
Considering The Circumstances

Hiashi Hyuuga sends Hinata to public school for the first time. From day one, she struggles to figure out who are her friends and who's just pretending to be. One thing's for sure: the silver-haired, foul-mouthed guy that Konan hangs out with is as intimidating as he is attractive. (I'm aware of how crazy this pairing is, but I don't care!) Rated M for a reason!

Hina5enpai · アニメ·コミックス
47 Chs

Chapter 38

'Oh, shit!' Hinata quickly stepped outside, closing the door behind her, 'I told Hidan that Naruto kissed me last night. If he sees him right now, it might be really bad.'

"I'm sorry for showing up, but I tried to call and text, and you didn't answer!"

The girl's face warmed as Naruto handed over the flowers, "N-Now's not a good time, Naruto. Can you-" "I'm so sorry, Hinata!"

The blonde man seemed abundantly genuine, his clear blue eyes portraying deep regret. It was so surprising that the Hyuuga woman's mouth clamped shut. "We'd both been drinking, but that's no excuse for what I did. I knew better. I understand if you never want to see me again, but I at least have to apologize."

She heard footsteps coming toward the door and grabbed the handle behind her back, holding it still with all her might when whoever it was tried to turn it. Panicking, she said, "Of course, I want to see you again, but you really need to get out of here for now!"

Naruto's brow furrowed, his expression confused, "Are you alright? You seem upset. Is it because-" The doorknob turned roughly, and Hinata couldn't prevent it.

Both she and Naruto turned to see Itachi standing there, Konan behind him with a sheepish grin. The Uchiha man's eyes narrowed, looking between the pair before landing in a fierce glare on the blonde, "I believe she asked you to leave."

'What's gotten into him? The only other time I've seen him intimidate someone on purpose was the night Hidan found those files.'

"It's not like I'm hurting her or anything. I just want to talk for a minute," Naruto argued with a frown.

It was unlike him to knowingly cause trouble, so Hinata looked at him pleadingly, 'He doesn't know just how dangerous everyone is!'

Itachi stepped outside, sizing up the Uzumaki man before threatening, "Sasuke told me what happened last night. I suggest you get out of here like Hinata asked before I tell the men inside this house and set them loose on you."

Naruto's glare remained firm momentarily before he sighed, meeting the Hyuuga woman's eye again, "I'm sorry again, Hina. Call me when you get a chance." Then, he turned and left.

'Oh, thank God. I thought I'd have to defend him from a pack of wolves.'

Hinata turned to frown at the Uchiha brother, "You didn't have to go that far."

He stepped aside, gesturing for her to come back inside. She did, allowing Konan to take the flowers in her arms, the blue-haired woman winking to signal she'd take them somewhere safe.

"He tried to take advantage of you while you were drunk and didn't leave when you were clearly uncomfortable. I think I should've done more, honestly," Itachi grumbled, sounding akin to that of a protective older brother.

Hinata couldn't help but smile, nudging him in the side as they returned to the kitchen. She didn't need to ask him to remain quiet because he already knew.

Grabbing the mug from the counter and joining the others at the large dining table, she sat beside a still-sulking Hidan and tried to ignore the bewildered glances of the others as a result of the act. The silver-haired man didn't say or do anything in response but kept his glare directed to the screen of his phone and silently sipped his coffee.

Konan reappeared, sitting across from the Hyuuga woman with a smile, "So, the party this weekend. Naturally, we'll have Kakuzu pay for the booze, so tell him if you have any special requests."

'He's going to be so mad. He's not even here to defend himself,' Hinata mused with a tiny grin. Kakuzu, Nagato, Zetsu, and Kisame were the only ones not present, either out patrolling or at other jobs.

After breakfast, everyone went their separate ways. Konan, Hinata, Deidara, and Sasori went to the mall.

It was a little intimidating to ask, but the timid woman wanted to know more about the two artists' relationship, having missed how it began since she was in Yugakure then. While browsing clothes absently in a gothic store that Konan wanted to visit, she followed the two men quietly, "So, um…."

They glanced at her, then one another, then her again, the blonde one smirking, "I asked him out at the graduation ceremony."

Hinata's face warmed, but a happy grin tugged at her lips as she tilted her head, "I'm surprised. I thought for sure you'd be the one to make the first move, Sasori."

The redhead rolled his eyes, sarcastically remarking, "I could say the same about you and Hidan, could I?"

Her smile fell in surprise, deepening when Deidara chuckled and elbowed his boyfriend in the ribs, "Don't be a dick. They're still fighting."

"No, they're not, Idiot. Were you even awake this morning during breakfast?"

"As a matter of fact, I was! Just because they sat beside one another doesn't mean anything!"

Hinata wasn't sure why, but their bickering made her giggle with a hand delicately lifted to her lips. The duo gave her annoyed looks, but she just shook her head, "You two haven't changed a bit."

Sasori scoffed, turning around to pretend to check out a rack of clothing, but it was impossible to miss the pink on his cheeks.

Deidara blushed, too, but didn't bother hiding it. He beamed, reaching over to slip his hand into hers, "You're starting to act more like yourself again."

When Hinata tried to tug her hand away bashfully, he held it tighter with a teasing smile, "Nuh-uh. You made us worry like crazy for over six months."

"I-I'm sorry…." she relented, feeling truly guilty though there wasn't anything she could've done to prevent what happened.

So, the trio browsed absently until Konan rejoined them with two large bags full of clothes and an aura of satisfaction, "Alright, now we're gonna get you some new clothes. You can't keep borrowing mine and Sasori's."

It was true. Besides the few outfits she'd brought from Yugakure, Hinata had been primarily borrowing theirs, Konan's because she was female, and Sasori's because he was only slightly bigger than her, being the smallest in stature out of all the guys.

That said, Hinata had yet to find an outside job, so her spending money was very limited. As though reading her mind, Deidara pulled her along, "Uncles Kisame and Kakuzu send their regards."

'I feel awful every time any of them do things like this for me. I wish they'd stop. It's not their job to take care of me,' the woman nodded with a frown, knowing well that the trio wouldn't let her leave this mall without spending the money. 'I'll keep the receipts, so I know how much I need to pay back.'

With no choice, Hinata decided to get the basics needed for every woman's wardrobe: a good pair of jeans, slacks, and khakis, plain shirts in a few colors, a couple dress shirts, and three pairs of shoes, one being sneakers, one being flats, and the last being simple black heels.

"God, you have the most boring style, like a librarian," Sasori grumbled as he fell behind the other three as they entered a store notorious for ladies' undergarments.

Deidara snickered, "Don't let him get to you. He's just embarrassed to be in here," he pulled the Hyuuga woman along more quickly, "You can make up for being boring and pick out some sexy underwear, though!"

Konan chuckled when Hinata gave her a pleading look with a face as red as a cherry, "Don't let them convince you to model them. They might be dating, but they're still into women."

She gasped, narrowing her eyes at Deidara accusingly.

The blonde laughed, shrugging nonchalantly, "It's your fault for making assumptions."

After relenting and allowing the others to offer their input because they were going to give it regardless, Hinata sat at a table in the food court with Konan and waited for the guys to return with lunch, or maybe it should be considered an early dinner. It was almost four in the evening, after all.

"So, are you and Hidan…?"

The Hyuuga groaned, resting her chin in her palm with a frown, "Who knows? He picked me up from that party last night because I freaked out, and Naruto had to call him."

"Really? That must be what Itachi was talking about earlier, then. Why am I just now finding out? What happened?" Konan was many things, but subtle wasn't one of them. She didn't bother masking her eagerness to get the hypothetical "tea" because why would she?

"I, uh, I kissed him," she admitted with a pretty blush.

Her orange-eyed friend grinned mischievously, "And?"

"And he told me he still loves me. I said it back. Now, I don't know if I should say something or not. He probably thinks I don't remember."

"Easy. Put on the black set I picked out and go to his bedroom," Sasori mused bluntly, sitting with a tray full of food.

Deidara nodded, "I bet he's pent up as hell! He won't be able to help himself if he sees you like that!"

Hinata groaned again, covering her hot face, "C-Can we not talk so casually about Hidan and I's sex life?" She was ignored. It was almost comical that she thought that wouldn't be the case.

Konan nodded, speaking around a bite of pizza while pointing at her with the half-eaten slice, "If you're nervous, why don't you do it this weekend at the party?"

With the trio blatantly urging her to make up with Hidan, Hinata swallowed her bashfulness and nodded, mumbling, "I-I guess I could try if you guys think it'll work…."

So, she made them all swear to secrecy and began the difficult task of hyping herself up for the coming weekend.

On Monday, when the woman met up with the subject of her anxiety, and they left the house for their patrol, she was a nervous mess. Hidan didn't act differently. He walked slightly ahead without a word or glance sent her way. Hinata walked behind him with shifty eyes dancing from his pretty silver-blonde hair to the surrounding area and back.

'Should I say something? What should I say, and what if he ignores me? What will I do then?'

It was sunset. They'd been out for many hours and were on their way back to the house. Hinata had stressed out the entire time but said nothing, 'Maybe I should just wait to do anything until Friday night. I might ruin the plan before it even starts if I say the wrong thing.'

Suddenly, the woman tripped, stumbling forward and catching herself with a hand on Hidan's shoulder. He froze, looking back to verify she was alright. "I-I'm sorry!"

His magenta eyes left hers and widened. In the blink of an eye, he turned, threw his arms around her, and pressed her against the brick wall of the alleyway they were in. Before Hinata could even process what was happening, the undeniable sound of a gunshot echoed through the air. Her eyes widened, breath getting stuck in her lungs when the man holding her to the wall shielded her.

'His arm was hit! What do I do? Who's shooting?'

Hidan angled his body so he was between her and the direction the bullet had come, "Take this and run. Don't look back."

Hinata stared tearfully at his tense face as he pulled out his gun and shoved it into her shaking hands. She gasped when another shot sounded, the man before her coming forward a step as it hit the back of his shoulder, "H-Hidan! I-I-I can't-!" "Fucking go, Hinata!"

At that moment, she should've been terrified. She should've taken that weapon and sprinted away for safety like he asked, but she didn't. Just like when they faced Orochimaru, something came over her. Swallowing her terror, she caught Hidan as he fell forward, holding his weight with an arm around him so he wouldn't move. With her other hand, she reached over his shoulder and aimed the weapon at the shadowed figure that'd finally come close enough to be seen.

"Hinata, run right now," Hidan was barely conscious but still begging her to get out of there.

Huffing to keep the tears at bay, Hinata pulled the trigger, the bullet ricocheting off the dumpster their attacker was using for cover. They peeked around it before hiding again. Hissing, Hinata whispered, "I'll be right back. Don't try to get up," and quickly helped Hidan to the ground before sprinting to the perpendicular alleyway, peering around the corner to meet the person's eye.

She only barely managed to move behind the corner when they shot at her, taking a calming breath with her grip tightening on her own weapon. 'I'm not sure if I can hit them. I've never used a gun before,' she shook her head, crouching with determination tightening her muscles, 'I don't have a choice. Hidan needs medical attention. If I don't do this, he could die.'

There wasn't a chance in hell she'd let that happen without putting every ounce of effort possible into preventing it. Another shot hit her cover, chips of the brick flying off and scraping her jaw.

'Okay, I remember watching a movie that said the best time to shoot is right after they do, so they don't have time to refocus their aim. No matter what, when they try again, I'll do it. Just do it, Hinata!'

The next one came, and the woman angled herself around the corner, aiming to the best of her ability and pulling the trigger without hesitation. The person's gun flew out of their grasp, and they staggered back, further away from their cover. They quickly snatched it back up and shot, but Hinata pulled the trigger again. It hit their shoulder, making them rerelease their weapon and lose their balance.

She shouted, "If you leave now, I won't kill you, but if you try to grab that gun, you're dead!"

They wore a hood and a face mask that covered their mouth and nose, and they glared at her.

The Hyuuga woman stepped out from behind the corner and said threateningly, "I mean it. Get out of here if you want to live." 'I can't kill another person. I won't be able to handle going through that again. Please, just go, whoever you are.'

Luckily, the person held their injured arm with their able arm and carefully got to their feet, backing away until they reached another alleyway before turning and taking off. Hinata rushed to collect their abandoned weapon so they wouldn't come back and try again before sprinting over to Hidan, who somehow hadn't passed out yet. He'd managed to sit up with his back to the wall.

"You fucking idiot…."

Hinata grabbed the cell phone from his hand and slid it into her back pocket before pulling the man's arm over her shoulders and gritting her teeth while pulling him to his feet, "Come on. We have to run." From the screen, she could tell he'd sent an alert to everyone else. It'd send the device's exact location until turned off, so that was one less thing to worry about.

Only then, when using all her muscles to keep him upright and stumbling forward, did she realize that their attacker's last gunshot had landed, and she hadn't noticed because the adrenaline had been too intense.

'I can't think about that right now. The police have to be on their way.'

"The others…."

She panted for breath, "I know. They're coming, right? Just stay quiet. Save your strength, Hidan," the tears she'd held back the entire time finally overflowed, "Please don't die."

Thankfully, he listened. Either that or he finally fainted.

The pair struggled through several empty alleyways before a busy road came into Hinata's rapidly blurring sight. Anyone who might've been in the vicinity had smartly fled upon hearing gunshots.

'Just a little more. Keep going. Don't pass out.'

The heavily bleeding wound to her hip hurt worse than being whipped until her back was bleeding. It hurt worse than when Kabuto had stabbed a knife entirely through her palm. She desperately pressed her fist to it, hoping the pressure would slow the bleeding, but she couldn't do much because that hand held the gun that she didn't want to put away in case they were being followed. Her other arm was occupied, holding Hidan upright and against her side. His head had fallen over her shoulder.


The woman's brow furrowed weakly when Kakuzu, Zetsu, and Nagato appeared at the end of the alleyway and began running toward her. She tried to quicken her pace, rasping out, "P-Please help him! He's bleeding!"

Zetsu and Nagato took the man, pulling an arm over each of their shoulders to share his weight. Hinata handed the gun in her hand over to Kakuzu, stumbling in the direction the others were heading, likely toward a waiting car.

"Hinata, you're hurt, too. Let me-!"

The Hyuuga woman's vision finally became too blurry to identify anything, and she felt her legs give out from under her.