
Chapter Seven: Silly Clown

Umm sir, I can explain!! Maliya said as bead of swear's were on her forehead!

Ricky entered inside and saw the stains of mud on his white tiles, and his documents littered around, Fuming with anger and emitting a cold aura, he took several steps toward her making her stumble on her steps and slip a bit! Ahhh, she screamed as she fell on his body which served as a pillow.

Sir, Please let me explain! Ricky pushed her and dressed his suit, I ask again! Why are you in my office? Sir, I came to clean up and I knocked but no one answered, the door was opened and I entered it and the chair was comfy and tempting, so I mistakenly rubb my buttocks on it a bit, I swear sir, I didn't mean to disrespect your authority!! She said as she shivered in fear!

Ricky looked at the pitiful girl that looked familiar with amusement, She's seriously justifying her actions", An idea popped in his mind as a curve appear on his lip.

His smiling? Oh no, am done for! Maliya murmured and decided to do a little dramatic episode to change his mind', Oh sir, Great CEO of all times! Am sorry, please don't take my job away, it's my first day and I have a lot of depts, please pardon me! She said bowing down. What's your name? Ricky finally broke the silence, Sir my name is Maliya and the new cleaner, in charge of cleaning up your office and bedroom, Maliya if you really want to save your job! Go and do two hundred squat and your done for the day. He said as he picked up some documents and read.

Two hundred squats?? I'll be a paralytics person and faints, this man is wicked, uggh hmm! Relax Maliya, it's just for a day and I need to think of grandma and Sophie as my top priority! Maliya murmured a bit. "Sir, I'll do it!

Mm, Ricky responded as he pointed out to the door, Leave my office and do it at the bathroom around!! Maliya squatted for an hour with shaking knees and a bit of laughter from employees, after an endless moment of painful knees!! She finally completed her squats. Sir, am done with the squatting! Ricky was reading the documents sent by the board members when his thoughts were interrupted by someone.

Sir, am done with the squatting! Maliya repeated herself, Wait what? She really did the squat, he asked himself while looking at the tired and sweaty cleaner. You really squat? Ricky asked with a questioning look.

Yes boss! Maliya said while holding the wall as support in other not to fall.

Hmm, what's time anyway? He said as he checked his wristwatch. Six pm already, closing hour for employees. What's your name again? Ricky asked. Ohh my name is Maliya, Okay Maliya you can go home now! Thank you sir.

Hello! A masculine voice said over the phone with Ricky. I saw the documents sent by the board members, was it your doings? Ricky asked coldly with a bit of resentment. The person didn't reply rather giving a pitiful laughter as a reply. So I guessed it right then, it was you who made them send it! He asked gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. Ricky, you are the heir to the Roy empire, and am getting old, I've used a friendly and most appropriate manner to talk to you about getting married and giving Roy another heir, I need a grandchild but you let the pain of the past hold you! Dad, why are you bent on getting me married, your fully aware of my reasons for hating marriage.

Ricky, Don't let family past feud play a part in your life, Ricky i felt relieved when I saw how close you were to Lara', I felt she will perhaps change your view about marriage but I heard from sources that you both broke up with each other. Dad, concerning Lara".....

I understand but now you have to choose between getting married for you old father dream company or your selfish desire.

Old Roy said as he ended the call.....

Hmmm, Ricky sighed as he opened some champagne and poured himself a glass of champagne, he stood by his office window and watched the sun set out, sipping and severing the intoxicating taste. With a deep sigh, he decided to call Lara and ask her hand in marriage.

Ring! Ring!! Ring,, Hello! A masculine voice answered. Who is this? Ricky asked with a bit of irritation in his tone. I am Lenuel", Lara's boyfriend and who are you chipmunk? Ricky smiled a bit as he watched darkness envelope the surroundings. I am Lara's one true love and someone you can't ever dream of competing! Tsk be dreaming! Lenuel said, as he cut the call.

It did not take an hour after the call ended when he saw the breaking news on his television concerning Lara. Lara and the famous business man Lenuel are officially in a relationship after her break up with the invisible-influential CEO, "Ricky Roy".

He closed his eyes as he endured the pain in his heart and tore Lara picture from his wallet and from his heart.

Taxi! Taxi!! Yes miss, umm can you take me to Crescent moon street? Maliya asked. Yes ma'am, it'd cost you five dollar, huh five dollars?? That's way too cost uncle, how about I give you four dollars? That's all I got now. Okay enter the car. Maliya sat down inside the car laying her back on the comfy chair as she hit her legs and massage it but the pain was getting worst and swollen.

She reached home and went straight to her bedroom to have some rest. She deep herself in the bathtub and slept off as all her strength have been drained out.