouji, Kiyotaka was not just 'anyone'. He was the 'Demon of the Fourth Generation'. Not being fazed at all at his father's glare, Kiyotaka looked straight into his ice cold eyes.

"When do I have to leave? "


The brown haired boy slightly raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"No entrance exam or interviews?"

Mr.Ayanokouji gave him a deadpan expression before opening the door.

"You don't need it."

Without bidding his 'son' farewell, the old man walked away and went towards his favourite location of the facility. The rooftop.

He leaned on the railings while taking out a small packet of cigarettes.

He lit one up before putting it in his mouth as he sighed to himself.

'Show me what you can do, Kiyotaka. I'm looking forward to the results you give me.'