
Contract with a demon

In a world overflowing with mana, the existence of Witches, Mages, Dragons, Elves and beast people is nothing new. Life should be simple and easy enough, right?. Ask Quiv that question. Quivier, Quiv for short is born into a lowly family, living in a small village located at the outskirt of the kingdom. Due to his weak body, he barely has the ability to harness magic and is rejected at the royal academy time after time, despite being the highest scorer. Fast forward some years later, tragedy strikes as Quiv's village is burnt down and reduced to ash. His parents stampeded on at the heat of the moment. Leaving behind their two children, in a world ranked by class and strength. Quivier seeks to start a new life with his brother at the capital and move on. Fate decides to add a twist. The fire was planned, and by the nobles, who feared for the existence of the boy with the demon eye, prophesied to wield extraordinary power. Fuelled by revenge, Quiv accidentally summons a demon he had signed a contract with, in his early childhood. "I'll spill every last drop of their royal blood..." "And I'll happily help you wreck havoc on this world." Read through the story of Quiv's quest for revenge, and his new life with a narcissist demon Lord, who happens to share a body with him.

Riceballs_25 · ファンタジー
13 Chs


Quiv had the basic level of experience when it came to interaction with the opposite gender. He was what one would call a shut in virgin, with high level of body sensitivity to physical contact.

Which was the only reason why his cheeks flushed bright red when a straight line punch from his female opponent landed hard on his right cheek.

"Huh?" She mouthed under her breath, unable to comprehend why her target was nervously grinning after taking such a hard punch.

'I'm getting weak.' she concluded staring at her curled up fist, her anger against him rekindled. The resolve to win against this unfamiliar male arose once more, causing her to try a different approach.

"Here!" She tossed one of the swords in her grip at him, lending him a weapon to attack her with. "It's a warrior's honour to win a duel without having an upper hand. So come at me with all your might!" She challenged, brandishing her sharp fangs whilst she spoke.

"Wait, hold on for a second, why do we need to fight?" Quiv found his voice at last, the shock of meeting a beast woman, and a warrior one at that had finally been dealt with.

"I apologised right? And from where I'm from, fighting others is very disrespectful." Quiv added, struggling to hold her heavy sword. He pierced it's blade into the Earth and rested his weight on it instead.

She didn't seem to catch the message and pointed her sword at him, "and just where are you from? And what clan do you belong to? I'd say hawk men, but your eyes say otherwise. Surely at this age, you aren't still maturing." She went on to say, not trying to sound rude in the slightest.

"What do you mean what clan? I'm not a beast man, I'm a human." He plainly told her, stressing the word human.

The news took quite a while to reach her, and once it did, her demeanor dampened. "Oh." She said, somewhat disappointed as she slowly kept her sword away.

'What's up with that kind of reaction? Wait a minute, is she looking down on me right now?!" Realisation had just hit like a speeding bike and knocked him off his feet.

Quiv's demeanor also dampened as well, admist the burning of his village and the loss of his parents, it seemed like forever since someone looked down on him.

Nonetheless, he walked over to her dragging the sword with him, staring at her exposed arms, wondering exactly how she was able to lift two of these.

"Here, it's yours." He said, averting his gaze from her velvet red eyes, his nervous fingers shifting to the side, avoiding another direct touch.

"Thank you." She replied, still in low spirits, her reaction was slowly killing Quiv, diminishing whatever manliness he had left in him.

'She is kind of cute, and it seems her tail moves on it's own accord. Her eyes are red, and her hair is long and silky, almost touching the grass. Just how the hell does she fight like this?' he thought to himself as he walked away from her, too flustered to ask her anything.

"Um..." He heard her whisper from behind him, his feet took a halt as he straightened his back to hear her speak.

"That punch I just landed..." She hugged her sides, using her right foot to toy with the grass underneath her boots, whilst one of her fingers wrapped itself around her hair.

'So cute.' Were Quiv's initial thoughts, till her eyes burned with excitement and her lips parted. Unfortunately.

"How strong would you rank it? On a scale of one to nine?!" She cried out to him, bending her knees back a bit as she lowered herself in a pleading manner, exposing more of her cleavage.


"I've heard that humans are one of the top creatures able to harness Mana the best! We beast people aren't blessed with such natural talent and become warriors most of the time. And if I want to become the strongest warrior..." She took a pause, realising how loud and sentimental she had gotten.

She cleared her throat and stood up straight, allowing her fluffy tail curl around her waist.

"How would you rate that punch?" She asked, staring directly at him, meeting his blue eyes with all boldness.

"Right..." He managed to answer, eyeing this girl suspiciously, she clearly did not understand what it was she was saying. At one point, he honestly believed she was just messing with him.

But once he gazed at those determined eyes of hers...


He felt something, or rather someone crash into him, their weight almost sent the youngster falling face first to the floor. If Quiv had not somehow firmly planted his left foot to the ground and shifted his weight to the other, he might have made a complete fool out of himself.

'He's fast' The girl noted, watching how easily Quiv was able to stop himself from falling. Without even knowing it, he was leaving a very good first impression on her.

Quiv looked behind him to see it was Malkin who had tried to tackle him, using both speed and force. The kid had changed into the attire worn by most beast warrior children.

He even had their special gold rings worn on each arm, to compliment the claw necklace he had on. Quiv lowered himself into a squat position and started to toss his brothers hair to the side.

"Where on Earth did you get that?" Quiv had certainly seen enough of beast people and needed a break from their unimaginable strength.

"I gave it to him, it belonged to my older brother, and it suited him perfectly. He could even pass off as a young warrior." The fox woman said from behind him, reminding them of her presence.

"Yeah, don't go around saying stuff like that to kids, it'll only make them want to take all sorts of reckless decisions." Quiv narrowed his eyes at her, still confused about how to address her.

Malkin who didn't like having his hair ruffled like Quiv, pushed his weaker brother to the grass, and ran up to the fox lady, hugging her knees.

"I am too going to become a warrior and when I do, Lilia and I are getting married!" He announced all too loudly, pointing at himself then at the beast woman whose face had turned beet red all of a sudden!

'That pervert!' Quiv cursed to himself, having the opinion that this Lilia woman was some sort of child pervert, who gained sick pleasure from younger children.

"Get away from her!" Quiv charged at them both, lunging forward to steal his brother away. His attack was sloppy and easy to read, Lilia simply dodged it and expected him to fall.

But instead of falling, Quiv ended up switching course Midway, realising that the woman had glided to the side. Lilia's eyes widened in shock as they landed on Quiv's fierce blue eyes staring directly at her.

The sharp turn he took to switch course wasn't as smooth as he thought, which caused the youngster to lose his balance and fall down.

Only this time, he wasn't the only one, crashing down and right before they fell, Quiv hung on to two soft convenient items, which helped reduce the shock of falling down.


"Hey are you two okay?" Malkin asked, standing over the two adults who laid on the grass, Quiv topping the beast woman, whose face had turned bright red once more.

Only this time, a sound escaped her quivering lips.

Quiv who enjoyed the sensation he got from what it was his hands were holding decided to give them another firm squeeze, both his eyes still clenched tight.

'This is pretty soft.' he mouthed to himself, roughly squeezing them not minding the fabric that separated his hands from them.


This quiet moan was what snapped Quiv into reality, reminding him that he was lying on top of a beast woman, and worse so, he had been fondling with both her boobs!