
Please Save Her!

The tower had a winding staircase that wrapped around the interior. There was one long hallway that entered into the castle at the ground floor. "I think we should head upstairs first." Zeke said looking up at the spiral of stairs. "We know we can here, and don't know about any other part of the castle."

"That sounds good." Scarlet replied.

Carefully they ascended the stairwell since it lacked a handrail. Floor after floor they climbed, but no entrance into the castle could be found. They continued until they reached the top of the tower. At the top was a room, the only room in the entire tower.

"You want to look inside?" Zeke asked. "There could be an entrance into the castle inside."

"Let's do it." Scarlet replied.

Zeke reached out and grabbed the door handle. The door was unlocked and made a terrible noise when it opened. The room was completely dark, they could not see past the light that entered through the doorway.

"Mana art: Illuminate." Scarlet said and a small orb of fire hovered over her head, providing them with light to see inside the room.

The room was completely void of anything, save one chair that sat in the middle of the room. It was a wooden chair that had straps for the arms and legs. There were blood stains all around and on the chair.

"What happened here?" Zeke asked, hoping Scarlet would know.

"I have no idea." Scarlet replied. "I have been in the castle a few times, but this is something I have never encountered. Maybe it has something to do with the monster we fought earlier, or maybe the gargoyles. I swear this has never been something we couldn't handle, and we are only in our level thirties."

"This one believes the demon king has sent their minions to intercept candidate fifty-one." Sara said. "IT is only logical that the demon king would attempt to end the cycle early."

"Galendor did this?" Zeke asked.

"Candidate thirty-seven did not do this." Sara said. "This was the work of the prime designate demon king."

[Told you.] Alpha said laughing. [But do you listen to me?! No! Going to trust the damn robot that is going to get you killed.]

"Why the blood though?" Zeke asked. "Do monsters not have a good relationship with each other? Is that a thing?"

"I have never known it to me." Scarlet said. "Other than factional differences, undead do not like fairies, and vice versa. Beasts tend to attack anyone indiscriminately. And I don't know much about the others."

"So basically, all the time." Zeke replied. "Even though you just said no."

"I guess?" Scarlet shrugged.

[So hot, but so dumb.] Alpha sighed.

[Oh yeah, you said that earlier too.] Zeke said. [Ready to tell me what you meant by it?]

[You still have not figured it out?] Alpha laughed. [I will talk really slow since you are special. What happened right before the gargoyles attacked?]

[Scarlet cast a fire spell.] Zeke replied.

[And what is happening right now?] Alpha asked.

[Scarlet is casting a fire spell so we can see…] Zeke replied. [Oh shit…]

"Scarlet put out your fire spell!" Zeke shouted.

"Why? Then we won't be able to see." She replied.

Before Zeke could answer her load, roars could be heard from outside the tower. Loud crashes rocked the tower as the gargoyles slammed into the stone wall. With each hit the tower would shake more and more, becoming unstable.

"It's the magic!" Zeke yelled. "They are attracted to it!"

Scarlet dispelled her magic, but the damage was already done. The gargoyles knew where they were located, and their assault continued. One massive strike caused the floor of the room to collapse under Scarlet and Sara. Scarlet screamed as she fell.

Seeing his friend fall, Zeke immediately ran to come to her aid. Without thinking he leaped from the room after her.

[Alpha if you can hear me, please save Scarlet!] Zeke pleaded.

[Fine but only so I can have control.] Alpha said.

Zeke passed control over to Alpha and his eye's changed red. Alpha used his intense knowledge of magic to cast lightning from his feet to speed his descent until he was able to catch the falling Scarlet. As he grabbed her, he flipped so that she was in her arms and his feet pointed towards the ground. Alpha used his lightning to strike the ground. Each shockwave cushioned his fall and decreased his speed. He was able to land on both feet while holding Scarlet.

Scarlet was amazed that Zeke had rescued her so daringly. It causes a mix of emotions to stir inside of her chest. She still loved her dead fiancée but seeing Zeke in action made her start to feel for him as well.

Shortly after Alpha landed, Sara fell and hit the ground with such a force that it formed a crater on the tower floor.

Alpha sat Scarlet down gently. "Fear not babe, I have this all under control. You can leave it all to me." He said.

Scarlet was taken back because Zeke's voice sounded darker and more commanding, but also, he spoke in such a different manner. "Al-alright!" She replied, beginning to blush.

Alpha smiled and lifted his fist up towards the sky. The top of the tower was still being bombarded by the gargoyles. Lightning swirled around his fist until a massive beam of light exuded from his hand. The land engulfed the tower and reached to the sky. When the light cleared, both the tower and gargoyles were no more.

"See babe." Alpha said. "I got you."

[Okay switch back with me.] Zeke said.

[That is going to be a hard pass.] Alpha said. [Tell you what, why don't you just sit back and read my journal. Also, I left some tacos and popcorn out for you.]

[Give me back my body!] Zeke demanded.

Oh no!

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