
Conquering The Game's World

Ethan died of terminal illness and woke up in the body of a teenager named Luis Suarez, who was assassinated. To his surprise, he was in a parallel world and moreover in the world of a game that he used to play. Now he is stuck in a dangerous game like world. As a character who died, even before the start of the game story. Now follow Luis on his journey to find out whether his involvement will change the fate of this game like world whose ending was doomed. ___________________ Hey guys author here. This is my new story. Well, I'll suggest reading a few more chapters before deciding on anything. The story has a slow start, but its characters are compelling. As for other things, you have to read on your own and figure out in this journey. I'm not gonna spoil. Anyway, Happy Reading.

Dakshay · ファンタジー
234 Chs

Rura vS Thomas!

Deep inside the forest was a beautiful lake. The reflection of trees and the greenery mirrored above the lake, making it look like a beautiful landscape.

At the edge of the lake was standing a beautiful crimson-haired girl holding a bow in her hands while looking at the still lake.

Her face was as calm as the lake in front of her. Her beauty, along with the beautiful lake, was so harmonized that it looked like a beautiful masterpiece of a world-class painter.


Suddenly a painful roar sounded, which disrupted this perfect harmony.

From the bushes, jumped out an injured Fang Wolf, an F-rank monster. Followed by a blonde-haired boy who had a scornful expression on his face.

"What's wrong, Puppy?"

The Fang Wolf looked at him with hatred. But the blonde-haired boy didn't care. He stylishly swung his spear and gave the final blow.


"Too weak..." He muttered.
