
Conquering The Game's World

Ethan died of terminal illness and woke up in the body of a teenager named Luis Suarez, who was assassinated. To his surprise, he was in a parallel world and moreover in the world of a game that he used to play. Now he is stuck in a dangerous game like world. As a character who died, even before the start of the game story. Now follow Luis on his journey to find out whether his involvement will change the fate of this game like world whose ending was doomed. ___________________ Hey guys author here. This is my new story. Well, I'll suggest reading a few more chapters before deciding on anything. The story has a slow start, but its characters are compelling. As for other things, you have to read on your own and figure out in this journey. I'm not gonna spoil. Anyway, Happy Reading.

Dakshay · ファンタジー
238 Chs

Olivia's Doubt!

{Master, I have told the information to them.}

"Hmm, good. Let them do the rescue." Luis' attention didn't break away from the structure of Curse Mark, as he said. "You keep searching for other areas where the children might have been kept. By then I should be finished here too."

{I'm looking for them, Master.}


A little distance away from Luis. The beast-men guards who saw the image displayed in the hologram were in uproar.

"What?! You are telling me they are involved with the kidnappers?! It's impossible!"

"Yeah, we know them all! They aren't such people!"

"Yes, some of them also joined in to search for the kids. How could they be kidnappers?"

Alicia raised her hands in annoyance and spoke with a calm expression. "Whether or not, they are connected to this mass kidnapping. I am sure we will get the answers after we go there."