
Auction House Part 1 Taking A Risk

Few weeks later-


Xiao Yan entered the Auction House in tailored clothes he made during his training period. On the back was a blue-white moon with the words Dark Moon Family underneath. Then underneath that was the Sacred Family written.

The Mitre Auction House was pretty decent as far as things went. But like almost all the auction houses in these dimensions, they tended to work in their favor or bend the knee to a superior party when pressured with a loss.

Or outright threat is given.

Duan Jian kept quiet as he read over a few books purchased in town. Mostly sifting through maps and history for the last few hours.

Walking to the Goods Inspection Room, Xiao Yan waited with the one attendant. The inspector, a man with a black goatee and gray hair stared at them. No matter how much he tried, he could not tell Xiao Yan's cultivation level.

The clothes Xiao Yan wore also had powerful Inscriptions on them. He had never seen anything like it. Seeing as the person with him had the same level of clothing, it was best to take caution.

Duan Jian stood quiet keeping his thoughts to himself.

"Hello, my Alchemist's name is Shen Yue." Xiao Yan said. Considering his change in stature and the fact his hair was blue-white now, it made it difficult for people to tell who he was. The rumors around the Xiao clan were not that prevalent in this area yet. "Just an Alchemist passing through wanting to sell some items as well as trade-off some information I received."

"I assure you he is a well-off Alchemist." The attendant smiled at the Inspector. He was given a high-level Elixer just to make certain matters here quick and efficient. "Try one if you don't believe me."

*Doop!* Popping the cork of one of the bottles, the Inspector's eyes went wide.

Xiao Yan had made a quick pill right in front of the man to show off a little. Using only Flame Martial Art qi to do so. Nothing fancy and only wasted half the material of the basic herb.

The liquid from the process was put in one bottle. The moment it entered, an inscription lit up on the bottle forming a pill from the excess qi.

"Sir, this is real level 3 Elixir!" The Inspector had know idea who this young man happened to be but he was defintely willing to get to know him. A look at Duan Jian who exuded the power of a Dou Grandmaster, they deserved a measure of respect. "We can defintely do business."

"As long as I am satisfied I will offer more. Can the auction house handle my requirements?"

"Heh, of course. Please proceed to the auction room." The Inspector said nicely. "Your elixirs and whatever else you have will also be auctioned there."

"Good, oh before I forget." He pulled out a battle dress that clung to the body that was meant to be worn under regular clothes or armor. "The Mitre Familiy's Ya Fei is well known. This is an Underarmor to help protect her life. Consider it a gift with no strings attached of course."

Speaking a little reserved was not something he like to do but the local powers must be brought in or be willing to buy from him.

That and them sending people to kill him worked in the Dark Moon city's favor if it goes wrong.

'More specialized cultivators killed then refined, the better.' Xiao Yan's eyes glowed a little as another crack actually sealed up. 'A few more Elixers taken from others will go a long way.'

Xiao Yan passed over some other items before heading off with another attendant. Duan Jian and himself talking with the use of Astral Sense.

The moment they left, a few others of the auction house came over to find anything they could. Worried a little when they couldn't probe him accurately from a distance.

"When did a 3 star Receptarier appear in Wu Dan Town? Looks like we will have to.."

"Do not offend him..." The attendant who remained transmitted to him directly. "You better know how to make him interested in us." He passed over a box to him as well. "He said to give this to the head auctioneer. Apparently, she is well known."

"Understood." The Inspector responded a little shaken. Peeking at the box he was suprised it was clothing. "Hmm?!" Curious he couldn't tell what everything was at first glance. But a set of instructions showed how to wear everything.

Wishing Grass, Sandy Wood Roots, Sour Bird Fruit, Flower of Song, Purple Bluegrass, Bone Washing Flower, Dark Purple Grass, and a few Manuals were tossed in to be sold. Of course, it would take some time for them to move all of it.

A few of the items would make it to today's auction.


Restoring my People-


Money flowed in well, the Mitre Family understood enough about Xiao Yan and Duan Jian based on Duan Jian's purchases in town and his turn in of a few hunting jobs already. He was not that secretive when doing it after all.

A few legal proceedings and agreements were made, a deeper plan was put into action.

After setting up several safety precautions and having a few members of the Mitre Family that were Alchemist come in to assist, several bodies wrapped up in medical solution bandages were laid out.

The various bandits and unlucky hunters that made a move on them the last few days were captured by Duan Jian and a few by Xiao Yan. As far as the Auction House knew, these were all people of this Dark Moon Family.

Nie Xiaofeng, Du Ning, Nie Xiaori, Du Rong, Long Sha, Huo Hua, Ye Han, Maynard, and Lu Ning stirred a little bit. Above them, elixirs were dropped onto the bandages by the Auction House members carefully.

As well as the feeding small bits of their dou qi into them.

Miao Ling, Nie Kai are the parents of Nie Yu. They were in bodies of people that were completely wiped clean. As per her request to help them transition to the destruction of their entire home and most of the Heavenly Marks family during the fight against the Sage Emperor's General.

*Woosh!* Miao Ling and Nie Kai were stored away again. Nie Yu would watch over them herself and help explain to them what happened at her own pace.

"Teacher.." Huo Hua was still confused. Mostly because of the state in which she was cut down before. "..did we kill that monster..." Taking out one of the Sage Emperor's generals did more damage to her soul than anything.

"Yes." Xiao Yan walked over grabbing her hands and supporting her up a little. "Rest while I help guide you back." Placing his hand on top of her head and using Astral Sense to help clear through the mental confusion.

"My body.. it hurts everywhere..." Huo Hua started to cry. Shaking enough that he could barely hold her. "I don't want to.. die!" Her soul was trapped in turmoil all of its own by the current feel of it. "Shen Yue!"

"You will not die. We made it ok." Xiao Yan couldn't help tensing up a little. Glad his voice was already disguised to match that of his time as Shen Yue in the last Dimension. "The city.. still exists. Your parents and kinsmen are.. sleeping right now."

He couldn't drown out the pain, unfortunately. Especially with it speeding up the recovery of the Flame Vortex Core. The Heart Method Maxium was just a dangerous Cultivation Manual.

"Where is my son? I want to see him!" Huo Hua cried out before going slack.

"Son?" Looking to Duan Jian, one of his right-hand men could only give him a shake in not knowing. "You have to have a suspicion!" He only received a shake in the negative. "Long Sha.. when did she have a son?"

"She didn't boss." Long Sha kneeled on the floor despite the bandages and being told not to. "The battle at.. the battle at the Void Illusionary Divine Palace the 2nd time around. We kept what happened from you."

"I..." Xiao Yan didn't want to know actually right now. "..just forget it for now. We will talk about it later." The only thing he could do was focus on helping them recover by sending his dou qi over them all. No longer caring that he would be revealed as a 9-star Dou Grandmaster. "Lots of choices to make!"

To the credit of the Mitre Family, they understood everyone went through an ordeal. Not having heard of the place mentioned, it was safe to assume they were some hidden clan out there. Which was no longer standing by the sound of it.

Once the others were stable and better than before, Xiao Yan stored them all away after placing seals on them. It was not unusual to store bodies in formations to keep them alive. Just not for long periods of time.

But the Internal Space had an ecosystem the Auction House didn't know about. Ya Fei crouched next to him passing over some additional medicine.

"This will help restore your dou qi." Taking the bottle from her, Xiao Yan gave a nod of thanks. "I would be honored to become a student under you." She said with a smile. "If you go this far for your people, the Premier Auction House can only benefit from working with you."

"I promise to make it worth your while." Feeling a few Connections form up and healing the Flame Vortex Core more, it was a good thing he drank the medicine. It helped hide the large dou-qi he had. "A gift to help protect you. Power is the ultimate protection after all."

Passing a manual to her, Xiao Yan shocked those present by collapsing. He exhausted himself on the spot. The Divine Pulse Cultivation Tehniquine was obtained from refining Emperor Tian Yuan for getting in his way and giving him only half of the Divine Phaseless Fruit.

Without the seeds at that!

Seeing to the best care for Xiao Yan, Ya Fei, and Gu Ni was glad it was just overworking. A doctor checked him over only able to determine that he was just overworked. He spoke in private later to Gu Ni that Xiao Yan was much more powerful than he looked.

"The best way to handle this is to keep it quiet as we can but not bring others in to help cover it. The old gold he used to buy things defintely helps sell he is from a hidden clan." Gu Ni was not worried overall but the age of Xiao Yan and Duan Jian was a little scary. "From the way they talked, both are married so a honey trap won't work."

"Just be sincere." Ya Fei heard the entire conversation despite them talking lowly and using dou qi to prevent others from hearing. "The trust they showed is already enough. Besides, they are actually willing to teach methods. Not many clans do that."

"Should we set up the direct selling they requested to those families?" An elder could understand the need to do so.

Money and exclusive recipes were coming their way. Who wouldn't want to get on that train before it was to late?

"I suppose we should." Gu Ni agreed after thinking it over. "While they worked on those members, information came back that matches that of who he could be. A member of the Xiao Clan but the rumor before was that he lost all of his cultivation."

"Seems like a lie." The elder muttered. That level of power is not from one losing their cultivation. Knowing a little about it, he trembled in fear. "That trash was said to be Xiao Yan. A teenager who was a Dou Grandmaster is unheard of."

"To prevent ourselves from getting attacked, it would be best to go by his name given when people ask later on. He said his Alchemist name is Shen Yue right?" They nodded as that was what he rembered. "If it gets to bad, then we can just blame it on the mothers' clan. Since know one has any information on the woman who gave Xiao Zhan children anyway, it is a good cover."

Putting the plan into action to cover themselves and this Dark Moon Clan, it was a good idea to speak with Duan Jian on what they needed. While probing a little about the enemy they fought.


Xiao Clan-


Xiao Mei was currently cleaning grime off her body once more. Having done the Marrow Washing techniqine that was inside the Dragon Martial Arts each time she achieved another dou-star lead to her having powerful bones.

'It was worth it following him after apologizing.' Xiao Mei contemplated the Dragon's Aura Explosion a little further. It was a good area of effect attack but could also be used for defense as well. 'The better physical growth, the more dou-qi I can have with this manual. Just wish it didn't hurt so much.'

Doing the fighting stances in the manual, she stretched in different directions while circulating the dou-qi method. Each pass her meridians ached but grew thicker and expanded a little.

'Hmm?' In the downward dog position next, she felt a presence near her. Opening her eyes she could see Xiao Yan. 'I am going crazy from over work.' Giving a self-deprecating smile, Xiao Mei freaked when Xiao Yan opened his eyes and looked at her. "Waah!"

'Calm down. It is just manifestation of a techniqine.' Xiao Yan sent through the Connection with the help of Astral Sense. 'Very difficult technique that lets me communicate with others despite large distances.'

Xiao Mei collected herself and just looked at the manifestation. Even running her hands through his stomach to make sure he was not pulling a prank on her.

'Kind of passed out from exhaustion and not wanting to deal with some responsibility right now. So best to check on those who are practicing diligently.' Xiao Yan flexed his senses and could tell his Flame Vortex Core was almost done. 'Haa, better to recover at the Action House first, I can feel my power flowing like crazy with my Divine Spark's recovering. Almost formed again.'

'Right.. so give me some pointers if you can.' Xiao Mei understood a little bit, but she rather brush up her cultivation a little.

Status: Xiao Yan Health 1900 Qi: 7000

Power: 21 Defense: 27

Willpower: 39 Intellect: 41

Connection: 21

Laws: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Earth, Ice, Hell, Light, Death, Beasts, Primordial Chaos, Blizzard

Cultivation: Flame Vortex Core: 9-star Dou Grandmaster

Metal Seed: 9th tech level

Astral Fire Body Sense: 8th tech level

Sword Attainment: 3rd tech level

Magmatidecreators' thoughts