
Contract of Love

Ana Lucia Mendez is a young recent graduate of business administration, she has just submitted an interview to work in the prestigious company Enterprise Soler Ink. And she had never felt so happy, this was like a dream come true, this job would surely open doors in any job she wanted, so she had to do well, this was her dream, she swore to her mother that she would return everything she had done for her, being a single mother was not easy, so she had to make her proud. What Ana didn't count on was that her boss would be Alvaro Soler himself, president and owner of Enterprise Soler Ink and not only that, but he was the sexiest man on the face of the earth, one look from him made her legs shake like jelly. Alvaro Soler Intimidating, arrogant, master of his world and sexy like no other, Alvaro has built an empire in only 6 years and he is proud of it, he is lucky in business and that has made him earn a fortune at only 35 years old, a fortune that will be increased in a short time, his grandfather has died leaving him an immense fortune, But there is something that prevents him from taking it, a clause in the will of his grandfather, if he does not fulfill this clause before 1 year the fortune will be inherited automatically by his cousin Sirus, he does not care about that money he has enough for this life and the next, but his cousin and he have always lived in dispute and losing against him is not an option. Alvaro is lucky in almost everything he does, but there is one thing that no matter how hard he tries he is not able to reach commitment, with women specifically, his grandfather died worried that his beloved grandson will never find love, so he has left stipulated in his will that if Alvaro does not get married before the end of the year the fortune will pass to his other grandson Sirus Soler, the old man knows that they hate each other and compete for everything and therefore hopes that Alvaro find a woman to marry soon.

yandra_curvelo · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter 6

The next morning Alvaro Soler and Ana Lucia were on the front page of every magazine and newspaper in the country, this was the gossip of the year.

Alvaro's mother called him early and he had to go to breakfast with her and his father.

— What are we going to do with this news Alvaro, your fiancée will go crazy with this," said his mother.

— I didn't think the press would find out so fast, this caught me off guard — Alvaro answers.

— Well son, it already happened and we can't change it, now tell us, did you sign the agreement?

— Yes mother we did, she was not happy but she did it.

— And when did she ask you for money for her?

— That's the strangest thing of all, she didn't want to agree to anything, she told me she didn't want my money, that makes me wonder if she planned all this or not.

— You have to bring her home, we need to get to know her and her family, so we can find out who they are and what they expect from this arrangement — commented her father.

Alex's cell phone rang with an incoming call from Sabrina.

— I have to take this — he said as he got up.

— Hello love — she answered.

— Hi honey, I'm calling to tell you that my father is doing much better thanks to God, he is recovering, so in a few days I will be back.

— That makes me happy, my love.

— Thank you my life, by the way I just saw the big news, people don't know what to make up anymore, but don't worry, I didn't believe a word of it, you just want to create a controversy before our wedding, but we can't allow it my love.

Alex was speechless, he thought that with this he could end the engagement, but how to tell Sabrina, he couldn't find the words.

— I'm glad you took it that way love, we'll talk then as soon as you get back.

— Okay love, I love you.

— And me — she said before hanging up.

What do I do, he thought, he had to end everything with Sabrina as soon as possible, but the truth was that she didn't deserve that suffering.

— Alex honey — his mother called.

— Yes, mom.

— I just talked to your grandmother, we are going to have a family dinner this weekend, so we can finally meet Ana's family, do you agree?

— Yes, mother, of course, I'm going to leave, I have to go pick up Ana to make some earrings.

She said goodbye and left.

At home Ana finished getting ready to meet Álvaro.

— You look beautiful — said her mother entering the room.

— Thank you mommy.

— I want you to be happy my love, take care of your marriage, I don't want you to end up like me.

— But mommy what are you saying, you are a wonderful woman.

— No my love, I am an old woman who couldn't give you everything you deserve, your father died and I didn't know how to make it on my own.

— Mom you are totally wrong, you are a strong woman, you pulled me through with your strength, I managed to graduate and here we are, you managed to buy this house with your work and everyone who knows you loves and respects you, if I have to look like someone, of course I want to be like you, you are my pride.

— Oh my life — he said hugging her with tears in his eyes — you are the best thing I have ever done in my life.

Alvaro arrived at Ana's house.

— Mommy, I have to go now, see you later," she said kissing her and running to meet Alvaro.

They arrived at the jewelry store.

— Well, finally we are here — Alvaro said — you can choose whatever you want, everything will be to your liking.

— Thank you, this is not necessary for me, I only do it because it is tradition, a simple ring will be fine.

Any girl would go crazy choosing her engagement and wedding ring, but Ana was not like that, that intrigued Álvaro.

— Good morning, welcome to Francia jewelry store — a lady greeted them.

— Good morning, we are looking for engagement and wedding rings — informed Alvaro.

— Sure, please come with me and I will show you the available models.

The lady showed them a variety of rings.

— Which are the simplest ones you have? — asked Ana.

— At the moment, the most classic ones are these ones here — she said while she showed them to them.

Ana measured them and nodded.

— Yes, these are fine.

— Are you sure Ana, you can choose the one you want, no matter the cost — Alvaro explained.

— These are perfect, simple and elegant — she said confidently.

— We can look at the diamond rings if you like, there are some beautiful ones — said the saleswoman.

— Yes, let's do it — said Álvaro.

— No Alvaro, this is really perfect, without glitter or unnecessary luxuries.

— Well, it will be the way you want to do it, Ana.

The employee was surprised.

— I have never seen a bride so determined with her decision, I congratulate her and you gentleman, it is not easy to find a simple woman nowadays, I will go pack them and I will be right back.

— Thank you — Alvaro answered while he looked at Ana intrigued, this girl was definitely a box of surprises, he couldn't figure her out.

After leaving there Alvaro wanted to talk to Ana to try to get to know her a little better, after all she would be the mother of his son for the rest of his life.

— Let's go eat something, I know a good restaurant — he invited her.

— Could we go somewhere else? — asked Ana.

— Sure, wherever you want.

— I'm sorry, it's just that I dreamt about a chocolate cake and my mouth is watering.

Alvaro laughed.

— Tell me where I'm going and we'll eat that cake soon.

Ana showed him where to go and soon they arrived at that restaurant on the banks of a small river.

— This place is very nice — he commented.

— It's simple for what you're used to, but I swear the food is delicious and the service is very good.

The place was simple and somewhat rustic, all wood, it was a cozy place, but it was true that it had none of the luxuries Alvaro was used to, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy it.

— I almost never eat sweets, but I really can't stop thinking about that cake, I guess it has to do with the pregnancy — she told him a bit nervously.

Alvaro thought she was a very sweet and tender woman, besides she was beautiful, there was no doubt about that, a waiter came to serve them.

— Hello, I'm going to order one of those chocolate cakes you make that comes very moist and a glass of water, no wait, you make a strawberry juice that is delicious, bring me one of those juices — asked Ana.

— I just want a mocachino coffee, thank you — ordered Álvaro.

He took his order and left.

— I'm really hungry, I don't know what's wrong with me, I hope I don't put on too much weight, because I've never really been a fan of exercise and diets — she assured.

The waiter came back with her order and Ana attacked that cake as if there was no tomorrow, she filled her mouth under Álvaro's watchful eye, but she didn't care, he just watched her while she drank her coffee, he liked her, he couldn't believe that she had called the journalists or that she was doing this whole plan out of interest, she didn't seem like that kind of person.

When Ana finished Alvaro took a napkin and helped her wipe her mouth, she let him do it looking into his eyes, he was really handsome, Ana thought, hopefully they could get along well because of the baby.

— Can I ask you something? — said Alvaro.

— Sure, anything you want.

— How come the night we met you sat at my table, I was going on a blind date so I didn't know what the girl was like.

— The same thing happened to me, my mother arranged a date with Alvaro, I don't remember the last name and when I arrived at the place I said your name and the waiter immediately took me to your table, as I didn't know what you looked like I just sat down and the rest you know how it happened.

— Now things are starting to make sense, it was all a confusion.

— It was — Ana assures me.

— My parents want to organize a meeting at our house with your family, to get to know each other and make the official engagement, is it okay to do it on Saturday?

— Yes of course, it will just be mom and me anyway.

— Well, I'll send the driver to pick them up, don't worry about that.

The days went by and finally the day of the official marriage proposal had arrived, where the families would finally be reunited.