
Cosmic Guardian:The Demon Within

Ryu Won, a young heir to an immense fortune, finds his life turned upside down by a mysterious red paper that appears at his doorstep. Unbeknownst to him, this seemingly innocuous item marks him as the chosen guardian, a role steeped in danger and shrouded in the mystic. As Ryu Won grapples with the awakening of a dormant demon within him, Eun Ae, a woman with eyes as deep as the night sky, enters his life. She is both his guide and protector, leading him through the labyrinth of his new reality. Together, they must navigate a world brimming with magical powers, where love intertwines with betrayal, and every shadow hides a friend or foe.

Danespl · ファンタジー
56 Chs


The rift had closed, leaving behind a silence that echoed through the shattered chamber. The Guardians stood amidst the ruins, their breaths ragged, their bodies marked by the battle's which had taken place. Victory had come at great cost, and they knew that healing would take time.

Eun Ae lowered her hands, the arcane patterns fading. Her eyes met Ji-hoon's, and they shared a silent understanding. They had fought side by side for years, their bond are unbreakable. But now, as the dust settled, they faced a new reality—one without the looming threat of eldritch horrors.

Ji-hoon wiped his blade clean, his gaze sweeping over the fallen enemies. "We did it," he murmured.

Soo-yeon approached, her twin blades sheathed. "For now we are gonna be taking a break," she said. "We will see through whatever comes at us."

Min Ji, her robes singed, nodded. "Our powers saved our world," she said.

Hana stepped forward and put her hands on Min Ji shoulder, her eyes still faintly glowing. "The rift's closure will ripple through time," she warned. "We'll feel its effects."

Seo Joon, ever the stoic one, surveyed the chamber. "Our duty isn't over," he said. "We still have a lot on scheduleand it begins now."

And so, the Guardians set to work. They cleared debris, and prepared to leave. The scars on their bodies mirrored the scars on their world, but they pressed on. For they were the protectors—the ones who stood between chaos and peace.

As days turned into weeks, the rift's absence left an eerie void. The eldritch horrors' malevolence lingered, haunting their dreams. But the Guardians trained harder, honing their powers. They knew that new threats would arise, and they had to be ready.

Eun Ae studied ancient texts, seeking answers. Ji-hoon sparred with Soo-yeon, their blades clashing in determination of getting stronger. Min Ji experimented with her spells, practicing it on straw dolls. Hana studied with Eun Ae, her eyes were alight with purpose on knowing what threat exists and how to bring them down. Seo Joon trained, and went on solo missions.

And in the best time they say down—Laughed,Explore and go on missions. The missions gave them experience and resolve. They would protect their world, no matter what.

As the sun rose over the city, Eun Ae stood at the City river bank . The wind blew, and she listened to the wave of the water. The rift was gone, but its presence remained. She vowed to keep her people safe, to ensure their world doesn't fall.

Ji-hoon joined her, his gaze steady. "We're still standing," he said. "That's what matters."

Soo-yeon appeared, and sat down beside them. "We'll face whatever comes," she declared. "Together."

Min Ji, Hana, and Seo Joon joined them. The Guardians, scarred but unyielding, they surveyed their world. The sun shoned brightly, casting long shadows.

"We are Guardians," Eun Ae said, with a smile on her face. "And we'll protect our home."

Moments late, Someone suddenly appeared at thier back. "Guardians,would you like to Join us?,Our Guild master has called for you." the man said,he was wearing a black cloakand a black jeans and he was in is mid Forty's. The Guardians stood up and looked at the man's eyes,they felt a strong aura coming from him, something stronger than anything they have faced before

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