
Cookies, Tarts and all the Men Involved.

TW: The Female lead has a case of Phonophobia. Fo-no-fo-bia | Phono-pho-bia | /ˌfəʊnə(ʊ)ˈfəʊbɪə/ A persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of sound. _______ "M-my name is Baybi, what's yours?" I answer shyly trying to pretend the cake I'm icing is more interesting than his presence. "Payne." His voice came. Deep, husky, intimidating. I stopped for a moment before looking at him again, a small confused frown wrinkling my brows. "Pain?" I questioned. A deep chuckle erupted from his throat making my cheeks dust with pink. I looked down at the now-finished cake that was waiting to be put away. I decided to watch the way his shoulders shake as he sobers up, the stud on his ear glistening from the rays the sun emitted. He looks at me with a smirk playing on his lips. My heart dipped in whatever blood was circulating it as he leaned unto the counter, leaving a sinful amount of space between us as he spoke again. "I'm far from it baby, I'm worse

Mae_17 · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter |6|

Chapter |6|

Abigail Todaro.

"Do I scare you?" He asked, his minty breath escaping into my throat.

My heart was thumping, and my fingertips felt cold. It was weird that my stomach curled but not in the way that it normally would when people are invading my personal space. My eyes looked back and forth into his orbs, processing his question.

Does he scare me? An odd question. He has a strong presence and I do feel lesser when he is here but that's beside the point. Payne isn't someone I would hide from, he isn't someone I would avoid.

Why would he think that he scared me? If that was a question to be asked between us, that wasn't his question to ask.

"Do I scare you, Payne?" I asked seriously, wanting to know.

His eyes loosened their harsh gaze and held up a curious/surprised look. I want to know, do I scare him? Is that why he didn't want to talk to me? Does he also notice how weird I am?

I wouldn't be surprised, but it would hurt me if I scared him off already.

I must've gotten an illusion from staring too long but I swear I saw a slight smirk appear on his face.

While the question wasn't answered, the men sitting with him stood up and made their way toward us. Payne straightened up and a swish of cool air blew away the little warmth that had accumulated between us.

"Greg called." The blonde guy said as he approached. "Gerard and I will wait in the car." he finished, then he looked at me and smiled widely and then followed the gesture with a thumbs up.

I returned his smile slightly before he walked out with the other guy.

Payne pulled out a hefty amount of crisp notes from his pocket and looked me straight in the eyes as he said;

"Yes. Yes, you do." He told me before dropping the money on the counter and leaving.

I stood there in shock as a lump slowly formed in my throat, my mouth felt dry and my brain was too busy to register that he didn't even take the cookies with him.

I scare him? Already?

I sulkily picked up the money and stuffed it in the cash register. My legs felt like they absorbed too much water as I dragged them to the empty tables to clean them.

I sighed multiple times as I picked up the disposable items. I don't even know why I'm disappointed again, I knew this was coming. But still, it felt like a punch in the gut every time and this time, it felt more painful.

Well, at least I get to keep the change, again.


I smiled crookedly into my reflection as I tried to convince myself.

"All you have to do is push it up there Baybi, it won't hurt." I said through gritted teeth.

"It will probably sting and crack open something in there, you never know."

Yeah, bad idea.

"Maybe tomorrow, yeah, tomorrow I'll do it." I smiled assuring the imaginary devil and angel on my shoulders.

I tuck back the box of tampons into my small wardrobe and closed it shut, settling for pads instead.

I was getting ready to get to the shop and I slept in a bit today because it wasn't my turn to start the morning shift.

But in this case, I feel like poop. I don't want to ever take in the scent of freshly baked tarts and cookies or cakes and fluffy fresh cinnamon rolls with ice cream and milkshakes.

Groaning, I flopped on my bed only to let out another loud groan when my butt met with the wood beneath my flimsy mattress.

I need to go to work. I need to survive. I need to be alive and continue my misery. I need to see the smile on children's faces when they receive their chocolate cake.

"Why me!" I cursed burying my face in my pillow.

I'm stressed, I need to get rid of it. I need to get drunk.

Ice-cream drunk.

The thought of ice cream made me giddy, I could use some of Gabrielle's cheesecake as well. I sprang up from my bed and threw an oversized hoodie over my tank top, almost tripping over my sweatpants from running out to the front door.

I stopped and remembered that I haven't bought any cash with me. I went back to my kitchen and open my little drawer. I kept most of the change I get in there and it looked even bulkier from the cash Payne kept disposing in front of me.

After taking out a few bills, I try to distract myself from the fairly loud thump my heart was drumming. 

I went to the door and slipped on my shoes, I slowly close my door behind me, plugged my earbuds and started walking.

It would have been nice if I owned an iPod, I would've had tons of music that I would listen to. But I don't listen to music anymore, I know better than that. 

There was no wind but the air was chilly and nice. The streets were less busy and even the sidewalks were lacking . . . sidewalk–ers?

Pedestrians for God's sake.

My subconscious mind reminded me and I smiled at myself. Stupid.

A lot of people seemed to be missing on the streets.

"Was it always this quiet in the morning?" I mumbled the question to myself as I fumbles with the lace of my hoodie.

Something just doesn't feel right.

I turned around, suddenly feeling paranoid for some reason. But all I saw was a man walking his cute fluffy dog.

There was something off about the man though, he didn't seem suspicious but there was something about him that didn't sit right.

Was it the bowl hat and sunglasses in the morning?

I gave him a nervous smile before resuming my walk. I pull my hair up into a sloppy ponytail and tried to not feel self-conscious or paranoid.

As I walked, I saw random kids on the side bench with their families, laughing, and doing random kinds of stuff that families probably do. I used to have a family once, but that aside, the closest people I have as a family now are Gabrielle and her son Derrick.

So much for tossing me into a foster home.

I felt the urge to puke build up my throat as I bit back a gag. I cannot be the only one who feels grossed out by past situations, about past people.

I increased my pace, walking fast but steady, I didn't want to lose my footing.  I could still feel the man's presence behind me, the paws of his dog pattering on the concrete layers of the sidewalk.

A funny part of me thought he was following me, but we all know that's impossible. I'm not even worth the hassle.

My anxiety rose to the top and the urge to bolt down the street was held back by my poorly laid-back side of me. What would people think if I just bolted out in the middle of a normal trekking session?

Instead, I settled for the speed my feet were providing.

I couldn't help but notice that this man was also picking up his speed and taking the same turns as I did.

But I can't be the only one taking the same route right? I mean the streets are meant for everyone. I'm being extra paranoid today.

Maybe it was my brain messing with me or maybe it was my thoughts that were too messed up or maybe it was the fact that I am the clumsiest person on Earth that I had zoned out while speed-walking and bumped into another body ahead of me making us jerk back, loosing both our footings.

"Fucking hell!" The first bomb dropped making my heart sink. "Can you creatures give me a fucking brea–– Wait, it's you." The person seized their complaint with an irritated mumble.

I had to take extra seconds to compose myself before looking at the victim of my clumsy act.

"Hey! It's you again." I beamed with so much enthusiasm than necessary.  I took off my earbuds and shoved them into the pocket of my sweatpants.

The person in front of me tried not to roll their eyes at my over-cheery self and ran their slender, black-manicured fingers through their rainbow-dyed hair. And even though she wore a nose mask I never thought I'd be happy to see a random hard-not-to-notice customer of mine again.

"It's nice to . . . bump into you again – I mean today.  We didn't bump the first time we met." I sputtered glancing behind me only to see the same man from the past few minutes making a casual phone call.

"Ok, fuck this shit, I can't deal with humans right now."  Rainbow haired-girl cursed trying to slip right past me.

"No!" I blurted out flinging my arms sideways, restricting her every move.

"I mean, where are you going?" I heaved.

"I'm getting away from you, all of you–" She said pointing a finger around the whole area. "Look, the only reason I'm putting up with you right now is because of that extra cream thing okay? So get outta my way kid."

"You can't break my–– Hey! I am not a kid! I'm older than you!" I exclaimed with a small pout.

"You're probably sixteen, I'm sixteen and a half." She deadpanned.

"What –– I'm twenty-seven," I said eyes wide, unable to believe her thoughts about my age.

Wasn't it obvious? I'm not that little, or. . . young.

"Ok, whatever floats your boat. I gotta scram." She said placing her palm on the centre of my head and trying to walk around me.

Of course, I gripped her wrists.

"Please don't go–" I pleaded sincerely. "I'm in huge trouble, I think that guy is following me." I whispered tugging her wrists desperately.

"Why would you think th-"

"He's been behind me since I stepped out of my apartment. Please don't leave me alone, I'll do anything." I cut her off, gripping her wrist very tightly. "Anything." I stressed.

She let out a deep - probably regretful - sigh before looking at me and then back at the man who was having a very serious conversation.

A few seconds passed and then she said;

"Believe it or not I'm doing this once." She told me with a glare and I nodded quickly.

She rocked on her heels for a couple of debating minutes before grabbing my forearm and making a beeline for the busy street ahead. I quickly pulled out my noise-cancelling earplugs again, I don't do well with horns.

"Where are you going?" She asked walking fast.

"I-I uh-um the bakery, where I work?" I said, my voice coming out as a question.

"Ok, I want you to follow my lead. No questions."

I nodded and plugged my ears fast.

As soon as the last word left her lips she crossed the road without inspecting it first, dragging me along.

My reaction to that: Panic.

All the bones in my body went stiff and I'm sure she felt it because she gripped me tighter and pulled me harder. I could still hear the faint buzzing of horns blaring.

This girl is wild.

Once we reached the other end I could already see the glass exterior of the bakery.

I took one of the earplugs off. I opened my mouth to thank her but she immediately grabbed my forearm and started running.

"That guy is following you! C'mon, run-"

"What?" I blurted cutting her off.

"I said run, like hell." She rushed making me pick up my feet immediately.

I don't wanna die without a friend.

"Excuse me, miss!" The guy yelled making me flinch.

"He's gaining on us kid, c'mon show me how fast those tiny legs can go." She urged.

I wanted to say my legs weren't tiny but I ran, faster than what my memory thought of the fastest runner in the world.

If there's one thing I couldn't disappoint myself at, was running. I ran a lot of times in the past.

And soon, I burst into the familiar building I worked at.

No one looked at me among my co-workers, except for the wide-eyed half-asian girl looking outside the glass wall behind me.

I turned around just in time to see Rainbow haired-girl give Mr Stalker a roundhouse kick that made him fall back.

And with that, she gracefully pushed the door open.

"Damn, that was a good run." She said tapping my shoulder before heading for the counter. "You're not even out of breath, you're an athlete for sure." She added, her chest rising and falling as she took off her nose mask.

I smiled at her and followed her until she sat on one of the stools and I did the same.

"Yeah, I did . . . a lot of running before." I told her and Kim came to us before she could ask any more questions.

"Hello Abby, how are you doing today?" She asked with a small, warm smile.

"I'm fine, absolutely fine. My day was so peachy and fun, it's not like I was being followed or anything." I said with a very awkward laugh.

Rainbow haired-girl rolled her eyes.

I'm a bad liar, and I probably should stop calling her that.

"I'll –– just –– get you guys some milkshake." Kim said eyeing the girl and me closely.

"That was . . . eventful." I coughed playing with my earplugs.

"I swear to God woman," She groaned digging her fingertips into her temple. "Do you even have a name?"

"Yeah, my name is Baybi Abigail Todaro, what's yours?"

"Lace," She stated without missing a beat making my brows scrunch in confusion.

She rolled her eyes again.

"Oriana Lace Lonsdale. Nice to meet ya."  She fully introduced making me smile wider.

"Nice name. Your eyes are so beautiful, they look familiar." I complimented pointing at her light grey eyes, I think I've seen something like that somewhere.

"Huh? These? I'm planning on rippin' 'em off and going legally blind." She scoffed plunging a piece of gum into her mouth.

"What? Why? I'd steal for that shade of grey," I whined with a pout.

"I'd kill for yours." She deadpanned making my smile drop. "And you're the only one I know with them so..."

"No, never mine –– I mean, mind, you can do what you want with your eyes. It is

I smiled for what felt like a billionth time today. I've made a friend! This one, whether she likes it or not.

"Anything." I confirmed.

Well, this should be nice.