

Codiela is forced to marry blah blah blah, actual synopsis Is on the prologue

Butterflixstar · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Cordelia walked down the halls with Easton beside her to lead her to Damian's office, and right now she was getting sick of Damian's supposed personal assistant (Easton) glaring at her judgementally the whole time, she was soon going to be the mistress of this household and didn't need any one thinking that they could bully her , that itself was utmost disrespect, but then again as her grandmother usually said respect needs to be earned , if not it should be taken by force.

" It appears that this mansion needs some redecoration" first she would strike up a conversation to find out if he truly intended on being disrespectful, if he turned out that he did, she would 'warn' him , Easton hmmed as he followed her , her words were true but he was curious as to why she would even bother about that , did she plan on taking the master's properties?

'As if' Easton scoffed to himself in his thoughts, how could she , a mere Duke's daughter, ever manage to beat his master, no one had ever dared to challenge the ruler of the vampire kingdom , the mere attempt had always led to the destruction of anyone who tried , really, Easton wanted to hit himself for ever thinking that this frail and spoiled girl could ever lay a hand on his master's property! She was already a liability as it is , a forced wife that the master didn't even want, and who further more knew nothing about the wicked world they lived in , unknown to him , the said girl had been reading his thoughts

"Heh..." She smirked as she used her fan 🪭 to cover her mouth, what was this idiot thinking? That she knew nothing about the wicked world they lived in? Oh how mistaken he was , before she became the Duke's daughter, she was nothing but a weak human , despite that she suffered a life unimaginable, it was horrid , even after being turned, she still went through a life of struggles until she eventually met the Duke and his wife, they were kind to her and treated her like family, also , was he not aware that she was forced into this marriage too? She was very sure that he was! But no 🙄, he chose to put the blame on her ? This man knew nothing! Nothing at all! " Cordelia felt rage boil in her but she expressed it in her arura , the air around them suddenly became thick and Easton felt like he was being suppressed and suffocated , What was happening? This atmosphere almost felt like how it would feel whenever his Master was angry , so much that for a second he thought that his master was nearby , but it was only her , though she was smiling, her arura was filled with high murderous intent , the room seemed to darken and her blue eyes glowed as she glared at him .

"You didn't answer my question Easton" her voice was filled with underlying rage making Easton tremble with fear , what was.. with the intense power coming from her , though he was scared , Easton didn't 'physically' waver , instead he glared at her and released his arura as well .

"My apologies , I was in thought, as for your question, I agree with your suggestion, don't worry , such matters don't concern you" since she was going to become mistress, such matters 'definitely' concerned her , what Easton was actually implying was that he did not acknowledge her as Mistress and that he only saw her as a concubine , a gold digger and a slut , in other words, he refused to submit to her . Both glared at each other and the atmosphere became more tense , Cordelia's expression became colder and her arura became 90x deadlier, this time Easton couldn't resist it .

"Know this Slave " Easton flinched as she approached him

" I for one don't need your Master and I do not fear him , second of all, unlike other females out there , I most definitely do not crave his attention , I find it repelling infact , I also have a lot of riches, much more than you could ever dream of and thirdly, I won't tolerate any misbehaviour from you , make sure that's imprinted in your pea sized brain "

Easton nodded stifly , too scared to even speak.

" Bow" Easton's eyes widened slightly at her request, or rather her command, technically he was required to do so since she was soon to be Empress , though that was a sacred and forgotten rule, how did she know about it?

"Bow or face the consequences" Easton felt even more suffocated , infact , he couldn't even brethe anymore . Before he knew it he was bowing in both his knee , not by will but by her authority. She then smiled wickedly and walked past him

"Good boy, you're dismissed you need not to accompany me anymore, you've annoyed me with your presence" the tense atmosphere ceased and Easton gasped as he was now able to breathe, He then stared at her as she walked away with dignity and confidence

"Heh..." He smirked and got up on his feet

"This will be interesting " he mused as he dusted himself and sighed

"Now I'm sure that you saw all that Master , you've got an interesting wife" he grinned and turned to the man who had appeared and was leaning on the wall with a slightly, just slightly amused expression.

"Hmm, I'm sure she was pretending " Easton sweatdropped at his words

"Master, please put yourself in my shoes, you probably felt unbothered by her intimidating arura which by the way is similar to yours, though at least, I'm sure you still felt how powerful it was" the man smiled slightly

"Really? I have no idea what you're talking about, I wasn't paying attention when the whole 'situation' happened, you'll have to do whatever you did again" Easton's face went pale with shock

"!!! ...Master.. please tell me you're kidding!" The man then grinned

"Yes I was" Easton heaved a huge sigh of relief and wobbled on his feet

"Goodness gracious Master, you'll give me a heart attack one day"

"I probably will..on purpose~"


"Anyways " the man sighed "I look forward to seeing how she would behave towards me" saying that he disappeared, Easton sighed and started to walk away, he definitely needed a spa break, most especially after dealing with those two.