
Corrupt God of Path of the Blood

I have revised the fiction and started writing it as a new novel. Those who want to read it can find it by typing Corrupt Cultivation System. This book will not continue. ------- Even the gods could fall. Corrupt One, one of the most powerful gods in the Dimension of the Gods, had the power of hundreds of thousands of believers with the "Blood of Darkness and Fire" Technique he had created. But the jealousy of the other gods united them all against one god, Corrupt One. This battle even caused rifts in the Dimension of the Gods. Realized he could not win, Corrupt One used the power of the believers to resurrect himself in a new body, but this came at a price. He failed to take his memory with himself and was cursed by the shattered part of his soul. Now his soul is condemned to a cruel life. He is still the same person, even if he is unaware of the power he once had. He did manage to bring one thing with him, though. The Corrupt Seal... Will he be able to bring the soul he carries inside him back to its deserved place? Or will the obstacles in his path put him back to the beginning? The story of a young man born from the dead. Only the darkest hearts can become one with demons. --- Author: The protagonist of this story is a young man who has grown up with various psychological problems and traumas. He knows he is weak, but instead of sitting and crying, he uses his intelligence to get what he wants. Of course it will be strong. Even very powerful. But there is a time for everything. The MC receives power not as a gift from heaven, but as a result of his own efforts. He often makes plans that require him to do many things to achieve them. He does not wait for fate to be kind to him. He takes from it what he needs. MC is not a psychopath who kills everyone he sees. However, he is not afraid to kill whoever he needs to in order to guarantee his job. He doesn't care how many deaths are on the way to his goal. At first, the MC may be scared, he may throw tantrums because of what he is going through in his inner world. He is not a robotic MC, completely removed from humanity. He has feelings. He has to deal with psychological problems and fights the stains they leave on his soul. He learns and grows stronger with time. MC is manipulative. The world expands as the story progresses. Not everything is revealed to the reader at the beginning. It is discovered together with the MC. The huge world contains many supernatural creatures, regions, techniques, places and more. If you want to read an MC who is morally corrupt, has psychological problems, cares about his own self-interest, conspires, plans, manipulates people, hides his power when he is strong and reveals it when necessary, you are in the right place. There may be some grammatical mistakes that are not big enough to affect the reading pleasure. It is updated every day.

KagaraTheHunter · 東方
78 Chs

Speeding up the Process

The bandits and Huan Wei returned to their camp. They had taken no prisoners. They did not need new slaves. With the bandits' numbers so reduced, taking more slaves could cause problems.


When they arrived at the camp, Huan Wei was excited. He believed he had proven himself. Not only had he shown them that he was not afraid to kill someone, but he had also put up a good fight against Xin Hai.


Yun Ying signaled to the bandits. Xin Hai and one of his friends dragged Huan Wei into the cage. The young man did not resist. The other slaves watched them.


Xin Hai literally threw Huan Wei into the cage. The young man hit the bars and did not fight back as the collar was chained around his neck, yet he glared at Xin Hai. They took his broken sword from him.


When the bandits left, Lei Lok and Jiao Bai were very curious. Ai Tung was curious too, but he wasn't going to ask anything.


"Huan Wei," Lei Lok has spoken. "What happened? Why did they take you away?"


Huan Wei shrugged. "They needed extra people. They chose me because of Body Tempering."


"But they didn't take Cao Jingguo."


"I don't know about that. I just did what I was told."


Their conversation continued into the evening. Then it was time for dinner and the slaves were taken out of the cages.


As Ai Tung walked away from Huan Wei, Cao Jingguo sat next to him again. He was eating his meal in silence.


Huan Wei suddenly asked. "Why are you helping them, Jingguo?"


Cao Jingguo looked at him as if he didn't understand what he was saying. "What? You told me to do this. You told me not to be like before."


"That was before I saw the ingratitude of these people. They don't deserve any help you can give them. Can't you see they abandoned me because I saved my life? How can you be sure they won't do the same to you tomorrow?"


Cao Jingguo took another spoonful of his food. "What did you expect, Huan Wei? Do you think this is a community of people who love each other? Do you think they are all good people here? Then let me tell you."


Cao Jingguo pointed to one of the slaves. "Bai Long. He stole all the money his family had saved and ran away. Now his parents are slaves to the person they owe because they can't pay their debts."


He pointed to another. "Cai Cai. He is a thief. He escaped into the forest to avoid the town guards. He was caught by the Forest Masters. The number of people with good intentions here can be counted on one hand."


Huan Wei looked at him meaningfully. "What about you?"


Cao Jingguo became silent. He didn't speak until he had finished eating. Lei Lok and Jiao Bai were also curious about his story. When he finally spoke, they listened.


"I come from the north, from Stone Valley Town," he began. "It is famous for its mines. Many of the crystal stones, the money currency of the Great Sword Palace, are made from crystals mined in our town. My family was one of the richest in the town. So I had access to the resources needed for Body Tempering."


He straightened his posture a little. It was clear that he had wanted to tell someone about this for a long time. He had held it in all this time. "It's funny why I came here. I just wanted to take a walk in the forest while my father took care of business in Broken Mountain Town. The Bright Forest was a place that interested me then. Now I hate this place...


"I was picking some plants that looked good to me when I was ambushed by these bastards. I fought and took one down, yet when I tried to escape Lan Xifeng shot me in the leg with a light dagger. They knew I came from a rich family because of my clothes. They ransomed my family many times. That's why they kept me alive. But my family doesn't send money anymore. They probably think I am dead."


Huan Wei realized that his was not the only life that was difficult. Everyone had experienced some difficult things. Yet none of them had experienced anything as hard as he had.


Cao Jingguo's family loved him. If they had kidnapped Huan Wei and asked Huan Chao for ransom, he wouldn't have cared. He wouldn't give a single copper. Cao Jingguo's life became difficult later. Huan Wei secretly jealous of him. If he was the one with a rich family, he would probably have entered the Great Sword Palace by now.


"Stone Valley Town, what's it like?" asked Lei Lok. "I've never been there before."


Cao Jingguo took a deep breath. "The town sits in a valley between two mountains. These mountains are called the Black Stone Mountains. There are countless natural monsters on it. Moreover, it is not far from the Divine Region. That's why some of the disciples of the Great Sword Palace are assigned to protect our town. There are often natural monster attacks. But the disciples destroy them all."


"Wait, why did you enter Path of the Earth if it's close to the Divine Region?"


This was the first time anyone had ever had such a conversation with Cao Jingguo. Even though the man felt awkward, he was secretly happy. "I didn't have big dreams. My father owns a mine. When I was old enough, I would take over the business, and I would have a trouble-free life. That's why I didn't go to the Divine Region."


Huan Wei's jealousy was turning into anger. There was a Divine Region near Cao Jingguo, yet he had chosen Path of the Earth? What kind of stupidity was this? How could anyone be so shortsighted? Life had thrown everything at him, but he had pushed it away. He had everything Huan Wei had ever dreamed of.


Cao Jingguo continued. "He is also known for his stonemasonry. In the territory ruled by the Great Sword Palace, the best statues are made by sculptors who grew up in our town. A few of the statues even made it into the Great Sword Palace." He spoke with pride.


Huan Wei rejoined the conversation. He tried to hide his jealousy. "I'm sure powerful cultivators also came out of your town. After all, there are so many natural monsters around. Those of you who fight them must be very strong."


"Yes, a few of them have even become very famous people. Bare Hand Nee Ping, for example, has reached the fourth rank in Body Tempering. Thanks to the Ebony Body, he can fight natural monsters using only his body. I've heard that cultivators below Iron Body can't cut him."


The bandits began to lift the slaves and put them in cages. Huan Wei also got up and went into his own cage. It looked like his days of slavery would continue.


Xin Hai yanked hard on his collar, causing him to hit his head on the bars. Huan Wei turned his head to look at him, but when he saw his smile, he didn't say anything. He just wrote it down in his mind.


When night came, he did not sleep. He often turned his head to check on the bandits. After their jealousy today, he thought they might try to do something bad. He was still in the early phase of the Wanderer stage. If he could meditate, he could keep getting stronger at night.


He looked at the veins in his hand. They had receded almost to the palm of his hand. Expecting it to take at least another two weeks, Huan Wei was surprised. "At this rate, they will all be gone in a few days," he thought.


He remembered what the Corrupt Seal was capable of. Even the Iron Boar, which had terrorized the entire forest, had been helplessly crushed to death. It had been frightened just by the sight of the seal. Even the Black Void in his nightmares had been frightened by the demon mark. The more Huan Wei thought about the magnitude of the power in his left hand, the smaller the world seemed. Even Yuchi Meizhen was weak at that moment.


Huan Wei felt that something had changed inside him. The Qi flowing through his body seemed to be struggling to flow even faster. At that moment, he had an idea.


Again he put his back against the bars and pretended to be asleep. But he sat in meditation. Instead of strengthening the Qi within him, he channeled it. Starting from the Qi Pool, the flow slowly moved to his shoulder and then to his left hand.


Huan Wei could feel the congestion there. The Qi he had couldn't enter the area where the black veins were. So he started to force it there.


He directed all his energy there and pushed the blockage as if he wanted to break a locked door. When he felt the veins recede even further, he was filled with excitement. He didn't have to wait months for the Corrupt Seal. He could use his Qi to shorten the time.


He continued to focus all his Qi. As the black veins disappeared, his left palm began to itch. Huan Wei was excited to have access to his greatest trump card again.