
Constellation's Journey

"Greetings, this is quite the tale to tell" "Hm?" "You wonder how you found yourself in this situation?" "How amusing" "Allow me to enlighten you." My eyes have seen everything

CreatorAmmon · ファンタジー
2 Chs

New World?

'It's dark'

She was submerged in darkness, her senses were dulled, she felt so light. It felt like she was floating, her body being lifted by the air around her. Still, that dizzying feeling couldn't be shaken off, she felt sick, like something was wrong. Her eyes were shut, she couldn't open them, she didn't want to open them, she was at peace. It was so calm, no worries, no fatigue, only the calm of nothingness. She felt true tranquillity for the first time.

An eerie feeling, a tug. A feeling she couldn't shake, it felt like she was forgetting something, what was it?


Water dripped from the roof of the cave, slowly landing on her face. Feeling the droplets, she awoke from her slumber. Looking down, she noticed that the pool of crimson liquid was gone and so was her wound, all that was left was the stains of blood and her memories of the incident. 

She quickly assessed her situation and carefully looked around, taking notes of her surroundings. This was the same cave she entered before she lost consciousness but something was different. Knowing she was badly hurt and disoriented at the time, she could not trust her recollection of this cave as she might have simply hallucinated things.

Slowly regaining her senses, she made her way outside taking a breath of fresh air for the first time after waking up in that humid cave. Looking around she noticed something, things were.. different. No longer was the dark dense forest there, with pine trees and thorn bushes, rather, it was a lush forest with a diverse set of plants and flora of all kinds. 

Confused, she took a moment to collect herself. The greenery around her was foreign, nothing like but still similar to the plants she read about in her books. As curiosity took over, she walked closer to the flora in front of her, slowly examining it.

'There is no possible way, could I have been moved in my sleep? No, that's not possible, then why would my wound disappear like that? What could have happened?' She thought to herself as she wandered further into the forest.

Knowing she was in the wild now, her priority had changed. She decided to focusing on finding a stable water source and food rather than wasting her time wondering as to how she got here in the first place.

The woods around her seemed so alive as she noticed small critters running around and birds flying above her. Spotting a fawn, or rather what looked like a fawn, she decided to follow it, hoping it would lead to a source of water. The fawn in front of her was different, it's fur was a snowy white and the eyes were glowing with some mystical power, she couldn't help but be captivated by it. 

As the fawn moved, so did she. She would follow the fawn for what seemed like ages, through multitudes of trees and bushes but she was determined to follow it, no matter what. Why she simply didn't stop or follow something slower, who knows, but her determination would soon pay off.

Slowly but surely, the fawn slowed down and running water could be heard in the distance. Hearing the water she slowly made her way towards the sound, her focus now shifted from the fawn to the waterfall in front of her.

She quickly ran towards it and without inspecting the water, cupped her hands together, filled it with water and drank it. Her thirst was finally quenched. Looking back, she saw the fawn from earlier. She thought she had scared it off but there it was, slowly sipping water from the lake below the fall. It wasn't really a concern for her, if or if not the animal was there, it merely surprised her for a moment.

Ignoring the fawn, she began to look into the lake. Soon she noticed ripples in the water and movement below the surface. Taking off her clothes, she entered the lake. She waited for a while until a shadow appeared beneath her, not missing a beat she quickly tried to grab it but ultimately failed as it kicked and flailed at her until she let go.

Realising this wasn't going to work, she went back to land and grabbed a branch and a pointed rock. She began to sharpen the branch with the rock she had found and after a while, she had a makeshift spear.

She started walking back into the water, prepared this time, for a final showdown. It was woman vs fish, who would come out on top?

The creatures below the surface moved swiftly, as if they knew of her plans but that did not deter her. Quickly, she stabbed into the water and as the the shadows fled and the mud died down she realised that she missed.

Knowing it would take a few attempts, she tried again, and again, and again, and again.


Her anger caused the earth to shake, she turned around and was about to leave the water as she saw the fawn. It was just lying there, watching her. She then realised it had been watching the entire time, she could swear that it had a disappointed look on it's face and she knew that it was about her poor attempt at "fishing".

Determined not to lose face, she turned back around deciding to try a few more times. She lifted the spear high and waited, and waited. She could tell the fawn grew tired of this as she heard a quiet yawn from behind her but she would not give up, not yet at least.

Hoisting her hand up higher, she swiftly and fiercely stabbed into the water creating ripples within. Her move stirred up mud from the lake floor as all the fish scrambled to swim away. As the mud settled down, she saw it, she had finally caught a fish! Elated, she began showing it off to the deer child behind her only to see it unamused by her. 

'No matter,' she thought to herself as she hurriedly went into the forest to gather some materials for a fire.

As she got back, she saw the fawn was still there. Ignoring it she got to making a bonfire. Placing the branches she had found on top of eachother in a star like shape on top of the chopped pieces of dry wood and banging two flint rocks she found together she made a spark. She aimed the flint rocks towards the wood and soon it lit and flames burst forth.. well, more like shyly stuck it's head out.

She began to cook the fish she had caught over the fire, slowly turning it to make sure it wouldn't get burnt. As it cooked, her fatigue would settle in. She was constantly active before sitting down, her adrenaline was pumping through her veins, not allowing her to rest but now that she had taken a breather all that fatigue came crashing down on her.

Almost too tired to eat, she began to sway but something kept her awake. The fawn was just staring at her, no, not her, it was staring at the fish she was cooking. She really didn't have the energy to eat the whole thing and she wouldn't be able to eat it in the morning anyway so she decided to share some of it with the fawn next to her. They ate in silence as the sky grew dark. 

The evening made the air chilly, she decided to lie down next to her new animal friend to get some rest. Looking up at the sky, she saw something strange. Before her eyes were three orbs floating in space, three planets visible to the naked eye and rather close too! Her being shocked was an understatement, she was terrified. Never did she have the time to question where she was but now that everything had calmed down, she began to wonder. Questions flooded her mind but no answers to follow them.'

'Where am I?'

'How did I get here?'

'What are those things in the sky?'

She closed her eyes and her mind began to wander. 

'God, I hope this was all just a bad dream..'

[So this was all one big survivor episode?]

"... maybe?"

[Good grief..]

CreatorAmmoncreators' thoughts