
Conquering the Elements

The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52044

Cutiepie747 · アニメ·コミックス
44 Chs


Okay, what happened is over, the main thing is that I liked everything...

 After last night, many residents were still sleeping off. Only kids or rare Kyoshi warriors ran around the settlement, who, when I appeared, began to whisper among themselves, glancing at me with amusement every now and then. Well, at least someone is having fun, sending them my best smile, I achieved a new wave of giggles.

 It's worth apologizing for my behavior to Shizuka, and I want to understand her the reaction to what happened last night, although ... if she were really angry at me, she would have left me lying on the doorstep of the house, without putting me to bed, after taking off all my outerwear.

 Knocking on her house, I heard light and quick footsteps outside the door. The door was opened by a still sleepy Suki, who wanted to be cuddled, she was rubbing her eyes too sweetly. It seems that she noticed something like that on my face, since she unknowingly took a couple of steps back.

 -"sweet yawn"Good morning, Uncle Yuki, – she mercilessly pierced me to the heart with her own words, but... How is that? When did I become an uncle?! So, it seems normal for children to consider all people older than themselves as uncles and aunts, right?

 – Just say Yuki, I'm not much older than you, – I said, trying to show that her words didn't bother me in any way, and I'm not interested in it.

 - Uh-huh, - she seemed to be the last to worry about all this, she was still struggling with the effects of sleep. – Sit in the kitchen for now, I'll wash up quickly, – she continued, letting me into the house.

 – You can talk with me informal, – I insisted, walking into the kitchen after Suki, who mumbled something in response.

 Leaving me alone with myself, Suki shuffled on like a zombie. In the kitchen, everything looked ... nice, you can see the marks from the height measurement on the wall, just above there are children's drawings, one of which attracted my attention. It showed a family, a small figure of a girl holding the hand of an older figure. On the other hand, you can see traces of erasure, but it is clear that someone had to stand on the other side. So Suki was thinking about her father? Or does she want him to show up?

 A couple of minutes later, a cheerful Suki arrived, who, after learning that I had already had breakfast, began to make tea.

 - Yesterday it was fun, it's a pity that we weren't allowed to sit with the adults until the end, - the girl chirped, deftly pouring fragrant green tea. – At night I couldn't sleep without my mom, so I sat on the porch and waited for her, – she continued with a cloudy face. - Sometimes when she has a night patrol shift, I'm a little scared, suddenly something will happen to her, so I got into the habit of falling asleep late, for this mom is is scolding me, – she said with a slightly mischievous smile, apparently, Shizuka is scolding her purely symbolically.

 - A growing body needs a healthy sleep regime, you should not neglect it, - I also said in a joking manner. – I hope you're not too upset about the result of my aptitude test? – I asked, watching her reaction. I probably shouldn't have brought this up again.

 – Don't worry, I'll be strong even without magic! Kyoshi herself once said that the main thing is to be strong in spirit! – Suki said without hesitation. - Soon I will become very strong and my mother will no longer need to fight, - good words, but your mother is unlikely to like that, which parent wants to endanger his child…

 - It's strange, at night mom didn't even tell me anything about the fact that I'm not in bed, - Suki thoughtfully shared with me, - she looked very pleased, did you do something fun without children? – she asked suspiciously.

 Pictures of a close acquaintance with Shizuka flashed through my head, which can safely be given an eighteen-plus rating, the reason became clear, but it's too early for her to know.

 – We... uh... told each other funny stories. And Shizuka laughed the loudest, that is probably why she is so pleased, - I came up with a "reliable" excuse, while even Suki listened to with a fair amount of skepticism on her face.

 - What are you talking about? – you're on time Shizuka! Your daughter is too distrustful, I would have believed that at her age!

 Oh, I wish I could keep chatting with Suki. For an hour I felt like I was being pickled in my own juice. Shizuka never once brought up the topic of last night, while pretending that nothing had happened. I did my best to send her non-verbal signs about a more private conversation. When I was already thinking about surrendering, Shizuka sent Suki outside for a walk.

 - Shizuka, the weather is nice today, isn't it? – as soon as it comes to the point, the right words seem to leave my brain immediately. Okay, let's pretend to be a british, talk about the weather – these are the rules of good manners among famous colonizers, and I'm going to colonize all the beauties in this world, how will they be without me... Hey, thoughts, please, go right direction for me! Such twists are out of the question now!

 - Just le-gen-dary, - she sang outright, - stop overthinking, I was not against your actions yesterday, to be honest, this was my first close conscious contact with another man, - she confessed, blushing her face. And then in a more meek voice she explained how Suki was born, and that she was not in her mind at that moment.

 Well, I thought that I had such magic fingers, and here Shizuka is not even kissed, but does it upset me? Not a drop!

 - So you already agree to a relationship? I promise to show you more, – I said, luring her into my net.

 - No, - no?! –Well, partly not, – she shook her head when she saw my extremely picturesque expression, – give me a little time to sort myself out... As I understand it, you won't stop at just me? And you won't push others away for the sake of one person? – she asked with a bitter smile, seeing something on my face, she continued herself, - You don't have to answer, I already understood everything, so I ask you to give me time, okay?

 - ...Okay, - they gave me a yellow light from the traffic light, it's not a good thing, but it's not a refusal either.

 - But I won't mind signs of attention, let's pretend that we are teenagers in love, only I'm still a little tormented by the choice, and we will pursue each other! – Shizuka said excitedly with trembling expectation, looking into my eyes.

 Man is such a multifaceted being, and the closer you get to know someone, the more you realize that you've only seen the very tip of the iceberg. Even now, Shizuka seemed to me like a kind of Amazon girl who just goes ahead to her goals, but by accepting me into her inner circle, she trusted me and showed me her desire to experience what it is like to go through all the stages of becoming a couple.

 – Then get ready to call me 'darling' in the near future, – I said with a smile, thereby giving my consent to this kind of romantic game.

 We flirted with each other for another hour, and it was refreshing. So I started to learn a lot more about her, and it's worth admitting to myself, now her gorgeous body is more like a nice bonus to her personality.


 Shizuka had her own responsibilities, from which she did not even think to shirk, so we had to part for a while, but before that she handed me the key to the lock to the Temple of Avatar Kyoshi. She said that they gave it to her yesterday, and asked only to be careful, and so all her things can be examined by me.

 The building was located in a picturesque place a little away from the village. The grass near the Temple was cut to one length, the harmoniously placed stones fit into the overall picture as well as possible. Two bonsai-like trees complemented the overall sanctity of this place.

As expected, there was not a speck of dust in the temple itself, Kyoshi's armor was located on the shelves. In the center was her bust. At first glance, no scrolls or books were visible.

So, what if I scan this place with the senses of the spirit. As soon as I was "blinded" for a second by the radiance of her combat uniform, all her clothes were just overflowing with energy with a taste of all four elements. It turned out to catch her residual spirit, very weak, though.

 Now it's clear how Aang managed to summon her spirit at the trial. Moreover, for some time past Avatars can help their successors while still being in the spirit realm. The same Avatar Roku calmly talked to Aang more than once. It wouldn't be very cool if all the past Avatars were in the Spirit Realm. It's good that they disappear somehow over time, otherwise I don't really believe that they all had the same kind heart as Aang.

 – Is that all? – I asked into the void, disappointed, after I had found nothing else...

 The watched movies are all hope for you! I've often seen this in detective stories, the main character starts tapping on different surfaces, detecting emptiness by sound. So everything is fine on the floor. Everything is also fine on this side of the wall, continuing to pose as a woodpecker, I tapped every inch of space.

 - The head! Who's the megamind here! – I said happily, hearing a noticeable difference in one area.

 Let's see what we have here... Carefully pushing aside the wooden board, I saw a small recess in which a notebook was lying. My darling!

 Opening the already yellowed pages with hands trembling with impatience, I began greedily snatching out every written word.

 – Well, that was educational, – I muttered after I put the book back in its place.

 The book was written by Rangi, the beloved Avatar of Kyoshi, who had known her since childhood. She was also her teacher in fire magic. Pink love is also worthy of life, especially if you get into a female character. A minute of silence in support of all those who, even being in a female body, continued to love only girls.

This was followed by the life of little Kyoshi, who, as a child, was abandoned by her parents to the care of a villager in the port of Yokai, in a poor community of farmers and fishermen. Kyoshi's father and mother were members of the then infamous bandit group, the Flying Opera. They wanted the best, but it turned out, as always. They thought she would be safe in Yokai, but she was immediately thrown out onto the street, which forced five-year-old Kyoshi to eat garbage in the hope of survival. The only thing she had left were the fans of Jessa, her mother, as well as a diary with information about the Daofei, as the bandits called themselves.

 At that time, the entire territory of the Kingdom of Earth was in chaos. Terrible poverty, widespread hunger, a weak tsar, all this prompted entire settlements to embark on the path of banditry and looting. In the same period of time, different traditions and rules were invented among the Daofei.

 After a while, Kelsang Air Master and Jianzhu Earth master came to the village in search of a new Avatar incarnation. They had toys of past reincarnations with them, which help to identify the right child. When the masters said that Kyoshi could choose any three toys, she did not believe in their kindness and managed to take away only the clay turtle of avatar Kuruka, without finishing the test.

 Master Kelsang took pity on the poor girl and took her as a servant to the entourage of a falsely identified avatar named Yun. There she met Rangi, the Avatar's bodyguard, and a master of fire magic. Kyoshi had a poor command of earth magic, so she did not pay due attention to training. Over time, Yun, Kyoshi and Rangi began to get closer, which eventually resulted in the Avatar team. The heavy armored kimono was given to her by the Jianzhu Earth master in the hope of giving the tall girl a more intimidating appearance, thereby replacing her weakness in magic.

 As the adventures progressed, her talent in earth magic began to reveal itself, which made the masters wonder if they had chosen the right Avatar, since Yun still could not master the second element.

 This was followed by Yun's death from the spirit of Firefly's Father, who was summoned by Jianzhu to find the true Avatar between him and Kyoshi. Events were only escalating, Kyoshi's first entry into the Avatar state, due to Kelsang's death at the hands of Jianzhu. Kyoshi and Rangi escape to the criminal provinces in search of a Flying Opera. Learning the elements, thoughts of revenge on the master of the earth, recognition of Rangi's feelings, becoming a couple. Settling the situation in the Kingdom of Earth, opening yourself to the world as a new Avatar.

 Reading about all her adventures, I start to get a little inferiority complex. There are so many events and all this is only in her youth. Only half of the book is filled, and Kyoshi's future life after defeating Chin the Conqueror remains in question. This is a masterpiece! Rangi should not have been taught fire magic, but adventure books to write, a talent! I'll leave the book, they definitely wouldn't hide it just like that. Let her wait in the wings, I can tell Shizuka about it, she will decide what to do with it, after all, this is her ancestor.