
Contracted Wife Of Cold Mafia

The story you've described involves a young girl named Irene who is 20 years old and diagnosed with cancer. To fund her mother's operation, she encounters a character named Kai, who is a 25-year-old member of the mafia. They make a contract where Kai agrees to provide the necessary funds for Irene's mother's operation. As part of the agreement, Irene agrees to marry him. After a physical relationship, they develop feelings for each other and fall in love.

Roylxx · アクション
18 Chs

Mother's operation

As the driver dropped Irene off at the hospital, she hurriedly made her way to her mother's room. The worry and anticipation weighed heavily on her as she approached the door. She took a deep breath, composed herself, and gently pushed the door open.

Inside the room, her mother lay on the bed, her face showing the toll that the illness had taken. Irene's heart sank at the sight, and she couldn't help but burst into tears. She quickly wiped her tears away, trying to regain her composure, and walked over to her mother's side.

Sitting down beside her mother, Irene held her hand tenderly, trying to provide comfort and support. She whispered words of love and reassurance, even though she knew her mother couldn't respond. The emotions inside her were overwhelming, but she knew she had to be strong for both of them.

Just then, a doctor entered the room. Irene's attention shifted as the doctor approached her. The doctor informed her that it was time to proceed with the operation and handed her the necessary permission papers. Irene's mind was racing, but she realized she hadn't paid the hospital bill yet, and she voiced her concern to the doctor.

Before she could finish her sentence, the doctor interrupted her, informing her that the bill had already been taken care of. Irene's confusion momentarily subsided as she recalled her agreement with Kai. She understood that he had fulfilled his part of the contract by paying the hospital bill.

With a mix of gratitude and apprehension, Irene nodded to the doctor and took the operation permission papers. She understood the gravity of the situation and knew that her mother's life depended on the surgery. Pushing aside her reservations about the agreement with Kai for the time being, she signed the papers, giving her consent for the operation to proceed.

Squeezing her mother's hand tightly, Irene silently prayed for a successful outcome. She knew that after the surgery, she would have to confront the complexities of her temporary marriage contract with Kai. But in that moment, all that mattered was her mother's well-being and the hope that the operation would bring a chance for recovery.Irene's nerves were on edge as she stood outside the operation theater, anxiously waiting for any news about her mother's condition. Lost in her thoughts, she felt a sudden chill run down her spine as she sensed a cold presence near her shoulder. Startled, she flinched and turned to find Kai standing there with his typically impassive expression.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Irene mustered the courage to speak. She expressed her gratitude to Kai for fulfilling his part of the contract, acknowledging that he had provided the necessary funds for her mother's operation. Kai merely hummed in response, his face remaining stoic as ever. It was evident that he saw their arrangement as a transaction, devoid of any emotional attachment.

Before Irene could say anything more, the doctor emerged from the operation theater, catching both their attention. Holding her breath, Irene looked at the doctor, hoping for positive news. And in that moment, the doctor's words brought a wave of relief to her worried heart—the operation was successful.

A mixture of joy and gratitude flooded over Irene as tears welled up in her eyes. The weight of uncertainty and fear that had burdened her for so long began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope. She turned to Kai, her voice trembling with emotion, and said, "Thank you, Kai. Thank you for helping save my mother's life."

Kai's expression softened ever so slightly, a flicker of understanding crossing his eyes. He nodded in acknowledgment but remained silent. While their relationship may have begun as a contractual agreement, Irene couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Kai than met the eye.

As they awaited further updates on Irene's mother's recovery, she couldn't shake the thought that this experience had changed something within her. The true test would be what lay ahead—how they would navigate the aftermath of the successful operation and the complexities of their temporary marriage. But for now, Irene held onto hope and the glimmer of a newfound connection between her and Kai, forged through this shared experience of saving her mother's life.