
Corrupt God of Path of the Blood

I have revised the fiction and started writing it as a new novel. Those who want to read it can find it by typing Corrupt Cultivation System. This book will not continue. ------- Even the gods could fall. Corrupt One, one of the most powerful gods in the Dimension of the Gods, had the power of hundreds of thousands of believers with the "Blood of Darkness and Fire" Technique he had created. But the jealousy of the other gods united them all against one god, Corrupt One. This battle even caused rifts in the Dimension of the Gods. Realized he could not win, Corrupt One used the power of the believers to resurrect himself in a new body, but this came at a price. He failed to take his memory with himself and was cursed by the shattered part of his soul. Now his soul is condemned to a cruel life. He is still the same person, even if he is unaware of the power he once had. He did manage to bring one thing with him, though. The Corrupt Seal... Will he be able to bring the soul he carries inside him back to its deserved place? Or will the obstacles in his path put him back to the beginning? The story of a young man born from the dead. Only the darkest hearts can become one with demons. --- Author: The protagonist of this story is a young man who has grown up with various psychological problems and traumas. He knows he is weak, but instead of sitting and crying, he uses his intelligence to get what he wants. Of course it will be strong. Even very powerful. But there is a time for everything. The MC receives power not as a gift from heaven, but as a result of his own efforts. He often makes plans that require him to do many things to achieve them. He does not wait for fate to be kind to him. He takes from it what he needs. MC is not a psychopath who kills everyone he sees. However, he is not afraid to kill whoever he needs to in order to guarantee his job. He doesn't care how many deaths are on the way to his goal. At first, the MC may be scared, he may throw tantrums because of what he is going through in his inner world. He is not a robotic MC, completely removed from humanity. He has feelings. He has to deal with psychological problems and fights the stains they leave on his soul. He learns and grows stronger with time. MC is manipulative. The world expands as the story progresses. Not everything is revealed to the reader at the beginning. It is discovered together with the MC. The huge world contains many supernatural creatures, regions, techniques, places and more. If you want to read an MC who is morally corrupt, has psychological problems, cares about his own self-interest, conspires, plans, manipulates people, hides his power when he is strong and reveals it when necessary, you are in the right place. There may be some grammatical mistakes that are not big enough to affect the reading pleasure. It is updated every day.

KagaraTheHunter · 東方
78 Chs

The Thief

Huan Wei was walking into town. Before he left the forest, he checked the pouch. There were five pills in it. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could use at the Pedestrian stage. These were simple pills for someone in the Traveler stage. Still, they could be useful for cleansing his body of impurities. He was going to save them so that he could use them when he entered the Traveler stage.

What he needed now was a pill to buy from the merchant who would come tomorrow. 30 silver coins was a good price for this pill. Maybe he could get a discount with a little emotional appeal. Then he could start planning to kill Huan Hong. He was his next target. He was sure to be a more formidable opponent than Huan Liwei. Huan Hong used a spear and was very good with it. Therefore Huan Wei would not be as relaxed as he had been in his first battle. Some matters would have to be settled before the battle began.

Before he left the forest, he set up the traps he had collected from the place where he had killed Huan Liwei in other places. It would have been nice if he had found a hunted animal, but luck was not on his side this time. He was coming back empty-handed. There was still a feeling inside him that pleased him. He had never imagined that killing Huan Liwei would be so pleasurable. He stopped at the entrance to the town and looked down the streets. Huan Liwei was no more. He couldn't help smiling. He imagined how happy he would be after killing everyone who annoyed him. It would be an absolutely wonderful feeling.

He took a deep breath and put on his usual innocent expression. Then he entered the town and started walking through the streets. People were talking about the caravan that would stop here tomorrow. New clothes, new weapons, ointments and medicines not available in town... It was all coming. For those who had arranged to pay for what they were going to buy, it would be a feast. It would be a good day even for the poor. And the town leaders would buy new technical manuals to add to the Manual Pavilion. Any way you looked at it, it would be good for the whole town. The caravan would stay here for a few days. That meant the inns would make a lot of money.

Huan Wei listened to people talking and made his way home. He would carry the money he had saved on his person now. Having it on him all this time might have caused trouble, but the last night would be fine. He would still have to arrange a secret meeting with one of the merchants. There would be trouble if people asked him where he got the 30 silver coins. So he had to make the exchange in secret. Maybe he could use a moment when one of the merchants left the crowd.

When he came to his neighborhood, the streets seemed cleaner to him. Even the coolness of the breeze was more beautiful. "A death can make someone's world so beautiful." He thought to himself. "I should have made this decision a long time ago."

As Huan Wei walked towards his own house, he came to Huan Quon's father's shop. He secretly wondered what they were doing now. When would they notice Huan Liwei's absence? It was certain that Huan Quon would not conduct a serious investigation. Even if he did, no one could control the cliff. The murder had been perfect.

As he passed by the merchant's shop, he saw Huan Quon talking to Huan Hong. He walked past them, knowing they would make fun of him. He wanted to hear what they were saying, but when he noticed him, they stopped talking. He couldn't hear anything. It looked like he was going to get a few insults and leave, but things worked differently than he thought. This time they didn't stop him and they didn't make fun of him. Huan Wei felt strange. Was something going on that he didn't know about?

He checked his own information. What conversation could Huan Quon and Huan Hong have had that even he wouldn't want to hear? And this time they hadn't even deigned to mock him. Huan Wei was demoralized. He realized again that things were not entirely in his control. Perhaps they were talking about Huan Quon's father's business? But that was none of Huan Hong's business. Why would Huan Quon tell him?

"The third member of the group is the furthest away from them," he said to himself. "These two are closer to each other. I will have to pay more attention."

He left them behind and came home. He smelled alcohol even before he opened the door. When he entered, he saw a sight he did not expect. His father had filled the table with a variety of drinks and had brought a lot of food to eat. Looking at Huan Wei, he grinned and continued drinking. At that moment lightning flashed in the young man's brain.

When he went to his room with quick steps, he saw that all his belongings were smashed. His bed, his closet and even the box where he kept his money were smashed. His eyes widened in anger and he clenched his fists. He turned around and walked with heavy steps towards his father. The drunkard put his drink down on the table and said, "What happened? Are you looking for something?" he asked. By this time he was eating some fruit.

"You vile, self-righteous piece of human garbage. How dare you steal my money?" Huan Wei was trying hard not to attack the man. The money he had been saving little by little all this time was gone. The caravan would arrive tomorrow and he only had a few coppers. He would never be able to buy the pill.

His father continued to drink indifferently. "You should have kept your mouth shut when I asked you for money. Maybe then you would have had a little more money."

"Do you realize what you've caused? You put all my hard work into a few bottles on the table!"

"Shut up." The man frowned. "You think I don't know where you got that money? I'm your father. I know you inside and out better than anyone. Consider yourself lucky I'm not complaining about you. And go and work harder. Or I will kick you out of the house."

Huan Wei swallowed angrily. At that moment he wanted to draw his sword and cut off his head. He wanted to take all the money he had spent out of the man's blood, but he restrained himself. "You will pay it all back to me. Every single silver."

"You want it back without shame? Do you really have the nerve to say that after all that stealing?"

"Don't force me, Huan Chao."

The man's expression changed. "I tolerated all your disrespect, but you call your father by his name?" he said as he advanced on the young man. The power of the First Step of Path of the Earth made Huan Wei uneasy. His father had already broken through the Explorer stage of the first realm and entered the Path of the Earth. There was no way he could defeat him in a one-on-one battle. Nevertheless, he reached for his sword.

When Huan Chao saw that his son was going to attack, he smiled mockingly. Then he extended his hand towards him in a fist. Although they were two meters apart, Huan Wei was pushed back by an invisible force. He was knocked off his feet and sent flying until his back hit the wall. When he fell to the ground after the hard impact, his whole body was in pain. He quickly recovered and stood up, but his father was already at his side.

Huan Chao grabbed him by the throat, lifted him up and punched him in the chest. Huan Wei hit the wall again and was unable to breathe as he fell to the ground. His face was red. After a few seconds of straining his lungs, he could breathe again. Huan Chao grabbed him again and pulled the sword from his waist. "Is this what you rely on?" he said as he threw the sword aside. "What martial art have I chosen, Wei? Tell me."

Huan Wei could hardly breathe. He knew his father had chosen the fist. In a fist fight, the young man wouldn't stand a chance against him. He couldn't even scratch him. When Huan Chao got no answer, he slapped his son hard. It made his lip bleed.

"I asked you a question. When your father asks you something, answer." He waited a while longer, but Huan Wei didn't make a sound. "So that's how it is. Have it your way."

He gave another slap. He straightened Huan Wei's head with one hand and slapped him with the other. After a few more slaps, the youth still made no sound. This made his father hit him harder. Huan Chao slapped Huan Wei for several minutes. When the young man could no longer speak, he grabbed him by the collar and dragged him away. He threw him into the young man's room, which was full of broken furniture. Then he took the key from him and locked the door. Huan Wei lay on the floor, his face swollen like a balloon.

Huan Chao went back to the drinking table and continued to enjoy himself. All the while he was talking to himself. "Stupid boy, he's going to get himself killed. At my age, I'm going to be a child killer." Then he raised his voice loud enough for him to hear. "You will learn respect! Look at the kitten you've become when you're out and about! And the tiger you're trying to become at home! You're pathetic! You always have been! Always will be!"

Huan Wei lay motionless on the floor. He just stared at the ceiling as he heard his father's words.

He was clenching his fists. He was unaware of the demon mark on his left palm. The more his soul was filled with rage, the more his left hand itched. He wanted Huan Chao dead. He wanted to go on with his life alone. He wanted Huan Chao to be taken away by the Black Void they always called him.