
Chapter six: I got a job as a cleaner!

She went to her room and showered and opened her link diary and began to write, once she was done ", she went to her bed and laid in it as she blushed at the incident this evening". Mr Ricky.

"She called out softly ".

He's handsome but to be honest I hate him!, how heartless could he be? Well tomorrow I'm going to his company and beg him to give me a job".

Hehe", She said and fell into a deep slumber.

Ahhhhh", ten pm already? Maliya screamed as she quickly stood up brushing with one hand and the other for bathing, she dressed up for the day and carried her bag pack ", Grandma was drinking a nice coffee when she saw Maliya rush down stairs and grabbing a sandwich with one hand and a coffee on the dining waiting to be sipped", Grand ma, good morning! Good morning dear, you woke up quite late after coming back late yesterday, I didn't want to disturb you..

Grandma ", you didn't ask why I came home late last night? I know before you tell me, you tried your best and live the rest to the Almighty.

I'm going to search for work today, I don't wish to stay idle", Maliya stated as she ate up.

Alright we will talk when your back", I'm sure your running late! Oh yes!

"Maliya headed to the door and gave her granny a fly kiss", Bye wish me good luck!

Okay dear, All the best!

"Maliya went to Roy modeling agency and applied for a job as anything there, just as far she's getting paid", It's worth the price.

'She walks to the employees and ask the direction of the workers part", Miss I was directed here to get a job from someone ", well can you show me the direction please?

Oh yes just go straight and turn left, they are all there" One of the employees said nicely.

Oh thanks ma'am!

"She walked further and could not help but notice the employee dressing code including the domestic workers, They were all dressed up in peach pencil skirt and white top with a tye on their neck including the men", The domestic worker wore blue gowns and in the cantten they wore green gown while the men jumpsuits ", Wow here's quite organized! No wonder the company is at such great hight".

"She knocks at a white door which was written H.R" Highring manager " Come in said a male voice". Hello please take a sit!

Umm sir I have come to ask for a job! Any vacancy at all? Your name please? Oh my name is Maliya!

Well miss Maliya, the only job vacancy available right now is a cleaner job", that means you have to be a domestic worker.

"Seriously a cleaner?? I got a first class degree in modeling and am going to become a cleaner? What a fate I have. Maliya said in her mind but heard no choice but to accept it.

Sir umm" I'll take the job! Alright go to by the left and tell the person there that HR directed you as the new domestic cleaner! He said without batting an eye on her and continue pressing his laptop.

His rude! Maliya murmured", Hello miss am the new cleanser and was directed here by HR! Oh so your the new cleaner? Umm yes ma'am. Well then here's your dress and you could start working! She said handing her a blue dress and her cleaning materials ". Your daily payment will be given to you after a week! Thanks ma'am.

Maliya walked to the toilet and changed into that of a cleaner", well at least I got a job!

She said as she went to where the other cleaning staff were. Hello!! Said a young girl that would be her age mate, My name is Candy and I'm guessing your one of us now! Maliya forced a stiff smile and nodded, My name is Maliya" Nice meeting you Candy..

"Well Maliya Let's get cleaning, your to wash the three female toilet at your right and the scariest of all the big boss master bedroom and toilet in his office, our boss is very rude and hard to please but I know you will pull it up". "Candy is a nice girl but she talks alot and my ear is hurting, well who's the big boss that is making miss chatter box shiver in fear?" Maliya thought ran through again.

"Oh is the big boss that scary? Maliya asked? He's not to good with people and the only person he was close to was a beauty but they broke up and he became kinda aggressive!" What made you take up the job as a cleaner? Candy asked! Umm it's wasn't planned out, it's the last minute job because I'm in need of money, I was auditioned yesterday as a model and was this close to my dream' Maliya said with a tiny gesture with her hands,but suddenly an aggressive and rude man kick me out and canceled my audition for no reason, he's some influential CEO according to the rumors I heard! What a story you got Maliya ", Candy chuckled tightly as she grabs her bucket and mob, well I hope you fulfill your dreams till then we're stuck here! Candy sighed softly.

Okay I'll get cleaning bye", Maliya waved at Candy and headed to the toilet to washout some nasty germs". Ugh eww, it sulks in this third toilet!! Some employees seem dirty that they can't flush her own poop!, she said as she flushed it down and scrubbed the walls and the toilet seat ". Well this is done", Maliya said dusting her hands and going to the big boss office as instructed.

"She knocked but no one answered, the door is unlocked so does it mean I could come in? She asked herself and decided to do her job and live! She looked around the office and it was as big as her sitting room, bedroom and toilet joined together", Whao this place is spacious for a mere boss human being!

She looked at the boss chair and it looked comfy and tempting to sit on, This chair is so foamy and soft! She said using her hands to press the chair. Well", just one try since no is here! What could possibly happen? Like what's could possibly go wrong? "She asked herself and placed her buttocks on the chair and relaxed, Meeen this chair is heavenly comfy and soft", she said while spinning the chair and rolling her legs".

"Leon check on the files from the design manager and combine the important one's", Ricky ordered as he dusted his charcoal black suit about to enter his office. He walks closer ", stretches his hands and kpam", the door opened. Who's inside and who's reflection is it? Ricky walks further and sees a domestic worker sitting on his chair?

How dare you!!? He roared angrily making her stumble and fall on the floor ", oh no!!,

" She raised her head and meets a familiar figure, You!? She said as she blew her hair blocking her nose'', phew.

I ask again what are you doing here!! Am so loosing my job, she said as she bit her lower lip and holds her dress tightly.

Well sir!