
Contract with the Demon King (BL)

Zhang Wang got stuck in a contract with the Demon King! This is totally bullshit! He was finally going to have his chance at stealing the title of protagonist by killing off the evil Demon King... But right at that moment, when he was about to cleave the head off of the villain’s shoulders, somehow, his bugged out system decided to interfere! Next thing he knew, he was stuck with a contract with this evil, hateful villain. What? Their souls are entwined as well? What the heck! Was this just some stupid plot device for some cheap danmei?! Zhang Wang wasn’t going to allow this to happen. He will have to break this contract as soon as he could! ----- WARNING: This is BL, which means boyxboy romance. And there will be r-18 scenes eventually as well so consider yourselves warned! ----- Join the discord! https://discord.gg/DU9S2Y4

valiantxvillainous · LGBT+
243 Chs

It was time (18+)

"Sorry, just a little more…" the voice was low and sultry and made heat pool in Yu Yanlin's lower region even as oxygen escaped him dangerously. The Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms began thrusting into his mouth, using him to his whims.

Yu Yanlin whimpered weakly, each assault scraped the back of his throat and caused more fat globs of tears to fall down his face, mixing with the dribbling saliva on his chin. He was shaking violently and struggled to catch a breath, gripping desperately onto Zhang Wang's legs as if his life depended on it.

It felt like an eternity but in reality, it was only a fleeting moment. With a final grunt, Zhang Wang burrowed his cock deep into the demon's hot oral cavity, spilling his seed down that soft throat.

Yu Yanlin sobbed and groaned at the same time, his face scrunched up and wet with tears, silver hair matted against his dewy flushed face. He was shaking violently under Zhang Wang's grasp. Guilt and arousal mixed in Zhang Wang's belly. He cursed and pulled out, "Sorry-" only to press a palm firmly against Yu Yanlin's lips, making sure that nothing spilled out.

The demon king choked and coughed. Zhang Wang's seed was thick on his tongue, slimy, salty and bitter. He shuddered but had no choice but to swallow and only then did the Immortal of a Thousand Blossom's release him.

His breath came out in pants. A hand reached down and gently brushed hair out of his face. "You did well, here." A handkerchief was handed over and Yu Yanlin had to shift awkwardly as he stood, not wanting the other to notice his own excitement during the act.

He was ashamed.

But also so painfully aroused. And yet, the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms didn't even meet his eyes after. Only saying that he will wait if Yu Yanlin needed a bit more time to tidy himself up before they returned.

[ MAiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIII#%@#@UesT 5235Pda44Te… ]

Zhang Wang seriously almost cursed and bit his tongue off.

Why was his system harassing him at a time like this!? He was pressing his hand against Yu Yanlin's tear-stained face trying his best to remind himself that he wasn't doing this out of some sick perverted fantasy, and it really was for both of their benefits.

Finally, Yu Yanlin swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing and Zhang Wang was free to pull away. He didn't dare look at the demon's debauched face, fearing that Junior might get the wrong idea and start getting excited all over again.

So instead he focused his attention on the obnoxious message that was invading his vision. It took a few moments to finally clear the gibberish out.

Just what was that anyway?

The demon king had returned to the edge of the spring and took his time to wash his face. This was a good moment for Zhang Wang to try to figure out what the heck was going on with his shitty system.

With his mind, he prodded at it, pulling up interfaces that were, for the most part, nonsensical and full of gibberish.

Nothing had changed.


He gulped, pulling up the main mission menu.

[ Main Mission Progress: 12.01% ]


No, clearly he was seeing things.

Zhang Wang screwed his eyes shut and rubbed them with more strength than necessary. When he looked up, the number remained.


What the actual fuck was this 0.01% addition?

More importantly, how come this happened right after Zhang Wang jizzed in Yu Yanlin's throat!?

How fucked up was this? He went and saved a girl's life and his shitty system didn't even bat an eye, but gave him 0.01% for coming in a guy's mouth!!???

Should Zhang Wang laugh, or cry? Maybe he ought to do both. This system of his was definitely some sort of danmei-loving freak!

And while he was wallowing in complaint, Yu Yanlin had finished cleaning up his face. He even fitted the blindfold back over his face and tapped Zhang Wang's shoulder. He flinched and rubbed the back of his neck, "You're done?"


He supposed he could figure it out later.

For now, they would simply make do.

Yu Yanlin's mouth was damned hot and he makes a great fucked out face.


Zhang Wang tried not to think about it on his way back to the ranch. Night had fallen and summoned a veil of twinkling stars above them, swirling in beautiful wide sweeps. He sighed and turned his gaze skyward instead. Beijing was a city dotted for earthbound lights, trapped beneath a cold, lifeless sky.

He never got his break as an artist and struggled to pay off inflated rent prices in his previous. It was not interesting, and extremely mundane.

And his life now, filled with grandiose adventures and horrific beings and war was strangely not as different as he first expected.

Perhaps 'mundane' had taken on a different meaning. But just like back then when he looked down at Beijing's night skyline from a Ferris wheel with his girlfriend at the time, a soothing calm wonder filled his heart. It was not so different from the feeling he had now, charmed by the sparkling constellations above.

Back at the ranch, they returned to their shared room. Little Juhua stretched as their steps were not light enough to avoid disrupting her sleep. She rubbed her tired little eyes and squinted at them. "Mommy?"

Zhang Wang bit his lip, pity bubbled in his heart and he couldn't bring himself to tell the girl that her mother was gone and not coming back. He rushed over to the bed and sat down on the ledge, tucking the girl back in.

"Go back to sleep, Xiao Hua'er," his melodic voice hummed as he placed a kiss on the top of her crone.

She grumbled in response with something that suspiciously sounded like 'deadbeat' but Zhang Wang chose to ignore it as he sang her a lullaby.

And soon her breathing smoothed over. Zhang Wang slipped out of his leather boots and notice how Yu Yanlin had sat down on the floor and leaned his head against the wall.

Hadn't the demon king slept like this before?

Was this some sort of weird habit? Zhang Wang thought it was truly odd. He remembered back when he had snuck into the demon's ranks and mingled with them, they slept in beds not different from humans.

The bed provided to them by Beast Master Wei was not too fancy nor the most comfortable but it was very large and could accommodate the three of them pretty easily.

While it felt awkward to sleep in the same bed as just the tiger demon, Zhang Wang felt that it wasn't so bad if Juhua was there with them…

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to sleep in the bed?"

Yu Yanlin hesitated. But eventually, he raised from his spot and walked over. "If it is not a bother."

Zhang Wang rolled his eyes, "Stop worrying so much. We're in this together, aren't we? Stop being so polite…it makes me anxious."

"Is that so?" Yu Yanlin took off his shoes and placed them neatly at the side of the bed. He crawled over Juhua's sleeping form to the other side of the bed, careful not to disturb her from her sleep. "I will keep that in mind."

Zhang Wang was not shy about making himself comfortable as well and burrowed beneath the blanket. The season was growing colder but with two additional people sharing their body heat beneath the sheets, it was comfortably warm.

Sleep claimed him quickly, but the world of dreams was not to hold him within its grasps for long.

The faraway boom of fireworks sizzling in the skies was far and muffled beyond the orchestra of singing crickets and frogs. And yet Zhang Wang still woke up to them. When he sat up on the bed, he was able to glimmer the outline of a bright glowing phoenix hanging in the sky. It was the emblem of his Virtuous Phoenix Sect. It seemed that Sikong Ren had won a decisive battle at the Palace of Sins.

The winds of fortune shifted with the tide of battle. Zhang Wang knew that he as well, could not simply ignore such a development.

It was time to return home.

whoijgiowgjweghwegjowe author is still running

valiantxvillainouscreators' thoughts