
Cosmic Guardian:The Demon Within

Ryu Won, a young heir to an immense fortune, finds his life turned upside down by a mysterious red paper that appears at his doorstep. Unbeknownst to him, this seemingly innocuous item marks him as the chosen guardian, a role steeped in danger and shrouded in the mystic. As Ryu Won grapples with the awakening of a dormant demon within him, Eun Ae, a woman with eyes as deep as the night sky, enters his life. She is both his guide and protector, leading him through the labyrinth of his new reality. Together, they must navigate a world brimming with magical powers, where love intertwines with betrayal, and every shadow hides a friend or foe.

Danespl · ファンタジー
56 Chs


The guardians, their victory still fresh, gathered amidst the ruins of the battlefield. The sealed gateway loomed behind them, a silent testament to their triumph. Yet, the air was heavy with an unspoken truth—the sorcerer's threat lingered like a shadow, its reach far from diminished.

Soo-yeon, her powers echoing the whispers of the arcane, felt the stirrings of unease. "The sorcerer's malice is not bound by the gateway alone," she warned, her gaze distant. "His influence seeps through the cracks of the world, seeking new vessels for his dark will."

Min Ji sheathed her blades, her eyes reflecting the dawn's light. "Then we must fortify our defenses, seek out these vessels, and shatter them before they can be used against us."

Seo Joon, his fists still throbbing from the battle's fury, nodded. "We have the strength, and now, with the artifact's guidance, we have the means."

Ji-hoon, his spirit unbroken, rallied the guardians. "Let us split our forces. Soo-yeon, you will lead a contingent to the east, where the sorcerer's energy is most potent. Min Ji, Seo Joon, you will accompany me to the west, to hunt down the vessels he seeks to corrupt."

The guardians, their resolve unyielding, set out on their new quest. Soo-yeon's group moved with stealth, their path illuminated by the artifact's glow. They encountered remnants of the Dark Brethren, each encounter a puzzle piece revealing the sorcerer's plan.

Meanwhile, Ji-hoon's team faced challenges of their own. The west was a land of desolation, where hope seemed a distant memory. Yet, amidst the despair, they found allies—survivors who had resisted the sorcerer's influence, their hearts defiant.

As the guardians delved deeper into enemy territory, they uncovered the sorcerer's pawns—beings of immense power, twisted by dark magic. The battles were fierce, the stakes higher than ever.

In the midst of their journey, a revelation shook them to their core. The vessels were not mere objects but living beings, their souls bound to the sorcerer's will. The guardians faced a moral dilemma—how to free these souls without destroying them.

Soo-yeon, her connection to the arcane deepening, discovered a ritual that could sever the bonds. But it required a sacrifice—a piece of their own essence to replace the darkness within the vessels.

The decision weighed heavily upon them. Each guardian knew the cost, yet their determination did not waver. "We will do what must be done," Soo-yeon declared, her voice a beacon of hope. "For the sake of all, we will bear this burden."

The ritual was set, the guardians' powers converging in a spectacle of light and shadow. The vessels, their forms writhing in agony, were slowly cleansed, the sorcerer's hold on them weakening.

As the final bonds were shattered, a cry of freedom rang through the land. The guardians, their energy spent, collapsed, their sacrifice a testament to their courage.

But their respite was short-lived. A new darkness rose from the horizon, a force that dwarfed the sorcerer's previous might. The guardians, their numbers diminished, faced an enemy unlike any before—a legion of the Dark Brethren, led by a figure shrouded in mystery.

The guardians stood, their backs against the ruins, their eyes alight with the fire of defiance. "Come what may," Ji-hoon roared, "we stand as one. For our world, for our people, we will fight until the end!"

The stage was set for a battle that would echo through the ages, a clash between the light of hope and the abyss of despair. And as the guardians prepared to meet their fate, the world held its breath, waiting for the next chapter in the saga of those who would defy the darkness.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Am so sorry, that there really haven't been any romance, lately, but don't worry once the war is over, MC is gonna find himself a crush.

Danesplcreators' thoughts