
Conquering the Universe with my Sister

"A chance to make everything right.... a chance to see her again..." *** Standing on a balcony with blood all over his body, Avery watches the empire he built burn to ashes. Weirdly enough, there was only longing in the eyes of the man. “I can finally see you again, Little Yue.” The man said as he wistfully gazed at the sky covered with smoke. The man falls to the ground as the light in his eyes slowly fades away. The man wakes up in a familiar room. He looks confused at the situation he is in. He suddenly hears a voice. "Big Brother!!" A cute voice reaches his ears as his eyes opens wide at the familiar voice. He slowly turns his head around and... [Tags] [Warnings] - incest - little sister - r18 - brother x sister - sibling love - No Harem [Disclaimer] The cover photo and all other photos used in this novel are not mine. If you are the owner please do contact me so that I could take it down.

Yue_021 · ファンタジー
82 Chs

Sorry... (A/N)

Hello... it's sad to say this but this novel is officially on HIATUS.

I love this novel and it has a special place in me.

I truly enjoyed writing the relationship and dynamic between Avery and Yue. I can even remember smiling to myself as I wrote those cute scenes between them. This is why enjoyed and had the motivation to write this even without an incentive. I was always looking forward to writing those two.

However, the aspect of kingdom building has started to take a toll on me. If I have to be honest, this project has been a little bit too ambitious for me. At first, I just wanted to write some sweet romance between siblings and just added kingdom building on a whim. However, it seems that I have greatly underestimated the genre of kingdom building. It is honestly very difficult to write this genre. I have to do tons of planning and research just to make sure everything is right. Sometimes, the research alone would take me 4-5hrs. I should have started with something easier and light as my first novel.

As a college student, I am incredibly busy. I am aiming for Latin honors and have lots of org work to do. There is also my social life and side hustles I have to take care of. Writing that needs heavy planning and research like kingdom building is stressful and demotivating, so I am officially placing this novel on Hiatus.

But this does not mean that I am stopping writing altogether. I might start a new story in the near future with just romance and action in it, without all those stressful kingdom-building stuff.

So if you read this novel for the romance of it then you might enjoy my future novels. But if you're in it for the kingdom building, then I am sorry but I can't write any more of those. It's difficult and requires lots of time which I currently do not have (due to College and Career).



Q: Will you go back to this novel?

A: Yes, but not anytime soon. It might take months or years even. So I am not sure if you will still be here :(

Q: What are you going to do now?

A: Focus on college and my career. I'll also probably start a new novel that does not require tons of investment when I have the time.

Q: What will your new novel be like?

A: Romance and Action, mostly romance. I love writing the Avery x Yue parts so my next novel will probably focus on scenes like those. I might use Avery x Yue again but on a different plot and setting. I just love writing about those two and their relationship.


If you have any questions or thoughts then please do leave a comment below and I'll try my best to answer all of them.

Once again, I am sorry for disappointing you, and thank you for all the support you have given me. I truly appreciate it.

This journey was fun.

Thank you and see you next time.