
Cosmos Domination

[Ding] [ All requirements have met ] [ Starting Earth's Mutation ] [1%] [2%] . . For a moment whole world fell silent, some people rubbed there eyes, some people waved there hands to touch what has appeared in front of there eyes. Everyone was dumbfounded. "Am I seeing '' " Did I drink too much?'' ''What the hell, Hey! Can you see this" "Huh, are you also seeing this? What the fuck is this?" "How would I know man'' In a few minutes, whole world was in a uproar, everyone was chatting about this on social media platforms. Now almost everyone knew that everyone on earth can see this in front of there eyes. [49%] [50%] Boom! Book! Shaka laka! As soon as the progress bas reached 50%, whole world started shaking furiously. Everyone started to panic. Many buildings demolished. In just a few minutes, more than a million lives were lost due to the demolished buildings all over the world. Most of the deaths occurred where population was dense. [74%] [75%] As if this was not enough, as soon as the progress reached 75%, people started have difficulty in breathing. People started suffocating. And this state remained for a few minutes. . . [98%] [99%] [100%] ------------------------------------------------------------ Hello guys, Its me author although I can't be called a writter yet since this is going to be my first work and I will try my best to make it worth your time so that people don't curse me later. And as a reminder, I want to tell you that english is not my mother tongue so please ignore some grammer mistake. I will try to be as logical and reasonable as I can.

mdcreator2 · ファンタジー
12 Chs


After dispatching the Drifters, Evan took a moment to assess his condition. He touched the bandage on his shoulder, feeling the stiffness. Injury was still there

"Well, that was a workout. Let's see what I can do now."

He swung his sword a few times, testing the range of motion and ensuring the blade was still in prime condition.

''Not bad. Still got some fight left in me."

Resuming his journey, Evan navigated the mutated jungle, the energy ball casting a steady glow. The dense foliage seemed to close in around him, and every rustle set his senses on edge. Yet, he pressed on, his determination unwavering.

As he ventured further, the jungle gave way to an unexpected opening. The air felt different, and a soft breeze hinted at a clearing ahead. As Evan stepped into the open space, he realized the day had slipped away, leaving the sky painted with the warm hues of evening.

"Guess time flies"

He surveyed the small, 5-meter long opening, feeling a sense of relief in the temporary reprieve from the dense jungle.

"Not the grandest spot, but it'll do for the night."

With a sigh, he settled down, the energy ball casting a gentle glow as the evening deepened. The sounds of the mutated jungle transformed into a nocturnal symphony.

"Rest for a bit, then face whatever comes next."

As Evan considered the night ahead, a realization dawned on him – staying in the open could be dangerous. He pondered the idea of creating a makeshift tent but faced a conundrum – he had no experience in building one, and there were no materials.

"Building a tent, huh? I'm no expert, but trees might be the answer."

As Evan contemplated the need for a more secure shelter, he decided to embark on the ambitious task of constructing a small log house made of tree logs. Armed with newfound strength from his recent leveling up, he approached a sturdy tree with determination.

"Time to turn this jungle into Evan's Home & Log Emporium!"

His sword, now a certified lumberjack tool, cut through the tree trunk with surprising ease. The tall tree succumbed to his skilled strokes, toppling with a resounding thud.

"One down!''

Noticing the insufficiency of a single tree, Evan surveyed the surroundings, nodding at another tree as if in conversation.

"You there! You're next on the chopping block. Hope you've got a good sense of humor!"

The rhythmic sound of his sword echoed through the jungle as he felled a second tree, providing ample material for his ambitious log house.

With logs at his disposal, Evan began the process of creating the log house, occasionally muttering to himself in a mock auctioneer voice.

"And here we have the finest, eco-friendly, jungle-chic log walls."

As he continued his makeshift construction, Evan couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of building a log house in Amazon Rainforest.

"Who needs a contractor when you've got a sword and a can-do attitude?"

~ 3 hours later

Night had fallen, and amidst the darkness, a small portion of the jungle was illuminated. It was a small clearing, a pocket of light in the encompassing shadows.

In this modest open space, a log house, with its unconventional charm, stood proudly in the mutated jungle, a testament to Evan's resourcefulness and questionable sense of architectural aesthetics.

"Behold! Evan's Jungle Bungalow – where even the trees want to join the party."

As Evan proudly put the finishing touches on his eccentric log emporium, reveling in the absurdity of his accomplishment, a trio of unexpected guests appeared from behind – three more Shadow Drifters, seemingly drawn to the spectacle of Evan's jungle construction show.

Evan's annoyance was evident as he turned to face the new challenge.

''Really? Can't a guy build his log emporium in peace?"

He swiftly drew his sword, ready to engage in yet another cosmic dance. However, there was a hitch – his energy points were running low from constantly keeping the energy ball aloft during his jungle escapades.

"Great timing, shadows. Just when I was starting to feel like the king of the jungle."

He swung his sword with his usual nimbleness.

The Drifters, circled him with an eerie grace. Evan, maintaining his trademark annoyed expression, continued the fight, knowing that the energy ball's illumination wouldn't last much longer.

"You shadows really know how to crash a log party."

Evan juggled the dual challenges of entertaining jungle architecture and battling elusive shadows. The energy ball, flickering above him, added a sporadic glow to the chaotic scene.

Despite the energy constraints, Evan's resilience shone through as he fought the Drifters with a blend of annoyance and determination. The jungle, now a stage for this, witnessed Evan's unconventional prowess in both log construction and shadow chasing.

As Evan faced the trio of Shadow Drifters, the jungle echoed with the clash of steel and shadows. The Drifters moved with an eerie grace, making it clear that battling three at once would be no easy feat.

"Alright, shadows, let's dance."

Despite his skill, Evan found himself pressed on all sides, his usual nimbleness challenged by the relentless onslaught. The cosmic energy ball radiated with an unwavering glow, its primary purpose not just to illuminate but to serve as Evan's primary tool for attacks.

"Three against one? I must be the star of your nightmares."

The Drifters, sensing an opportunity, lunged at Evan from different angles. He evaded some attacks but couldn't dodge them all. A scratch on his back marked the first injury of the encounter.

"Oh, come on! That's a new set of scratches for my collection."

Feeling the weight of the situation, Evan made a quick decision. With a determined expression, he allocated 2 points in agility and 2 points in spirit.

"Time to crank up the Evan factor."

As the points were allocated, a surge of energy coursed through Evan. His movements became a blur, and a newfound speed took over. The cosmic energy ball, now pulsating with renewed intensity, became a weapon of relentless attacks.

"Ohh, Looks like my energy just got replenished! "

The tide of battle turned, and Evan weaved through the Drifters with unparalleled agility. His strikes, powered by the bombardment of energy ball, now were a whirlwind, and the Drifters struggled to keep up with the sudden shift in the cosmic dance.

"You call that an attack? This is a real swing!"

The jungle witnessed Evan's transformation – from a challenged combatant to a cosmic whirlwind. The once-dominant Drifters now found themselves on the defensive.

"Time to wrap up this routine."

With a final series of relentless energy-infused strikes, Evan dispatched the Drifters one by one. As the shadows dispatched, he stood victorious, catching his breath.

[ You have killed Shadow Drifter(Level 10) : +235 exp ]

[ You have killed Shadow Drifter(Level 10) : +235 exp ]

[ You have killed Shadow Drifter(Level 10) : +235 exp ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ All attributes +1 ]

[ Unallocated points +2 ]

As he glanced at the now dimming energy ball, Evan chuckled, realizing that he was really fortunate to obtain this skill.

After dispatching the Shadow Drifters, Evan sighed with disappointment as he noticed no drops or rewards left behind by the elusive foes. Shaking his head, he slowly walked back towards his log emporium, a mix of exhaustion and contemplation evident on his face.

"Well, no loot this time. Shadow Drifters must be minimalists."

Reaching his makeshift cosmic abode, a quirky smile crept across his face as he admired his eccentric handiwork.

"Who needs a castle when you've got Evan's Log Sanctuary?"

Inside, he had fashioned a bed made of soft tree leaves – a humble haven in the midst of the cosmic jungle. Evan couldn't resist the allure of his leafy creation and decided to take a moment to rest.

Sitting down on the makeshift bed, Evan stared at the cosmic canopy above, lost in thought. The glow of the energy ball inside cast a serene ambiance within his cosmic haven.

"So much has happened in just one day. Earth Mutation, cosmic system, unknown monsters."

As he organized his thoughts, Evan couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictable journey he had embarked upon. The cosmic energy hummed softly, offering a backdrop to his contemplations.

"One day in this mutated earth, and I've already got my own log castle. Not bad, Evan. Not bad at all."

After some time, Evan emerged from his sanctuary once more. He crafted a gate out of tree logs and secured his log emporium fully, ensuring its enclosed protection.

Feeling the lingering effects of the encounter with the Shadow Drifters, Evan opted to lie down on the bed he had fashioned from soft tree leaves.

"No more scratches for me tonight.''

With a mix of satisfaction and wonder, Evan closed his eyes, drifting into a moment of cosmic serenity within the confines of his eccentric log emporium. The mysteries of the transformed world lay beyond, waiting for him to unravel in the days to come.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


:One more chapter is coming tonight, look forward to it.

Support needed.

mdcreator2creators' thoughts