

A girl moved into the school hostel after finally gaining admission into a university. She had previously planned to live low-key, avoid troubles and face her studies. Little did she know that what awaits her is a series of sinful activities and wild desires. Join me to dive into the live and activities of girls who stay in hostels. Thier wild fantasy, hormones and sinful exploration..

Bossofboss3s_ · 若者
13 Chs

My life..

"If this message touched your heart and you want to give your life to Christ, please throw all caution to the wind and step forward" the priest blurted out. l rolled my eyes inwardly as my eyes observed those that stood up to go out. They were the exact set of people that came out in the previous service. Are they not tired of giving their life to Christ over and over again? Can't they understand that once you've given Christ your life, you've given him forever. l relaxed further into my chair as l impatiently await the end of the service. After what seems like forever, the service finally came to an end.

"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit. Amen." l quickly packed my Bible and jot into my bag as l scurried to where my mum sat so that we can begin to go home.

"Bella! come here!" my mum instructed on sighting me. oh shit! l forgot the appointment we have with the priest. Damn it! l was here thinking l will go home immediately after the service but my mum had earlier told me that we will see the priest after service because of my newly gotten admission. Yeah. l just gained admission to the prestigious Hues University of Sciences. The best university in the whole Green city. The day l learnt of the admission was the happiest day of my life. l was finally leaving home for somewhere far away. God l can't conceal my joy. I felt my lips curved into a smile unknowingly

"Chiamaka!" Mum called me by my native name. "What is making you to smile to yourself? did you win a lottery?"

"oh no mum. l just can't wait to meet the priest" l lied through my teeth

"Alright then, let us go before other people take our place" my mum led the way while l trailed behind her cursing under my breath as we made our way to the priest's office.

The talk with the priest was as boring as hell. Heaven knows l will give anything to not go into the priest's office ever again in my life. My mum kept boasting about how l was given admission to study Pharmacy in a prestigious university while the priest kept repeating 'Glory be to God' now and then. l was glad when our appointment time got exhausted and we had to leave. We bade the priest goodbye and we found our way home.

The driver was a bit fast as we got home earlier than expected. l alighted from the car and our loving, exorbitant and huge building came to view. My family is a wealthy one. My dad is a politician while my mum is a large stock business woman. Mum gave birth to four kids. Two girls who are married, A guy who has long relocated abroad. Me, being the last born, is about to get into a university. I am Bella Chiamaka Williams. A fair skinned, well endowed, brown eyed beauty. My beauty is of natural abundance. Right from when l was just entering puberty, l knew l would be a very very endowed lady. My breast is not plus size but it is big enough to catch as many attention as it can. My ass? round, soft, squeezable, lovely, it is just too beautiful. l knew l am a weakness to men as l have always felt lot of eyes on me since my early puberty stage. Ranging from my male class teachers, male class mates, my dad's friends, our male workers at home, even some pastor's at church. more reason why l have this natural understandable dislike for men. Imagine passing in front of your dad's friend and you feel him staring lustfully at your body or when you go to the Mass and you see a man who call himself a devoted Christian, secretly ogling at your young, ripe oranges. l detested their look while l was young and this made me to keep to myself most times. l feel insecure when men are around so l became an introvert who spend almost every hour of her day in the four corners of her room. Reporting or complaining about my situation to my mum would be a stupid move because she will always blame me. The day l summoned courage to report our driver to my mum when l was 15 was infuriating. Mum had said the devil is trying to manoeuvre its way into my life by depositing corrupt thoughts in me. Though she sacked the particular driver l complained about, still, l resolved never to tell my mum about what l pass through. Now, l am 18 and l have succeeded in keeping myself from the hungry clutches of these men. But in the process, l became a remote introvert. l don't have friends. Either male or female. l have no interest in social media too and l am not into social activities like sports, modelling, amongst others. The only thing l do to pass time is read. l read a lot. Varying from Bible, novels, academic books, erotica, name it! And that is where the corrupted mind comes in.

It was in my young days l detest men's hungry look. Now, l make sure l do things that will draw men's attention to me. Since l got exposed to erotic stories online, l became a shadow of my previous self. l will intentionally wear short, exposive dresses of my elder sisters that they left behind before going to their respective husband houses. l will intentionally go outside without putting on a bra just to make someone fall into a puddle while staring at me. My holy mum is always out for business so l had the chance to do what l like. Since l clocked 17, l became something l can call slutty. Having read a lot of book on the art of seduction and fantasy, l began to follow the steps that were taught in such book. There was this escapade with my dad's friend one time like that. He came to visit my dad but unfortunately, my dad was out. So he decided to wait for him. Me on the other hand, was so happy because l finally got a chance to seduce someone and make him want something he can never get. l wore my sister's deep V neck top that showed the line between the breast till it reached the upper abdomen. l wore a crazily torn short that had holes all around. It had holes at the back and l am sure my butt will be visible. l pretended not to know of my dad's friend presence and strolled downstairs to the living room. On getting there, Mr Didi was seated relaxed with his pot belly that looked like a five month pregnant woman's tummy. l sexily dragged my legs toward the living room entrance pretending not to see him sitted on one of the sofas deep inside the living room. l started to hum a song loudly to draw his attention to me and luckily, he was attracted. l could see him through the glass of the living room's door. Without wasting time, l pretended to drop something on the floor and bent as slowly and sexily as l could in an attempt to pick it up. l kept observing him through the glass and l saw that he was captivated by what he is seeing. then l smiled knowingly..