
The birth and death of geniuses

If what Nietzsche thought was right that geniuses where born in a certain era and with that era passed there should be no more. But are their still geniuses in our world? I think so, with the likes of the inventors and other such peoples still creating, still inventing. In a utopia a genuis can't be born as the environment, raising, and events that formed them would never come to pass for any one ever again. And with the constant waring against our own species how can we achieve a utopia. I say we should try to reach as close as we can to one, but never reach for it fully as that would lead to the death of geniuses.

A certain self loathing?, or is it forgiveness? has over come me. I have let go of the need for love that had made up a certain portion of my life and thoughts and have decided to give up on it. To an extent, as I will not actively search for it but instead look forwards to look for ways to make myself happy with out a need for major human relastionship. But for the ones I have now I will try to advance them as far I can. In a way they are like alliances between nations at one point they could be allies out of convenience and then back to mortal enemies.

The funny part of the day was the hallucatinations from when I was little came back for a little bit, as a small child these horrified me now they are laughable moments.