
the act

I looked down at my hands, covered in blood and the body of my dead best friend. she died on this very night. She was on a trip for the summer back over to her family in California, but she had no clue of what was going to happen that night.

I placed her body on the ground and wiped more tears on my sleeve. I looked around at the plain desert around us. There was no living soul around, except for the two of us. I turned around to see Mike leaning against the chair. He was just hear for the business. He felt no emotion for the death of Stephanie. He was a stone wall here trying to get out of the curse that he got himself into.

"Come on man. We gotta head back.", Mike said in an annoyed voice, "she's dead now. There's no need to keep living on the past. Soon we can move on with our lives". When he said this he looked down at his hands and I knew what he meant. I had tended to feel like I was trapped in chains too for the curse I lived.

I walked towards the car and opened the door. I froze and looked back at stephanie for one last time. My best friend, dead kn the flood covered in blood. It wasn't her fault that she was dragged into this situation. It was her parents fault, she didn't deserve the death that she received. why did I do it. I don't care If I did it to keep my family from having to repeat this situation, I shouldn't have killed her. she was always there for me since we were 6. Are families were always so close it makes me question alot of things in my life.

"Get in the car man.", Mike said.

"We should bury the body. No one needs to know about the events that have happend" I spoke in a heavy dead voice.

"Are you being serious? We don't have to do this we can leave and never look back on this. I get she was your friend and because of that you should just forget her and move on." I could tell Mike was annoyed, but I wasn't having it.

"Look!", I grabbed his arm. "I just lost my best friend, her blood is on my hands! I killed her. I want her to at least be buried" I didn't know how much more I could take.

"Now look here kid," Mike said while grabbing my arm and throwing me to the ground. "I'm not a babysitter. Just because you can't accept things doesn't mean you get to go around and cry about it. Deal with your problems on your own and don't drag me down with you." He went to the back of the car and grabbed a shovel and tossed it at me.

"Go bury your friend bud." he said in a sarcastic tone, "You have 15 minutes, if your not done I'm driving off without you." He got back in the car and blasted the radio.

I walked over to Stephanie's body again. I started digging as fast as I could. I wanted the whole to be deep so no one could find her, but with the time I had I couldn't make it as deep as I wanted. I worked as fast as I could, but when Mike started blasting the horn I grabbed Stephanie's body and placed it in the hole. I started filling the hole and walked back to the car.

"let's forget about this night shall we?", Mike said while driving away. I will never see my best friend again. News of her missing will start to go around and questions will go around. I know nothing, I had nothing to deal with her disappearing. I wiped the blood on me away on a towel and threw it in the back of the car. little did I know that things will get worse from this point. I won't be able to accept what has happened.