
Cosmos System: Transmigration to the other world

[Looking for a romantic and heart warming story, or are you looking for an Mc who breaks his limits, Then check this story out. Journey with Feng Zhen as he becomes the COSMOS Supreme Ruler in another world] Being a Librarian in the modern world, The life of Feng Zhen were full with ups and downs, that was until he died. After reincarnating in another world with a System, Feng Zhen swore not to be trampled upon in his new life. Journey with Feng Zhen as he grows to reach the peak of martial art, watching over worlds, galaxies along with his system and becoming the Supreme Ruler of the COSMOS. [ Note that this novel is rated (18)] [Never judge a book by its cover] [Don't judge the book by its cover, try reading it to chapter 15, before you make your conclusion that the story is bad] Note: I have received complain about the mc being too lustful. Note that the mc is still young and impulsive.

Advance_Writer7 · ファンタジー
138 Chs

Shen guan mei's Identity

Inside the Imperial City Academic's Arena...

1500+ People were gathered on the Stage of the Arena to participate the entrance examination including Feng Zhen and his group. While many people gathered around the Arena to watch the entrance examination.

"My name is Qin Xiao, I would be coordinating the entrance examination and grading your performance. So without further adieu, let the examination begin"

"Firstly, we should honor his Majesty for coming to this year entrance examination. Your Majesty" said Qin Xiao as he look at a certain direction, then he gave a bow.

When everyone follow Qin Xiao's eyes to a certain direction, they saw his Majesty. Immediately, they went into an uproar.

"We have another honored guest with us, Old Man Li" said Qin Xiao as he looked at a certain direction, then he gave a bow.

"Also we acknowledge the presence of the Top Clans" said Qin Xiao as he gave another bow.

The Audiences were startled by the presences of their powerhouses. While the Participants felt their blood were boiling.

"Importantly, You should know that only 100 Participants or less would be able to enter the academy."

"Alright. I would start announcing the rules." said Qin Xiao

"Rule 1, Killing your opponent is not allowed in the Arena. But if any of the participants who would be battling encounters any unfortunate problem that might lead to death or heavy injuries, the other participant won't be held responsible"

"Rule 2, Participants would be allowed to Surrender before or during the fight"

"Rule 3, Weapons are allowed, but secret weapons aren't allowed"

"Now, If you know you can't continue the examination, Signify" said Qin Xiao as he observed the participants. When he saw none of the participants withdrawed, he nodded at their resolute.

"Alright. Let's the....." said Qin Xiao but before he could finish his speech, he was interrupted by a loud shout.


"Huh, How dare you interrupt the examination" said Qin Xiao with an angry expression.

"Apologies for the Interruption, My name is Shen Yimin and I would like to remove my countries princess from this competition" said Shen Yimin.

Then Qin Xiao turned and looked at his Majesty, in response to how he should approach this situation. Then his Majesty gave him a nod.

"Which country are you from" asked Qin Xiao.

"The Tarrin Country" replied Shen Yimin.

"Oh! So its our neighboring country" said Qin Xiao.

"Yes, But my country is not as powerful as the your country" said Shen Yimin.

"Hahaha... That doesn't matter, So you said you wanted to remove your countries princess" said Qin Xiao.

"Yes" said Shen Yimin.

"and who might that be" asked Qin Xiao.

Then Shen Yimin pointed at Shen guan mei. When Shen guan mei saw that Shen Yimin came for her, she shivered.

Suddenly, Uncle Liao appeared on the stage.

"Brother Yimin, I already told my brother that Mei'er won't marrry Wang Quze" said Uncle Liao while he hide Shen guan mei behind his back.

"Hahaha... But it was your brother that told me to bring her back no matter what" said Shen Yimin.

"I won't allow you" said Uncle Liao.

"Brother Liao, It seems you have forgotten, whose the senior. I think I should remind you" said Shen Yimin. Then he wave his hands, Instantly a wind spear was formed, then he sent the spear to attack Uncle Liao.

Sensing the destructive power of the Spear, Uncle Liao knew he couldn't meet it head on. Yet he created a barrier the covered Shen guan mei. Then he crossed his arms over his chest in defensive pose.

"Uncle Liao!!!" cried Shen guan mei.

When the spear stoke Uncle Liao, Shock waves were sent out.

After successfully blocking a strike from Shen Yimin, Uncle Liao Coughed a mouthful of blood.

Immediately, Shen guan mei ran and held Uncle Liao.

"Mei'er, I can't protect you. But I know who can, only if you are willing to call on him" said Uncle Liao as he coughed another mouthful of blood.

"Uncle Liao, Don't say anything. Let's just go back with him" said Shen guan mei with a gloomy expression as her eyes grew misty.

"Mei'er, we can't go back. Even if we are to follow him back, there's no guarantee he would keep us alive during the journey" said Uncle Liao.

"Then what should we do" said Shen guan mei while sobbing.

"You need him to protect us" said Uncle Liao.

"Who, I can't ask for help from his Majesty. So who could possibly help us" said Shen guan mei.

"Mei'er, who is your husband" said Uncle Liao in a teasing tone.

When Shen guan mei heard Uncle Liao, She blushed.

"But Uncle Liao, he-he-he" said Shen guan mei but before she could complete her words, Uncle Liao cutted her off.

"Meier, Believe in him" said Uncle Liao.

Shen Yimin impatiently said "Heh, I hate to disturb your Emotional moment. But you need to follow me back to the country, whether you like it or not".

Then Shen guan mei closed her misty eyes amd shouted with her sobbing voice "Zhen'er"

"Huh!" exclaimed Shen Yimin.


Actually, while all this were happened, Feng Zhen was currently unaware. With his eyes closed, he was actually thinking of how he could have eaten Shen guan mei, if it wasn't for Zhao Xuan.

Suddenly, he felt an intensive pain from his heart when heard a familiar voice calling to him, but what made his heart ache was the sobbing.

When he opened his eyes, he was startled.

'What happened' thought Feng Zhen.

He saw Uncle Liao with pale face and some mouthful of blood was on the ground. He also saw Shen guan mei sobbing intensively.

Without any rationality, he disappeared and appeared in front of Shen guan mei.

"Mei'er, what happened" asked Feng Zhen in confusion.

Then Shen guan mei told him all that happened, without hiding anything.

When he heard Shen guan mei told him, she was a princess. He was startled, but went he heard she was being forced to marry who she doesn't love, he became angry.

But what made him angry the most was that after she ran out of the country hoping that if she entered the Tianjin Imperial academy, no one could force her back to the County to marry the person she doesn't love, Since the academy was managed by the Emperor himself, yet they still came to force her back.

"Heh, Kid. I advice you stay out of this or I wouldn't be polite" said Shen Yimin as he frowned. He already saw Feng Zhen was among the Participants, so he wasn't happy. his thoughts were 'If he should attack this kid, the Emperor might not let him off'

When Feng Zhen heard what Shen Yimin said, he walked towards Shen Yimin while laughing angrily.

Feng Zhen said angrily "Your name is Shen Yimin right"

"Yes" replied Shen Yimin.

"You know, You actually made too many mistake today, that could cost your life" said Feng Zhen.

"What do you mean" said Shen Yimin with a frowning expression.

"You know, I was amost there, almost there, just a little more time I would be in, then she interrupt me" said Feng Zhen as he felt he couldn't contain his rage.

'What's he talking about' thought Shen Yimin.

"You dare make my wife to cry. I don't care who you are or what your post may be in your country, Even if your the Emperor himself, Since you dare make my wife cry, You have to die" shouted Feng Zhen. As a thick bloodthirsty aura exploded from him.

When the participants felt the thick bloodthirsty aura, they all ran out of the Stage in panic.

Immediately, Feng Zhen took out the {Evil God Golden Spear}. Then he used the {World Creation Body Origin Technique} and {Grandmist Force Technique}, A tremendous aura explode out of his body, Scattering the ground and pushing anything at 30m close. Using the {Glowing Flashing art} a radiant appeared from his body and in less than a blink of an eye, he was gone from his spot.

When Shen Yimin saw the tremendous aura, he felt pressured. At that moment, he felt a sense danger above him. Immediately, he jumped backwards. Suddenly, Feng Zhen appeared at his previous spot.

"You want to run" said Feng Zhen. Then stretch out his left arm facing Shen Yimin who was trying to steadily land himself.

"Almighty Pull"