
Cosmic Neverland

Beings of power start to unravel the diffrent levels of Neverland. An ever changing plane with no explanation for most problems.

Daoista3YXxX · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Creator

Neverland, a realm of infinite possibilities and boundless imagination, exists beyond the constraints of time and space. Its vastness surpasses the concept of infinity itself, with 100 levels, each serving a unique purpose within this ethereal domain. Within Neverland, countless wonders and mysteries await, carefully crafted for the enjoyment and exploration of its inhabitants.

The creator of Neverland, whose identity remains unknown, possesses the power to fashion beings to traverse the many realms of this extraordinary place. However, these creatures, despite their temporary existence, inevitably return to the chains of mortality or immortality. Time, in its conventional sense, does not hold sway over Neverland, yet the realm functions seamlessly, defying all logical understanding. It is this very paradox that adds to the allure and greatness of Neverland—a place where absurdity and coherence coexist harmoniously.

In Neverland, the principle that "nothing is impossible" reigns supreme. Here, beings have the ability to evolve and transform based on their own vivid imaginations. The first floor of Neverland, in particular, has been designed to provide endless amusement for its inhabitants. The creator has thoughtfully equipped this level with game systems, introducing an element of playful diversion. Although the wisdom of this decision remains uncertain, it is undoubtedly intended to enhance the enjoyment of those who find themselves within Neverland's grasp.

It is worth considering that, if you are reading this, you may very well be in Neverland yourself, blissfully unaware of your presence in this extraordinary realm. The allure of Neverland lies in its ability to remain concealed from the conscious mind, revealing itself only to those who dare to believe in the extraordinary. While it may seem like an enigma, Neverland invites you to embrace the unknown, to relinquish the confines of logic and reason, and to embark on a journey of unfathomable discovery.

Beyond the first floor, the remaining 99 levels of Neverland unfold like an infinite tapestry of realities, each offering a unique experience. These realms may be realms of enchantment, where mystical creatures roam freely, casting spells and engaging in epic battles. They may also be realms of tranquility, where one can find solace amidst serene landscapes and contemplate the mysteries of existence. Each level presents its own challenges, wonders, and secrets, awaiting intrepid souls who dare to venture further into the depths of Neverland.

In the upper echelons of Neverland, the realm becomes more ethereal and abstract. Concepts that defy human comprehension manifest as tangible experiences, blurring the line between reality and imagination. The boundaries between the self and the external world dissolve, allowing for a profound exploration of consciousness and existence. It is here that one may encounter the essence of creativity itself, where thoughts become tangible, and dreams materialize in breathtaking forms.

Yet, even in Neverland, a realm seemingly detached from the constraints of the mortal world, the question of purpose and meaning lingers. The very act of creation, the existence of realms and beings within Neverland, suggests a deeper intention, an underlying narrative waiting to be unraveled. Is Neverland merely a whimsical playground for the creator's amusement, or does it serve a more profound purpose, an intricate web of interconnected stories and destinies?

As you continue your journey through Neverland, embrace the unfathomable, for it is in the mystery and the unknown that true magic resides. Whether you are an unwitting traveler or a conscious explorer, let your imagination soar, and allow yourself to be swept away by the wonders that this extraordinary realm has to offer. Neverland, with its infinite levels and infinite possibilities, awaits your arrival, beckoning you to immerse yourself in its captivating embrace.


Release Date: N/A

First volume will release all at once(It will contain 9-13 chapters. Each volume is 1 Floor. Then I will continue to make chapter by chapter releases. Can you trust me? No. But I will try my best to make this an active story.