
Cosmic Shadow: Ascension of Astronax

In the abyss after death, the soul of a long-extinct cosmic entity wanders, lost and forgotten. However, in a mysterious twist of fate, it awakens in the depths of a young human's body, who has just seen his engagement shattered by the woman he loves. Indifferent to the young man's suffering, this newly incarnated soul yearns for a very different conquest: the relentless domination of the world. But the price is high, as to unleash all its power, it must first strengthen its mortal host. While it weaves its insidious plans, a malevolent shadow advances, threatening to reduce the world to nothing. In this clash between a power-hungry cosmic entity and an imminent evil, destinies intertwine in a dangerous dance that could seal salvation or destruction.

NilfenNoctunal · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Part Two

In the afterlife called Catasox, the scenery unfolds like a nightmare, resembling the depths of the sea in its absolute darkness and desolation. This is a dark and abyssal place where light is virtually nonexistent, and the atmosphere is dense, as if space itself is compressed under an oppressive weight.

The darkness is deep and impenetrable, shrouding everything in an oppressive blackness that swallows any attempt at vision. There are no stars, no moon, just an absolute void that seems to stretch infinitely in all directions. The darkness is so intense that it seems to whisper unfathomable secrets to those who inhabit it, as if the very silence of the universe is speaking.

The absence of light reveals only vague outlines and distorted shadows, creating a sense of disorientation and isolation. The ground, if it can be called that, is uneven and filled with rocky formations that rise like monuments of a forgotten era. These rocks are rough to the touch and seem to absorb any sound daring to echo in this desolate place, except for the constant, high-pitched wail of a female voice, capable of piercing anyone's eardrums, from an unknown source permeating the entire area.

The atmosphere is heavy and suffocating, as if gravity itself is distorted, making every step a laborious task. The air is thin and laden with a sense of melancholy, as if the souls that wander this realm bear the weight of their past regrets and sins.

In this setting, there is no life, only eternal solitude and the sense that time has no meaning. It's a place that evokes a mix of fear and despair, where lost souls find themselves in an eternal limbo, condemned to wander in the depths of darkness and desolation.

In the dark afterlife of Catasox, the darkness that swallows any attempt at vision seems to move, as if it has a life of its own. It ripples and dances, creating illusions and ghostly shapes that only feed the despair of those who venture here. At times, it almost seems as if living shadows traverse the rugged ground, whispering unintelligible words and leaving invisible footprints.

The rocks that dot the ground, resembling monuments from a forgotten era, have hidden details on their rough surface. Upon closer inspection, mysterious inscriptions and strangely familiar reliefs are revealed, as if they tell stories of souls that have passed through this tormented place.

The female voice, cutting through the silence with its sharp lament, is not the sole auditory manifestation in Catasox. At times, distant and unsettling sounds echo through the depths, like murmurs from distant souls attempting to communicate through the shadows.

The very atmosphere seems charged with sinister energy, causing visitors to feel a constant chill down their spines. As they progress, the melancholy intensifies, as if the very emotions of the imprisoned souls saturate the air.

Amidst this eternal despair, some believe that fleeting glimpses of light can occasionally be seen, like distant stars in an endless sky. However, these ephemeral visions only serve to heighten the sense of desolation, as they vanish as quickly as they appear, leaving travelers lost in an unforgiving void.

In Catasox, with every step, every thought, every breath, the sensation of being ensnared in an endless nightmare intensifies, making it clear that this is a place where hope is a distant concept, where souls confront their own demons, and where time has unraveled into dark eternity.

Amidst this desolate scenery, a radiant sphere of light stood out, with a purple-blue hue that seemed to illuminate the surrounding dark environment. This sphere was a striking point of contrast in that deep and oppressive darkness.

Above this sphere of light, there was a dark brown cloak that seemed to seamlessly merge with it, as if it were a natural extension of the sphere itself. It gently rippled as if in constant motion, creating subtle and mesmerizing patterns that danced in harmony with the sphere's light.

The darkness that surrounds this scene appears to be kept at bay by the presence of the luminous sphere and its protective cloak. It's as if this small oasis of light represents a glimmer of hope in the midst of desolation, a focal point in a world shrouded in darkness.

The seemingly luminous sphere and its mysterious dark brown cloak, in reality, reveal themselves as a cruel illusion, a trap for the desperate souls venturing into that dark place. It acted like an underworld lantern fish, luring those souls seeking hope or redemption, only to leave them even more lost in the depths of darkness.

The unfortunate souls that fell into the trap were swallowed by an even deeper darkness, irretrievably lost in that desolate abyss.

That sphere is the soul of Astronax, the Great Aberration.

The sphere of light, which had aimlessly wandered for thousands of years in that abyss of darkness, consuming other souls with its insatiable hunger, suddenly found itself enveloped by a mysterious and unknown force. It was torn from that dark place in an instant, as if it were pulled by invisible hands towards an unknown destination.

Then, just as it had appeared in that desolate setting, the sphere of light disappeared abruptly, as if it had never been there. Its departure left behind an even deeper void and silence in the depths of the abyss, as if the darkness itself were confused and disturbed by the sudden turn of events.

Now, the sphere of light was in a completely different place, far from those endless shadows, leaving behind an enigma and a sense of mystery echoing in that dark afterlife realm for ages. Its destiny and the purpose of its sudden departure remained as shrouded in secrecy as the abyss it left behind.

The parts of each chapter will be released at an average of one every two weeks or more. The rest of the chapter will be fully available in advance on my Patreon before being made available for free on other platforms. This applies to both the already completed chapters and the character artwork as well: patreon.com/NilfenNoctunal.

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