
Contractual Love

*COMPLETED* Tara Sharma an intelligent and beautiful lady was forced to a marriage at age of 17 she was studying and wanted to continue but the contract of marriage made her life and studies tough. She made a deal of divorce after a year of marriage. But the man fell in love with her. After some years she worked as a secretary of a handsome man who fell for her. Two men loving her and someone planning behind her to kill her and obtain something. Will she survive and find love on the way?

Kiara2 · ファンタジー
46 Chs


The next day I and the girls were standing in the cave and Sam was right in the middle with the necklace in his hand. He said "wh...wh..what is happening?" I said "your death." he got scared and I said "what did you think ha!! you can defeat us and take the necklace away? oh right you will want to know right what happened? then see what happened and what marked your end.....

At night when I was sleeping I heard a noise and woke up to see the magician in my room and was surprised and asked "what are you doing here?"

"we have to attack the first thing tomorrow morning." and dissapeared. I couldn't be more confused when he said that and just dissapeared. I tried to sleep again but couldn't forget what he said and most importantly why he said that because we were going to attack tomorrow but then it clicked "might be he knows something and wants us to attack early." and thinking this I slept.

Next morning I woke everyone up early and said "my battalion it is time to attack!!!!" Lily the greatest sleepy head of the century yawned and said "it is time to sleep not attack."

"Lilyyyyy come on. we have to attack early." I shouted.

"but why darling?" James said

"who is your darling ha!!!!" gabe shouted.

"guys please, ok?" finally I was able to make them ready.

Then according to the plan, The boys with few elite soldiers attacked Sam and his team when they were asleep. They tried to protect but were not able to because of the surprise attack and early attack, thanks to magician. The most powerful magician came out and exactly according to the plan, to protect the necklace Sam ran away in the forest alone.

I was waiting for him in the bushes with a tribal costume so that he believes me very easily because making him fight with soldiers would result in danger to our soldier so, as I saw him coming I intentionally bumped into Sam.

"sorry mister." I said

Now I was expecting that he will believe me and just happened as expected he said "it is okay maam."

To make him believe me "ummm sir, I see you are in requirement of help."

"ohh yeah actually few people are running and chasing behind me for a treasure."

And then a soldier came. To make him believe completely I attacked him and said "Don't worry sir, I am a martial arts expert."

"omg miss thank you."

"Come with me I will take you to a place which is safe." Because of my look of tribal people he believed me simply.

I was able to take him to the cave with me and then the girls arrived with a huge amount of elite soldiers to capture this guy.....

how did you like the plan?" his face was worth looking. I can bet he wished that this could be a dream and when he wakes up this would be just a nightmare.

And suddenly a blast.... all of our elite soldiers disappeared in thin air and we saw four people coming. They were the witches who had finished our soldiers in a second and were holding the boys with their magic. they threw the boys towards us and stood beside Sam. Sam laughed "hahahaha!!!! now you are under control...hahahaha!!!" the witches smiled as well. Then James shouted "I knew it!!!! I told you guys that this plan had flaws and might not be successful." Sam said "whose plan was it?"

I said "t..th...the magician."

Sam was taken aback "my best friend?"

I said nothing but nodded then he broke out to laughter and said "you knew he was my best friend yet you believed him hahahaha!!! fools..... do you remember your drowning Tara, who was behind it? ofcourse my besties magic."

"n....n.....no h...he....he saved me."

"right he did because he saw your friends coming back and thought that they will definitely save you or to save you they will do a police case so, it is better to save you. all the thing that happened was because of him."

I couldn't believe it. He the one who I believed was the one to stab me. I couldn't breathe. the one who showed me the way stabbed me. Why? all these questions were floating around mg head. Now I questioned everything he did for me. every story, every smile, every smirk and every idea was a mask to mask his real intentions. But how, but why. While asking these I heard everyone fighting that we shouldn't have believed him. I could not move but I heard my friends tell me "Tara move!!!!!" I saw a flame ball coming towards me but stood still for my death.

So the plan was unsuccessful. Hmmm but did the magician really betrayed or his dangerous brain was thinking of something else? what do you think? comment below😉.