
Conquering The Naruto World

A man is reincarnated into Naruto after his death watch his growth as he conquers the Naruto world.

BlackKingJade · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 5

In the middle of the night two friends were having an argument.

"If we got caught doing this, then we're dead. Why did I decide to come with you again, usually you are the voice of reason?"

"Kai, have you ever thought about what it meant to be a shinobi?"

"To serve the village?"

"No no Kai, it's too simple! As shinobi we are to look underneath the underneath, to see through all lies and deception."

"What does that have to do with the magazines?"

"Why do adult's try banning these books? We grow into them anyway, so why do they bother blocking them, don't you think there might be some kind of secret? Kuro said, trying to entice Kai's interest once more.

"Maybe there too dan-"

"Then why do they sell them to non shinobi, if you can answer me that Kai then we can leave here right now."

Kai couldn't think of a reason why even with his childish imagination and crazy thoughts he still had a certain logic to them.

"So put on these clothes so we can blend in, follow the plan so we don't stay there long after the mission goal is accomplished we can eat some ramen." After saying that Kai, and Kuro who were both nearby the shop hid in an alley and got changed.

With Kuro's past life hobby of practicing picking locks, and doing magic tricks they easily got in. Without much sound next was the hard part, getting to the floor above them filled with creaky wooden stairs and according to his guess special traps to wake up the owner.

This wasn't the first time the shop had magazines stolen and was made famous by the toad sage Jiraiya who frequently circumvented the laws regarding these due to his age. Luckily Kuro was able to find the floor plans and marked out exits inase of an emergency.

The shop owner's room was near the adult mags, and for good reason. He wanted to be able to access them in case of an emergency where someone stole his secret photo of tsunade at the beach he hid there. He had spent a part of his life savings on that but he pictured it as a win due to having a bikini picture of one of the legendary sannin which when he had a son would pass it down to him.

The shop that is.

He would never give his prized photo so he would be ashamed and he had to clean the photo multiple times a day so that photo could only be touched and appreciated by himself.

While the shopkeeper was asleep, Kai observed him as the Shopkeeper weirdly hugged and touched the broom on his bed vigorously. While this was happening Kuro got a few random magazines with a pair of gloves. He made sure to grab the ones with duplicates and after paying the money he signaled Kai to leave and they made their way to the exit before arriving back at the orphanage.

He then hid the evidence in a nearby bush that he knew wasn't going to get watered the next day and it would be early next morning when Kai would drop them off. He took a moment to look at the place he lived, it was way better off than other orphanages having three floors and a basement. The colors of the painted building was with an expensive sky blue paint with multiple leaves and trees drawn over it by children. But amongst that forest of leaves was a section of wall and window covered in clouds.

It brought a smile to his face whenever he thought about it, it reminded him of his childhood in his past life so when he had the opportunity to recreate it he did. Snaking quietly into the dark building with Kai they made their way upstairs but when they were half way across suddenly the lights came on and they were caught by the directors of the orphanage.

"Now where were you two hm?" Spoke Hirito who currently ran the orphanage along with another fellow servant. Hirito's hair was black and had a good looking face with green eyes and strong jawline. He was particular about his hair and at night wore it in a tightened bun to prevent his usual long and luxurious hair from being messed up. But instead of his usual smile it was replaced with a frown.

Standing next to him was a man with a similar build to Hiroto, his body was lean and tall but the eyes were blue and his hair was cut short. His name was Arakan, and unlike Hirito always had a stern look on his face and was very strict with the orphans including Kuro and was the reason why Kuro's body wasn't a waste like it's previous one.

Sweat dripped down Kai's and Kuro's faces, this wasn't good and they were forced to quickly come up with an answer or they would be punished severely for breaking the few rules in the orphanage.

Kai then opened his mouth to speak, he had a plan and before he could say his lie Arakan looked into his eyes which after becoming glossy for a few seconds snapped back to normal and refrained from speaking.

"Anything to say before you get your punishment for breaking the rules?" Spoke Arakan who was the "Bad cop"in this situation. Kuro was silent as he was familiar with the tactics they used. All he could hope was that Kai didn't speak since despite all of Kai's cleverness was still a kid.

"Now, now Arakan-san it's late at night and something important might have happened. How about this, we can ask them each individually in the junior office and decide if their actions are worth punishing after we get a proper explanation."

Arakan carefully listened before nodding and turning to the two of the rebellious children and asked his question in a tone where anything that wasn't yes was the wrong answer . "Any objections?"

"No sir." Both children replied before being led to individual rooms.