
Contractual Romance

“It has to be a sin that I am loving the thought of fucking my best friend.” “We started sinning when we got married, you fool. Why does the thought of you with me disgust you so much?” I hated how he made me feel and how it felt like my love was unrequited when he did things that made it seem otherwise. *** Sandy and Anthony have been best friends since high school despite their differences in backgrounds. Sandy is hardworking even though she works as an assistant to her billionaire best friend who she has always had feelings for. Anthony has been the clueless best friend who is a known womanizer until family problems rises and he has to get married and have a baby. Will Anthony make the choice of having his best friend his wife and face the pull of love when it starts to grow in him for the first time?

IrenKaykay_ · 都市
24 Chs


Sandy's POV

I could hear the sloshing of water and birds as I pulled myself out of my sleep. I opened my eyes and yawned before rubbing my eye. My vision cleared and I became conscious of my surroundings when I heard a faint heartbeat. I looked sideways and saw I was resting on Anthony's chest. On instinct, I raised my head in shock and looked at his face to see if he was awake. He was fast asleep, snoring softly. 

Another thing that made me conscious was when I felt a grip on my ass. My cheeks flamed as I knew that the grip was from Anthony and when I peeped down, I saw his hand cupping my ass. I bit my lip and tried to move away so he wouldn't wake up to find us in an awkward position but he refused to let me go and instead, moved his hand dangerously close to the path between my legs.

I started to feel horny from his touch, accompanied by the fear of him waking up and seeing himself touching me. I laid my head back on his chest and hoped for the best to happen but my heart skipped a beat when his hand went lower and rested his middle and forefinger on my covered pussy. My core throbbed and I could tell that I was already wet from him just touching me like that. It was fucked up for me to take advantage of such a situation but I couldn't help it, he would never touch me like this when he was awake.

Before I knew it, I was falling asleep with a smile on my face while his fingers moved every few seconds. And the next time I was waking up, I was alone on the bed with my phone ringing under my pillow. I groaned and pulled out the phone to check who it was. I smiled when Trent's name was displayed on my screen. I swiped my finger on the answer column and placed the device on my ear.

"Good morning," I said in a hoarse voice.

"Good morning. Did I wake you up?" He sounded worried.

"Kinda but I needed to wake up anyway, seeing that it's almost ten in the morning," I said and sat up on the bed. I rested my back against the headboard and yawned.

There were no signs of Anthony as I looked around, but his bag was still there, so it meant he didn't leave yet. He was capable of leaving me here. 

"I guess you're enjoying your weekend. You two are trending everywhere online," Trent said with a chuckle, which sounded nervous.

Maybe it was jealousy and something about the fact that he may be jealous made me feel good. Good, in the sense that I had someone interested in me. If not for this fake relationship, Trent and I would have been dating by now.

"It's normal for me… for us. Even before we started dating, we were always on social media. How are you by the way?" I asked, wanting to change the topic.

"I'm good. I called to let you know that I won't be going to the club again. I'm sorry for calling yesterday. Something came up. Can you also let the boss know?"

I pouted in disappointment. I wanted to hang out with him and I knew the reason he was no longer interested was because of the stunt that Anthony pulled. 

"Okay. I was really looking forward to us going to the club," I said and heard footsteps outside the room.

"Yeah, me too but we can go some other time. I have to go now. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

As the door opened, the call ended. I glared at Anthony when he walked in with two shopping bags. I crossed my arms when he stared at me in confusion.

"Trent says he isn't going to the club again and it's all your fault," I complained as I got out of bed.

Anthony shrugged. "It's a good thing he called it off. Next time, he shouldn't be inviting other people's girlfriends to clubs."

"Coming from you who have fucked other people's women?" I asked incredulously and he showed me his middle finger.

Anthony walked to the bed and placed the bags on it. I read the label on the bags and wondered what he was doing with clothes from a women's clothing store.

"What's in the bag?" I asked.

"A dress for the club."


"We're still going clubbing tonight. So, I bought you a dress. I looked through your luggage and didn't find anything suitable for our next plan."

I blanched at the image of him going through my things. I didn't put my panties in a different part, everything was stuffed into the luggage. Which meant he saw my underwear and I didn't know what to say to that.

"Don't worry, I didn't see anything I'm not supposed to see," Anthony said with a wink.

"Fool," I murmured and he chuckled.

"Thanks to Trent, we will have the perfect time to show our relationship in the club," he walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. "The club is the most intimate place to give people a show. What do you say?"

I had nothing to say but try to imagine what was going to happen tonight.


The dress was too short and too revealing in the chest area. It stopped just under my ass— The only thing it covered was my ass. The strings of the dress were holding my breasts from spilling out of the low neckline. 

"What the hell was that fool thinking when he bought this?" I asked my reflection in the mirror and tossed my hair off my shoulders to my back.

I turned around and looked at my back from over my shoulder. My ass was hugged by the dress, making it pop out. The curve of my waist and my flat stomach fit the dress well, I must admit. It was nice and also very expensive but not my type of outfit. I had no choice though, seeing that I was now dating Anthony for the clicks.

The sound of the door opening made me spin around in fear. I froze and stared straight at Anthony who was frozen in a spot. His eyes danced around my figure while he maintained a straight face. Of course, he would not react to me dressed like the girls he was normally seen with. I was just a normal girl to him.

"The dress is nice. I thought they didn't get the right size," he said and crossed over to the bed where he picked up his phone and wallet.

I nodded and faced the mirror. My heart stung from his words. He didn't even compliment me, instead, he complimented the stupid dress. My lips twitched and my face contorted into a frown as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Are you finished? We need to leave. Also, we won't be coming back to the yacht. So, pack your things."

After that, he left the room and I wrapped my arms around my body in a bid to cover it. I felt like there was no need to feel good in what I was wearing when Anthony couldn't even playfully admit how good I looked.

"Stop it," I said and pointed at my reflection. "His compliments will not be the reason why you feel good about what I wear or how I feel. Tonight, you'll have to have fun, no matter what."

I smiled at myself and nodded in agreement to my words.


Since we arrived at the club, which was his usual place to be every weekend. I noticed how the girls and customers looked at us. I knew the reason was that Anthony was a known womanizer around here and it was weird seeing him bring his girlfriend with him to a place he openly flirts and gets girls to fuck.

In addition to that, Anthony has not sat up from where he was sitting to flirt or dance with anyone. He was rooted to the leather lounge with a glass of alcohol in his hand. Some of the girls had approached him and he denied them in front of me, making them stare at me in disdain or simply giggle away. I wonder what amused them.

After a glass of my non-alcoholic drink, I whispered to him that I needed to use the restroom and he responded with a nod. I got up and walked out of the VIP section and straight to the hallway leading to the restroom. I arrived and went in then got into the first stall. As I eased myself, I heard some girls walk in.

"Omg, did you see Anthony Hogan? I can't believe he now has a girlfriend," one of the girls said.

"I know, right? It's like, ew. Why stick to one woman when you can have different women of your choice? What's the fun in that?" Another asked and laughter filled the stalls.

I rolled my eyes at their words and continued to do my business.

"Also, she isn't even that pretty," a different person said.

At least, I was still pretty if she chose to put her sentence like that. It made me almost giggle.

"True. She's so mid. So basic. I always imagined him with someone hot, with a social background, and not that leech called his best friend. She's so fake. She looks fake."

I rolled my eyes again and rose to my feet after finishing my business.

"Anyway, they aren't going to last. He's going to find a woman of his taste soon."

One laughed. "I heard he's a monster in bed. I'll try to get him tonight and if he budges, I'll post it and have everyone see that Anthony Hogan isn't a one-woman man."

They laughed sinisterly like a bunch of witches. It made me shudder from disgust. Women like them were the types who have, on several occasions tried to drug him and take advantage of him. 

"He's free now. I don't see that bimbo around him. I'll go try my luck. Come on, let's go."

I waited until they left the restroom before I flushed and left the stall. I washed my hands and retouched my hair before walking out of the restroom. I quickly made my way out to the club and was not surprised when I saw a beautiful woman in a dress similar to mine, sitting so close to Anthony who was acknowledging her presence. She had her hand on his lap and that sparked a nerve in me.

I walked up to them and casually sat on Anthony's lap. He stiffened at my bravery before relaxing and wrapping his arm around my waist while his other hand rested on my naked thigh. I smiled down at him and out of my peripheral, I could see the woman glaring at me.

"Want to dance?" I asked and watched him trace my face with his amusement-filled eyes.

"You wanna surprise me?" He asked.

I smirked. He was going to be in for a surprise by the time I was done with him.