
Connecting worlds, the age of magical revolution is here!

A young man was living his life, when suddenly he was brought to another world because he absorb a wandering celestial body, now armed with magic and world crossing ability, he have one goal, to revolutionize the world with magic! this fanfiction include worlds such as saving 80.000 gold for my retirement Fate stay Night

FemboyMaker · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


*SWOOSH* A fast-moving object swiftly passed through the forest, appearing as a blur. Suddenly, it collided forcefully with a tree, creating a loud impact.

However, rather than coming to a halt instantly, the object proceeded to pass through the tree, creating a hole the size of a human before descending to the ground.

"Alright, maybe sprinting through a forest with my new speed is not a good idea" a young man can be seen beneath the rubble of woods and grasses, sitting on the ground as he rubbed his head and check any damage to it

"But this should be a good enough measurement for how strong i am" the young man look back to see what damage has he cause

A tree with a human size hole is what damage he has cause, along with a few broken branches and everything else on his path

'This is nuts, and i am not even in pain' He look at the hole and see that he has completely run through 1meters thick tree without any injuries whatsoever

Yesterday he won't be able to do this, at best he can probably put a dent to a tree this thick but he can now run straight through to it,

What change? What enables him to do this miraculous thing?

Well that my friend, is because of his mana enhancement

Tatsuya has been trying to acquire a full body enhancement since yesterday and this morning, he have finally done it,

However, he can only maintain this for a brief moment, as he must divert his entire focus to intensify the strengthening of his entire body, requiring him to cease any other ongoing activities.

Walking, moving, even blinking, can disturb his concentration

'maybe it's too soon for me to try full body enhancement'

"If you keep doing that the villagers are gonna notice it you know?" A girl with long black hair said from behind him

Having encountered the girl appearing out of nowhere on multiple occasions, he had grown accustomed to the unpredictable nature of her entrances. The initial surprise had worn off, and he found himself no longer succumbing to shock when she suddenly materialized before him.

"Aren't you suppose to be preparing for your evening visits? What are you doing this early in the morning" His voice carries an air of disinterest as he talk to the girl.

"I am done with the preparations, now i am just trying to spend some time until evening" she said while Walking towards the boy with her hand discreetly behind her back, she spoke while keenly observing his training.

"And why do you need to wait until evening? Why don't you just go now?" Closing his eyes, Tatsuya concentrated his mana towards his arm once more, causing it to emit a faint, dim blue glow.

"I am waiting because the plan will only work if i go there late on evening or night,

If i visit them now then they won't offer me a ride and will just let me walk by my own" She explained her plan to him, her gaze fixed on the dim blue light radiating around the boy's hand, her eyes filled with interest.

"But maybe you shouldn't come after all, if you are there then they would think that i have enough protection and they won't give me the ride to capital" she said, her eyes still fixed on Tatsuya's arm that glows

"Suit yourself then" Tatsuya opened his eyes, examining his hand as it illuminated by a dim blue light as he enhanced it with magic.

A thin layer of barrier can be seen surrounding his arm for extra protection

The sensation was unfamiliar, his arm felt stiff as if it had been excessively pumped with blood, teetering on the brink of explosion.

He drew his arm back, gearing up to deliver a powerful punch to the tree before him.

"HAAA!" he yelled, unleashing the force of his punch onto the tree trunk. A resounding noise echoed as his hand snapped and pulverized the targeted section of the tree.

While his arms didn't reach entirely through the tree, he successfully embedded them deep into the trunk, leaving a profound hole in its wake.

"Okay, you are now officially the strongest person in the world, this hole is atleast 80Cm deep and with your calculation,

Then this will take around 5-7million pounds of force to make a hole this deep" Mitsuha approached the tree, closely examining the substantial hole left by Tatsuya's powerful punch in the tree trunk.

"Yeah, I don't have any comment on that. Honestly, I'm kind of afraid of myself right now," Tatsuya remarked, observing his hand. None of the tree barks or remnants reached the thin mana barrier enveloping his arm.

'How strong is this thing?' a thought crossed his mind. Intrigued by the formidable mana barrier, he decided to test its durability later.

"So, is this all you can do or can you use your mana for other things, like magics and stuff"

"For a pure magic that only uses mana such as enhancement, mana barrier or mana blast, things like that might be easier to learn

But elementals magic such as fireball or water dragon is much harder to learn, mainly because i don't know how to do it, pure magic only works because i have a lot of mana and i just keep pumping it with more mana

But elemental magics need refinement, techniques, and other things as i need to turn my mana into something else,

so for now i might not be able to do any elemental magics until i found something or someone to teach me"

Tatsuya sighed, realizing that his ambitious plan to revolutionize the world with magic and integrate magical artifacts with modern technology might require a few more years to come to fruition.

"Come on, don't be so down. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon," Mitsuha reassured with a mature tone, attempting to reach the boy's head for a comforting pat.

Unfortunately, Tatsuya's height proved a challenge, and she settled for patting his back instead.

"Why are you suddenly acting like you're older than me?" Tatsuya questioned, his eyes narrowing with suspicion as he gazed at the girl, puzzled by her behavior.

"Because I am older. I'm 18, and you're 15," Mitsuha declared, attempting to emphasize her maturity.

"You still look like a middle schooler to me," Tatsuya retorted, swiftly dismantling her attempt at maturity with a reminder of her appearance.

Struck like an arrow, she fell to the ground on all fours, a sense of dejection seeping into her heart.

"Damn it! Just you wait, you smug bastard. A few years from now, I'll have a fully mature and curvy body, and I'll wipe that stupid smirk off your face," Mitsuha declared, gripping the ground beneath her.

"You sure you're still growing?" Tatsuya's remark struck her heart again, adding to her growing sense of despondency.

Tatsuya looked at her, and a suppressed laughter almost escaped him, finding her comedic descent into despair oddly amusing.

"Alright, enough joking. What do you have in mind for today? I doubt you're just gonna stay here and watch me mess around with magics," Tatsuya said, his face still sporting a smirk.

Mitsuha stood back up, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Well, I don't really have a plan for today. My preparations are done, and I'm going to visit the bozes in the evening. Until then, I'm free," Tatsuya looked at the girl, relaxing his mana enhancement while maintaining the circulation around.


"The nobles, their family name are boze"

"Anyway can you bring me to the village? I feel like I need to get acquainted with the locals of this world," Tatsuya requested.

Looking at Tatsuya, Mitsuha began to form a plan in her mind.

"Sure, but you need to keep disguising as my brother," she smirked, seizing the opportunity for revenge on his teasing.

"Fine, I'll pretend to be your older brother," Tatsuya agreed.

"Nope! You will be my younger brother! And you must call me onee-san whenever you are here!" she declared proudly, pointing her finger at him.

"No," he simply said and walked away.

"Hey!" She called out, chasing after his retreating figure, trying to catch up.


"Colette-chan! I'm back!" Mitsuha waved at a small girl chopping wood.

The little girl's eyes lit up as she heard Mitsuha's voice. "Mitsuha!" she exclaimed, running towards her and latching onto her, giving Mitsuha a warm hug.

But those warm hug are deadly

"Aw, aw, aw! I give up! I give up!" Mitsuha exclaimed, tapping out to the small girl who was squeezing her tightly in a bear hug.

The small girl soon begin to let go of Mitsuha, giving her time to get the much needed breath

"Geez, Colette-chan, you're just as strong as ever," Mitsuha said, catching her breath.

Collete smiled at her but noticed someone standing beside Mitsuha.

It was a young man, around 15-17 years old. He is tall and with a lean muscular build, his face carried a clean, noble-like appearance. His hands showed no signs of hard work, and his jet-black hair framed his features.

Feeling intimidated by his presence, Colette began to quiver slightly and decided to seek refuge behind Mitsuha, hiding from the imposing figure.

Mitsuha noticed the small girl's fear and gently pet her head to comfort her.

"Colette-chan, this is my younger brother Tatsuya. Tatsuya, meet Colette-chan, the girl who saved me from the wolves," Mitsuha introduced the two for the first time.

Colette step out of Mitsuha's back and look at the young man that are smiling at her

"Nice to meet you, Colette. Thanks for saving my sister," Tatsuya said, kneeling down to her level and gently patting her head.

Colette felt his hand rubbing against her head, a bright smile spread across her face as warmth filled her heart.

Mitsuha, seeing the smile on Colette's face, felt a pang of jealousy and instinctively separated the two. She hugged Colette tightly while stepping away from Tatsuya protectively.

"Lolicon" Mitsuha said, accusing him with a deadpan eyes as she keep hugging the small girl protectively

"I am 15" Tatsuya responded calmly as he tried to get out of acusations

"Yeah, and she is 8" Mitsuha said, her eyes keep on looking at him as if he is the filth of the world

"She is 8?" A puzzled look comes to his face, he observe the small girl that are not too far from Mitsuha's height


"And you never ask about her absolute monstrous strength?" Tatsuya asked, seeing that the small girl was previously chopping up woods like a seasoned lumberjacks

"Well at first i thought it was weird but i just chuck it down to her being special" (A/N *cough Magic)

"Well i guess that's understandable, and for your information, no, i am not attracted to small childrens, if i am not attracted to you why would i be attracted to someone smaller than you?" Tatsuya begin to use facts and logics to retort her accusations that also deal a good ammount of vicious mockery damage to her

"I am just short okay!? Does no one ever told you that it was rude to judge a woman by their appearance?!"

"A woman? Where?"

"You little!"

As the two 'siblings' bickered, with occasional yelling and cursing, Colette observed their antics and couldn't help but giggle at their lively interactions.

The two siblings halted their bickering and turned their attention to the small child giggling at them, sharing a moment of amusement as they joined in with smiles on their faces.

"Anyway Colette-chan, there is something i must tell you and your parents so can you lead us home?" Mitsuha said after the three of them stopped laughing


"Well that was something" Two people with black hairs can be seen walking on the forest

It was a small girl and a tall young man, the young man have his hands behind his neck while walking beside the girl on the forest

"Yeah, she is a good girl but i feel like she is too attached to me even if i was only here for a week" the small girl shaked her head as she recall the event of her telling Colette about her leaving to the capital

That event include a lot of crying from the blonde girl part

"So are you sure you don't need me to follow you along to the bozes? They are nobles and you know how nobles act in medieval settings"

"Yeah i know, but the guns i got from the wolf fangs should be enough to protect me, also i will pretend as if i was noble girl, they won't do anything stupid to a foreign noble girls"

"If you say so"

The two of them see a large building in the distance, the large walls and gates are a dead give away that whoever lives there must be a rich person, persumably it's the nobles,

"And what are you gonna do from now?" Mitsuha asked Tatsuya

He never tell her about what he is going to do, everytime it's always her telling him what she want to do but not the other way around

"I am just gonna go adventuring, walking around until i found something or someone that either needs my help or can help me with my magical situations,

Well until summer break ends at least, after that i am going back to school" Mitsuha look at the young man and nodded her head

"Oh right, you are a highschooler, i always forgot about that" she said

'he is too tall for a highschooler'

"Yeah, and I always forget that you are an adult," Tatsuya remarked, a vein popping on her forehead. However, she decided it wasn't worth getting mad at him every time he said that.

As the mansion grew larger in their view, signaling their arrival at their destination, the young man awkwardly spoke, "Well, I guess this is it. It's a goodbye for now, and I hope we meet again, well, in this world at least."

"Yeah, for now. I still want you to be my bodyguard though," Mitsuha said, making one last attempt to persuade him, but he snorted in response.

"Yeah, not gonna happen. Anyway, see you later!" And with that, the young man disappeared, teleporting back to his original world.

The black haired girl look at the mansion, she prepared herself for the upcoming act she is going to do and pray that she do her best,

'alright, let's pretend to be a noble girl!'


On the way to his house, Tatsuya noticed someone stalking him as he walked out of the nearby mountain.

'What the hell? Am I that popular?' he thought, doing his best to avoid eye contact with the stalker.

Continuing on the street, Tatsuya pretended not to notice the stalker. Curious, he took a left turn to check if the person was genuinely following him. The stalker followed suit.

He took another left turn, and once again, the stalker continued to tail him. This pattern repeated until he did the fourth left turn, only to find himself back in the same spot.

"Alright that's enough" Tatsuya said as he look back, trying to catch the stalker on their act

He look at the lamp post behind him, someone wearing a red top and black skirt emerge from it

It's a girl, a girl with twintails wearing a red long sleeved top with a cross symbol on her chest and a short black skirt that did not cover enough of her lower body

She wears a thigh stockings and leave the upper part of her thigh visibles,

her sharp gaze fixated on him as if he were a criminal, her body poised for any sudden attack.

"You have a lot of courage trying to pose as one of my classmates huh?" The girl said to him, her glare filled with anger, leaving Tatsuya confused.

Tatsuya himself recognize this girl, how could he not be? she is one of the most popular girl on his school

"Tohsaka?" Tatsuya said, recognizing his stalker as she gritted her teeth more and more.

She felt disrespected, seeing him still pretending to be her classmate even after she had caught him in the act

Suddenly, she burst into speed, tackling Tatsuya and pressing her forearm against his neck. Shocked, Tatsuya struggled to comprehend someone moving at that speed, leaving him perplexed as she pushed him into a wall.

Her attempt to choke him didn't succeed due to his denser skin and muscles, but the surprise of her sudden speed still had an impact.

"Now tell me you bastard. Who are you and what have you done to Tatsuya?!" she yelled, pushing her arm further into his neck. Her voice was laced with hatred as she glared at him.

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

FATE!!! What a beautifull addition to this story.

how will this works? Will Tatsuya still able to make magical technologies even with the mage associations trying to prevent the world to know about magic?

Keep reading if you want to know the answers!