
Contractual Romance

“It has to be a sin that I am loving the thought of fucking my best friend.” “We started sinning when we got married, you fool. Why does the thought of you with me disgust you so much?” I hated how he made me feel and how it felt like my love was unrequited when he did things that made it seem otherwise. *** Sandy and Anthony have been best friends since high school despite their differences in backgrounds. Sandy is hardworking even though she works as an assistant to her billionaire best friend who she has always had feelings for. Anthony has been the clueless best friend who is a known womanizer until family problems rises and he has to get married and have a baby. Will Anthony make the choice of having his best friend his wife and face the pull of love when it starts to grow in him for the first time?

IrenKaykay_ · 都市
24 Chs


Sandy's POV

"To celebrate another business deal been a success, we will go to the club," Anthony said with a clap of his hands. 

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his words. He was always going for one party to another, to almost every club in the city. He was never tired, and I was always the one left with taking care of him if he got too tired or drunk to do any work.

"I'm not interested," I said and rose from the seat I was sitting on. I grabbed the files on the desk of his house office and arranged them in a corner. 

"Come on, Sandy," he pleaded and went around the desk to stand beside me. "You're not doing anything this weekend. So, let's have fun."

I looked at him incredulously and he smiled, blinking his eyes rapidly in a way that he used in begging me to do something for him.

"Have fun? More like you having fun all night while I sit in a corner watching," I said and walked away from the desk.

I heard him follow me as I walked to the door. I held the door, ready to open it when he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"What if I promise to pay for a vacation to anyplace you want in exchange?" He asked and I smiled at the bribery.

I turned around in his arms and felt bad when he stepped back, leaving me without his arms around me.

"What is included in this trip?" I asked and crossed my arms, getting into my business mode.

Anthony tapped his chin with a thoughtful look on his face. 

"I will pay for five days, your suite, food, transportation; everything you want for the trip," he said.

The perks of having a rich friend who always loved to give me anything even without me asking. It was nice but still wasn't used to it when he did things for me.

"Alright, I accept," I said, and he beamed.

"Thanks. I'll pick you up at eight. Dress nice."

I shook my head in humor and opened the door before walking out of the office with him behind him.


I was still sitting at home, on my bed, thinking of if I could still go to the club with Anthony. My dress was laying on the bed across the room. I had reasons for not going out with him to such places sometimes. I had twenty minutes to prepare yet I wasn't ready. I wish I could sleep in and not bother about going to party with Anthony when it was not something I liked that much, despite going with him since we were in college.

My phone rang beside me, and I took a peep at it. Anthony was calling and that made me spring up from the bed. I rushed into my bathroom and took a shower. After that, I quickly rubbed my body lotion and slipped on a lace bra with transparent back and a full lace panty. I ran my hands over the red material, loving the feel of it under my hands.

I smiled and made my way to the bed where I took the dress I was going to wear. It had thin straps with a low back that would expose the curve of my back and end at the top of my butt. I shook my head at it when I remembered it was my roommate who got it for me. I would never use my money to buy stuff like this because it would end up being a waste as I had nowhere to wear them.

"Well, time to party," I said and slipped my legs through the dress. The softness of the fabric felt good and cold against my skin as I slid it up my body. 

As soon as I wore it up to my body, I touched my stomach and waist, feeling up the dress. I ran my fingers through my hair and wondered what style I should put it in. Sometimes, I wondered why I bothered to put effort into the way I looked especially when Anthony wasn't going to acknowledge it. I dressed for myself too but when I had someone I was attached to, I did my best to look good.

"Nah, I'm going to let it down," I said and eyed my phone when it rang again. Anthony was still calling but I wasn't going to answer it.

I went over to my vanity and on the stool facing the mirror. I pulled my make-up bag close and started to apply a light touch of make-up on my face. The first time I went to a club with Anthony, I had been embarrassed by a classmate of ours back then who looked beautiful and dressed perfect that night. I had arrived in jeans shorts and a shirt, and I looked out of place. Since then, I put effort into my looks because the people around Anthony were rich and influential.

Ten minutes later, I was done, and a bright light flashed into my room through the window by the vanity. I heard the rumble of Antony's sport car, and I rolled my eyes at his choice. I stood up from the stool and sprayed some cologne on my body before making my way to the bed. I took my phone and purse then slipped my feet into my heels. 

"I just hope tonight goes well," I said under my breath.


I was already regretting coming here with Anthony. 

The place was loud, people were so much on the dance floor across the VIP booth. Girls were trooping in and out of our booth, giggling and talking to Anthony and his other rich friends. 

All I did was sit on the leather seat with a glass of soda in my hand. My soda had been cold but now, it was warm, matching my mood. I was bored and only had to look at people as entertainment.

"Who is she?" A voice asked and I looked at Anthony who was sitting beside a man who looked his age. 

The man's eyes were on me, in a lustful way. I shifted on my seat and looked away, not wanting to give him any ideas.

"Oh, her? She's my best pal," Anthony replied in a slurry manner.

He was drunk already, and I had to roll my eyes at it. Thank goodness I was here with him because I would not let him drive on his own in a fast car.

"Well, I like her. Care to introduce her to me?" His friend asked and a chuckle followed.

"Sure," Anthony said.

I cursed in my head. Anthony was always fond of trying to match me with his friends or business partners. It was unprofessional and annoying. It hurt too because it showed he didn't like me the way I did which was disappointing each time I thought about it and when he did this. 

"Sandy. Come over here," Anthony said, waving me over with a goofy smile on his face.

I could tell he was high too, not only drunk. I rolled my eyes and rose from the seat then made my way to where they sat. Anthony scooted away, making space between him and his friend. I glared at his move, and he winked before patting the space.

I eyed his friend who was smiling then sat down. I shifted toward Anthony who immediately wrapped his arm around me. I felt warm on the inside and a tingle at the position. He leaned into me a bit and ran his hand up and down my arm.

"Sandy, this is Trevor McClure," he said, pointing at the dark-haired man. "He's a business friend from Texas. Trevor, this is my assistant and best friend."

Trevor smiled. "Assistant and best friend? I've never seen that before. Anyway, you're beautiful, Sandy."

I forced a smile on my face and made eye contact with a high Anthony before looking back at Trevor whose eyes were moving up and down my exposed leg.

"Thank you," I replied and sipped my drink.

A new song started to play, and people got hyped. Anthony released me and rose to his feet, staggering in the process. I rushed out to hold him, but he steadied himself and looked at us.

"I'm going to go dance. You two have fun," he said and went away.

I relaxed on the back of the seat and tried to not make eye contact with Trevor who was still staring at me.

"Want to dance?"

"No," I replied.

"Come on, let's go dance. Just one dance, it's all."

I frowned. "I don't want to."

Trevor groaned. "Do you want money before you dance with me?"

I became pissed off that I turned my head to glare at him. What did he take me for?

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Come on, don't pretend like you didn't understand what I mean. Look, I know Anthony and I'm sure he simply can't have someone like you as an assistant and best friend. All the women that are in his life love money and do anything for money. So, one dance and I'll pay you $500," he said, and I rose to my feet.

"Go suck your ass," I retorted and walked away, anger flowing through my body.

I glared at Anthony who was dancing with a curvy woman who had her ass shaking against his front. I clenched my hands and walked away to the bar. I sat on the stool and rubbed my forehead. I hated my relationship with Anthony sometimes because he had no single reasonable friend apart from me.

They either wanted to be his friend for money or connection. He was reckless and didn't care about the type of people around him and that pissed me off. One too many times, I have been insulted because I wasn't as rich as he was or influential and when I told Anthony about it, he would confront his friends but still go out with them another time.

"I don't know how long I can take this," I said.