
Conquering the Elements

The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52044

Cutiepie747 · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs


94 years after the genocide of the air nomads.

 Over these two years, Kyoshi Island has become my second home, even Unagi has already got used to my frequent visits, he has stopped being afraid to stick out from under the water during my stay on the island.

 Shizuka and Suki were waiting for my arrival the most. For the youngest, I managed to become a kind of father who can both pamper and scold. The eldest no longer saw anyone else in the role of her soulmate, only for me Shizuka showed her soft side, discarding her usual mask of severity, which just scared off other candidates for her heart. Well, I guess my unequivocal threats also had some effect. Shizuka is a young and beautiful woman who, even with a child, many merchants of the Kingdom of Earth wanted and want to get.

 Shizuka's cherished dream was to see the world, but even a week's absence from the strongest warrior of the settlement can be fatal, there is no question of any small journey. Knowing her desire in advance, it was not difficult to come up with such dates that she would remember for the rest of her life.

 But, as they say, the first pancake always turns out to be a lump. Probably, it was not worth choosing the first place to visit the Village of Chin the Conqueror... Who knew that we would end up right on "Avatar Day", when the inhabitants of the settlement burn straw statues of past Avatars. I had to keep Shizuka from aggressive actions.

 – Easy-easy, they're just used to this holiday, they can't do anything themselves, so they pour their anger on the mannequins, – I held her back, trying to calm her down.

 - Let me go, now I'll show them how to burn the statue of the respected Kyoshi! – Shizuka couldn't calm down. Good date Yuki! You're on top as always…

 The village was founded by former soldiers of the Chin army, who transferred their dislike through their children. And the same ones continued to repeat after their parents. Wang Shi Tong told me how it really happened. Kyoshi's Avatar and Chin the Conqueror came together in a battle that no one would have been able to see even close. Many kilometers have become a battlefield. I will say even more, the last hitman was able to force Kyoshi to enter the Avatar state, which finally put an end to the confrontation.

 But the cause of death was just right, they were both exhausted by the intense battle. At the end of the fight, Kyoshi was able to push Chin away in order to separate her island with the last of her strength in the Avatar's state, as if showing its independence.

 She never wanted him dead, why would she want someone who does her job dead? He united the disparate provinces, eradicated corruption, and hunted down Daofei. Maybe he did it too bloody, but it was effective, and the common people began to feel much calmer.

 Having separated her territory from the continent, she no longer had the strength to somehow save the life of Chin, who had failed due to the collapse of the earth. Whose luck that day was definitely in a big minus. It was this moment that his warriors managed to capture.

 In fact, the people here are quite adequate, of course, if you remove this holiday and the semblance of a judicial system. In the evening, we can look at the theater of the absurd, here they are used to solving every minor quarrel or conflict through a court session. In the meantime, it's worth taking the outraged Shizuka away from the city center. There were many beautiful places near the village, where we can pass the time.

 Evening. The amphitheater at the temple and the statue of Chin.

 The beginning was quite harmless, each participating party presented its own version of the event. The prosecutor was the mayor himself, the accused was a visiting resident who spoke very unflatteringly about the holiday being held today. The funny thing is that the mayor himself makes the final decision, I think it's not worth saying which side always wins…

 - This is ... fucked up, - I could only say, looking at the arbitrariness that is happening before my eyes. The residents of this town have just lost their title of adequacy. In the cartoon, this series did not look so cruel and inhuman. Of course, I knew that the era of Kyoshi's Avatar was very bloody and cruel at times, but punishing people is not just death, but for example, mauling by a bear, burning alive, being eaten by sharks, and this is not the most sophisticated of the whole list. Of course, this kind of punishment is applied only to particularly serious crimes that... It is also determined by the mayor himself, and a negative assessment of the holiday in his understanding is included in this list.

 It is especially scary that the accused himself turns the "Wheel of Torture", on which the types of torture are painted. By the way, if you can survive the punishment, then you are free, such a good "plus". By the way, there have not been any survivors of their punishment yet.

- The punishment is determined! Prepare a cauldron with boiling oil! – shouted the almost dancing mayor, who was enjoying watching the suffering. I have been to this city, but already in the guise of Roku, then the inhabitants looked quite happy and kind to themselves. So they were just pretending, or they were forced so that I wouldn't see the other side. It's worth being more careful in the future.

 – Yuki, – Shizuka whispered, – this can't go on! We should stop them! Look at the neighboring rows, they even dragged the children here, – she pointed imperceptibly with her head towards the far rows.

 Indeed, it was seen how mothers tightly squeeze their children in their arms, but they did not dare to close their view of what was happening, because those parents who closed their child's eyes were immediately severely reprimanded. What is the mayor trying to achieve by forcing even children to watch torture? Although it is not given to a normal person to understand a psycho.

 – There are no benders here, – I whispered in her ear. – What should we do? Shall we attack now? I don't see any serious warriors here either.

 - I want to punish them myself! – Shizuka said, already taking out her fans. As far as I remember, they didn't seem to have been there before...

 Female magic outside of Hogwarts, it's from the same series as handbags with invisible extensions, right?

 - Then go ahead, I'll close the territory, - the whole city has gathered here, I can immediately eradicate all inhumans over real ones. It's good that there is an ocean nearby. Soon I began to gradually move the water from the ocean closer to the amphitheater, evenly distributing it in a circle in order to abruptly erect an ice wall at the right moment. At this time, Shizuka had already started to go down, thereby saving the boy who was sentenced to punishment.

 - The punishment is coming now! Sit down right now! - the mayor, whose appearance looked more like a rat, began to yell at Shizuka in his shrill voice. Seeing his ugly face, it is another advantage to believe in physiognomy.

 - My guards! Arrests her! Now!! There will be another trial today! – did you have an orgasm from a new victim there? His cheeks are flushed, pupils are feverishly moving, and he is really sick.

 The people began to whisper softly, as abruptly everyone fell silent. It was Shizuka who had already knocked out five warriors and was moving closer to the main instigator.

 - What are you standing for?! Grab her quickly, you assholes! – the rat-man began to scream hysterically. Everyone who attacked Shizuka was knocked out with one precise and clear blow. That's how the combat-ready part of the population ended imperceptibly, at least that one who was for the mayor.

 - This is for Kyoshi! This is for all the atrocities committed! This is for all the innocents! For your rat face! – Shizuka began to pour out her accumulated anger, pounding the screaming mayor.

 Some residents wanted to leave quietly, sensing future troubles with their seats, but…

 - Are you going far? – I asked them, having created walls of ice around the theater.

 - Sir, madam! We were all forced to do this, it's not our fault! – some fell to their knees, immediately starting to hang noodles on their ears.

 - Don't believe them! They were in league! There is still justice in the world! – the emboldened people began to shout at random.

 It was already deep night when we were able to go to the house allocated to us. Shizuka wanted to punish everyone involved, which resulted in hours of talking with people who knew the villains' personalities better.

 Sitting under the moon, we calmed down the spoiled mood with local pastries. Or maybe it was just me, because Shizuka was eager and eager to tell me what other places she would like to see. Not seeing the proper concern on my face, she fell silent, giving me time to collect my thoughts.

 – I'm sorry, – I said, breaking the silence, seeing Shizuka's questioning look, I had to explain. – This wasn't the date I wanted, I thought I'd make you feel good, but it turned out, to put it mildly, so-so.

 - Hey, what are you doing! - she sat down closer to me, - I liked everything, of course, there are some unpleasant moments, but we did a good deed! Didn't you see the way the villagers looked at us? They promised not to celebrate that stupid holiday anymore! - it feels like you were trying to cancel it, - I hope such a small mistake won't prevent you from taking me with you sometimes? – she looked into my eyes. It turns out that even grown-up girls can make eyes of a cat from Shreck!

 Instead of answering, I pulled the beauty into a hot kiss.

 - Does that mean yes? – Shizuka, lying on top of me, asked playfully, running her finger over my chest. Somehow, unnoticed during the kiss, we reached the bed.

 – It couldn't have been any other way, – I replied, hugging her closer to me.

 – I thought you'd want to go beyond simple kisses, – Shizuka said after a minute.

 – Your body whispered to me that it was too early, – I replied, how I felt it by myself.

 - Hm-m, so you felt it? – I don't like these intonations. - How much experience does it take to determine this right off the bat, - she continued resentfully, turning her whole body in the other direction. I said it without a second thought at all! So, ladies' man mode is on.

 - Only one, - I hugged the sluggishly resisting Shizuka, - only one beloved, who opens up mystical feelings in me, allowing me to guess the desires of your body.

 – Okay, okay, Mr. Nimble Tongue, you got me this time, – Shizuka turned, amused. After chatting a little more, we began to prepare for bed.

 Already in a state of half-sleep, half-waking, I heard Shizuka muttering:

 - Only next time, let's discuss the place in advance.

 – So you didn't like it after all? – I asked Shizuka, making her freeze like a rabbit in front of a boa constrictor, she probably thought I was already asleep…

 - <super unnatural snoring sounds> - Are you serious? Even children won't fall for that.

 - Okay, we'll first we will think about which place we going to... good night - with the end of the sentence, Shizuka sharply kissed me on the cheek, wishing me sweet dreams.

 Watching another person already have a second or third dream, and you can't fall asleep because of the unconscious actions of the same person, is such a pastime.

 When I'm in the mood to sleep comfortably, I make it as comfortable as possible for myself: no light sources, minimum sounds and more space. Shizuka has already been able to break two of them! She talks in his sleep – once.

 - Yuki, Yuki, Suki is already asking for a new sister, - it's cool, and we'll do it someday! Only she sleeps with her face buried in my neck, do you feel the distance? Yes, my ear is very close.

 Do you know how uncomfortable it is to sleep in a hug? It just seems like it's so cool. It's romantic, no doubt, but it's terribly uncomfortable: the place where bodies touch starts to heat up, you feel hot – which means it's uncomfortable and harder to fall asleep.

 So, carefully, just a little more, that's it. Nevertheless, I was able to gently push Shizuka to her side of the bed. It was so easy to sleep with Kaya, the most she does in her sleep is throw her leg over me.

 When the situation requires it, I can also sleep on rocks, as is often the case when traveling, it is because of them that I so appreciate a full sleep in bed.

 – Oh, – I moaned in a low voice, Shizuka wrapped around me like an octopus again. I'll have to sacrifice a pillow and a blanket, I'll make the most impassable wall of them. Now you won't get through! What the hell am I doing in the middle of the night?

 - Eh, okay, come here already, - hugged Shizuku, who was able to overcome the improvised defense in a measly five minutes. I partially take back my words, there is something special about falling asleep in the arms of a loved one.