

Alvin is a transfer student at Heidvanz Academy. He is blessed by being able to use all the elements,the only different thing is that his elements are black in color. black lightning,black flame and so on. To top of that he has celestial powers(power of the stars). To Alvin he cares little about the rules and likes doing things his own way. As he says " After all who can stop me" Let's read and follow on his journey,his challenges and joy as we discover who he actually is.

Durkkurb17 · ファンタジー
13 Chs


The magnificent view of the school comes to sight. He heard that the school was grand but to his point of honesty, he didn't imagine it, even the word grand could not explain it. Heidvanz Academy known throughout the continent be the biggest and among the top powerful schools. Since the ancient days, magic has been a common factor. Although there are those without magic they still outnumber those with magic. With a ratio equal to that of prey and predator. Thus making those with abilities to be rare and also respected.

In this continent of Atraxia there are one hundred and fifty countries. Two hundred years ago the world was said to have seven continents, but due to the rapid population growth with the use of science and magic the world's governments dried up some parts of the ocean to create land and thus three new continents were added. Since then the water percentage has dropped from 75 percent to 45 percent. Now there is N America, S America, Africa, Atraxia, Nerthens, Asia, Australia, Reverse, Pamba and Vengland.

Alvin takes a deep breath and enters the school ground. He feels as if the whole world has gone silent. He walks slowly admiring how awesome the school is kept. "Excuse me, are you the transfer student Alvin Windhoek?" A young man with short blonde hair matching perfectly with the ray of sunshine. "yes"."My name is Ian Valtimer the vice class president of the first years. I was told that once you arrive I take you to the principal's office. If you may, please follow me."Ian says.

As they are walking Alvin could feel the many stares along the window. "This is the first years block, I shall explain to you other things within the day. "Ian says. The windows within the first years block were full of students trying to get a view of the new kid. To them Ian was already a force to reckon with in terms of looks and now there is a new kid who is both hot and cute, with short light purple hair with blue strands and shining golden eyes which could surprisingly be seen from a very long distance as if compelling any one who looked at them. There and then Alvin captured the breath of many students.

They finally reach the principal's office, Ian knocks. "It is i, Ian I have brought the transfer student." Ian announces. The door opens and Ian shows Alvin in and then walks out and closes the door behind him. "Welcome alvin, you are rather early than I anticipated. You can call me sir Ryan the school's principal. Since classes are about to start you should begin the day with the rest of the school, take this uniform and go to the building behind this one and you will find the gym storage room, you can change from there and then come back here and I'll ask someone to take you to class.

Alvin thanks the principal and then walks out. He walks towards the direction that he has been shown, as he walks he looks at the clothes he's wearing and the uniform given and just smiles. "Now ma life's gonna be interesting" he thinks. As he enters the storage room a ball of fire comes his way and he merely dodges it. He looks at the direction it's from and sees a crimson haired girl who seems to be out of control. In just a blink of an eye the girl senses Alvin behind her. she is shocked thinking that he is going to attack her but then she begins to feel more at ease and her Mana that was ammock starts to ease up.

T. thank you, u umm I'm Sylvia Hermen. "Sylvia says and runs out of the storage. She tries to stop herself from running but can't due to the embarrassment of the guy seeing her at her worst moment. She then promises herself to thank him the next time that they meet. Alvin changes to his uniform and walks back to the principal's office. As he enters he finds a curvaceous woman with blue hair reaching her waist, her red flowerd dress perfectly shows her curves. When she turns and looks at Alvin he couldn't help but gulp his saliva and he even skipped a heartbeat. Her blue glittering eyes even takes his breath away.

The principal clears his throught removing Alvin from his wild lustrous fantasies. "Alvin this is Miss Terry your homeroom teacher. She will be taking you to your classroom. Miss Terry this is the kid I was telling you about. " The principal says. Alvin bows at both of them." Well I do hope you are as the principal says you are. "she says. Alvin could not believe his ears the soft and low voice yet clear with a bit of musicality in the tone.

Miss Terry bows to the principal and signals Alvin to follow her. As they walk Alvin keeps checking her out. After walking for a short while on the hallway they stop outside a door. "Could you stop looking at me that way?" Miss Terry says hiding her flashing chicks. She opens the door and the ones noisy classroom goes silent.

"Howdy everyone? Today although it's the middle of the term we have a new student maybe he should introduce himself. "she says." I'm Alvin Windhoek from Faraway nice to meet ya all. "Alvin says. Faraway the slams country, everyone who admired him immediately despised him. since that place the people there are considered to be below the ranks of slaves. Seeing their disappointed faces he just smiles.

Alvin go take a sit anywhere you are comfortable. "miss Terry directs him. As he walks he feels the many stares that are as cold as ice. Immediately he sits the bell rings and Miss Terry walks out. Sitting behind the class beside the window Alvin looks outside enjoying the view and ignoring the murmurs of his fellow students. Keeping a close ear on what they are saying he hears how angry they are for he is sitting on the class president's place.

Then a tall dark haired boy with a small mustache growing comes to him. "Hey far away kid my name is Griffith Tain, if you accept to be under me and serve me I will protect you for the rest of your years here."Griffith declares boldly. Looking at Alvin he notices that he has been ignoring him the whole time. Thinking how Alvin is full of himself. He decides to teach him a lesson he clenches his arm into a fist and throws it at Alvin aiming for the face but it is stopped by a ruler. looking at the person in anger he acts like a dog with its tail between it's leg. "Piss of Tain you are distracting me and the rest of you quiet."A girl sitting in front of Alvin orders. Griffith hurries back to his sit with rage towards Alvin and the girl showing on his eyes.

As Alvin tries to thank the girl he is quickly ignored thus spiking his interest on her. Then after a minute the door opens and a tall well built man with a scar on the face shaped like a star enters and starts his lesson starts, hardly had he taken five minutes when the door opens and a crimson haired girl enters the voluptuous figure captured Alvin's attention as he wonders how he didn't notice her earlier.

The class gets excited at the sight of her but they suddenly turn to Alvin with angry gazes cause he is sitting at their class president's place. The girl apologizes to the teacher for being late and she is excused. Looking at everyone with a cheerful smile, she abruptly stops when she sees the person sitting at her place she freezes on seeing the person who helped her and remembers how she rudely walked away. She then picks an empty seat next to him. Through that action the other students scorn Alvin in their hearts.

The history class ends and also some other lessons and the bell for lunch rings. Some people leave class in groups while others alone. Alvin notices the girl in front of him walking out and decides to rush after her while calling her out but she assumes him. At a fast speed he goes in front of her and wall slams her. Everyone at the hall glare at them in shock. "What do you think y y you are doing?" she asks as her cheeks turn red.

Looking at her made Alvin feel like teasing her more but due to the commotion he was causing he decides to hold back a little. "I just want to thank you but you ignored me totally. So this is what I came up with.Besides you are cute in this state I can't regret doing it." Alvin says.

"w what are y you saying."she asks with her whole face turning red. She the vanishes through the walls. "Maybe I over did it, I will apologize later on." Alvin thinks.

As i join the spirits award I wish that you enjoy though this is my first book I will provide you with the best experience.

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