

In the vibrant heart of New Orleans, a tale of mystery and supernatural intrigue unfolds at the University of Louisiana. "Compulsion" invites readers into a world where the lines between myth and reality blur, and ancient folklore shadows the modern day. The story begins with three university friends – Elise, the artistically gifted and curious; John, the charming and fitness-focused; and Annabelle, the adventurous and spirited traveler. Their routine campus life takes a dark turn following the mysterious arrival of Crimson Adler, a striking and enigmatic new student with an uncanny knowledge of folklore. As the friends delve into their Occult Folklore class, they find themselves drawn into a series of unexplained events that echo the chilling tales they study. The discovery of a local blood cult, the Midians Bloodborne of Orleans, and a haunted house with a sinister past propels them into an investigation that challenges their understanding of the world. Balancing their academic lives with their nocturnal investigation, the friends confront unsettling phenomena and disturbing revelations. Their journey is marred by internal tensions, as personal feelings and rivalries surface, especially when it becomes evident that each has a different and complicated connection with Crimson. As they edge closer to uncovering the truth behind the Midians and the haunted house, they grapple with the realization that some legends are rooted in reality. The death of a well-known student, rumored to be connected to the supernatural, heightens the stakes, leaving them to question who they can trust. "Compulsion" weaves a captivating narrative set against the backdrop of New Orleans' enchanting history. This story of friendship, mystery, and the supernatural explores the depths of curiosity and the dangers of obsession, culminating in a climax that threatens to change their lives forever. In a city where history and folklore intertwine, the group's pursuit of truth leads them to confront the darkest corners of both the city and themselves.

Kyuseishu · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 7

The University of Louisiana campus was a hive of activity, with students weaving through the walkways, a colorful tapestry of youth and ambition. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the scene, its light a stark contrast to the undercurrent of tension that ran through Elise, John, and Annabelle as they convened at their usual campus café.

Elise, sipping her latte, broke the silence. "Guys, I've been lowkey freaking out all weekend. Can't believe we're actually doing this detective stuff."

John, scrolling through his phone, looked up with a wry smile. "Yeah, feels kinda surreal, right? Like, one minute we're normal uni students, next we're on some Scooby-Doo mission."

Annabelle, her eyes scanning the café, leaned in closer. "Seriously though, we need to keep it on the down-low. Last thing we need is the whole campus buzzing about our 'vampire hunt'."

Elise nodded, her expression serious. "Absolutely. We stick to facts. No wild theories or gossip. This is real life, not some Netflix show."

John, his demeanor more serious now, added, "And we've got to have each other's backs, no matter what. If this gets sketchy, we bail. Agreed?"

"Agreed," Elise and Annabelle echoed in unison.

As they finished their drinks and gathered their things, with a final nod of solidarity, they headed off to their first class, their minds racing with the possibilities and dangers that lay ahead.

The Monday morning sun shone through the classroom windows as Elise, John, and Annabelle found themselves seated together, their textbooks open but their minds elsewhere. The echoes of the weekend's eerie events hung heavily over them, casting shadows even in the bright light of day.

Elise leaned in, her voice a hushed whisper, breaking the silence. "Guys, I legit couldn't sleep last night. Kept thinking about Jericho and all that vampire lore we dug into."

John, his eyes scanning the room to ensure no one was eavesdropping, nodded in agreement. "Same here. It's like, every little noise in my dorm made me think something was creeping up on me. We need to get cracking on this research, for real."

Annabelle, her pen tapping anxiously on her notebook, chimed in. "Absolutely. I say we hit the library hard after class. Elise, you're on archive duty. John, you're our online sleuth. I'll tackle the folklore texts. We're gonna Scooby-Doo this mystery."

Crimson, seated a row in front of them, turned around and offered a reassuring smile. "And I'll help wherever I can. You guys aren't alone in this."

Their professor's voice cut through their conversation, bringing them back to the present. They quickly refocused on the lecture, but their notes soon became a mix of class information and scribbled plans for their investigation.

As the class progressed, their teacher delved into a new topic, but the trio's minds were already weaving through the labyrinth of myths and shadows, seeking answers in a world where reality seemed increasingly entwined with the stuff of legends.

In the quiet expanse of the university library, Elise, John, Annabelle, and Crimson found a secluded corner where they could discuss their plans without interruption. Books and laptops were spread out on the table before them, a testament to the seriousness of their mission.

"Alright, team, let's divide and conquer," Elise began, her tone business-like. "I'll hit up the local archives. There's gotta be some old records or something that can give us a lead."

John, already scrolling through his phone, nodded. "Cool, cool. I'll dig through online forums and news sites. Maybe some local's blogged about weird stuff happening around here."

Annabelle, her eyes scanning the library's folklore section, chimed in, "And I'll dive into these dusty old books. There's bound to be some freaky local legends we've never heard of."

Crimson leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "I'll help wherever I can. I've read a lot about folklore and myths from around the world. Maybe I can spot connections you might miss."

"Sounds like a plan," Elise said, her eyes focused. "Let's meet back here tomorrow with whatever we find. The more info we have, the better."

John grinned, his usual playful demeanor shining through. "Feels like we're in some detective movie, doesn't it? The Scooby Gang, but make it college."

Annabelle laughed, closing a heavy book with a thud. "Scooby Gang, seriously, John? More like Vampire Hunters 101."

Crimson, observing their banter, smiled slightly. "Vampire Hunters 101... I like the sound of that. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. One step at a time."

The group spent the next couple of hours immersed in their respective tasks, occasionally sharing interesting finds or theories. The library's atmosphere of studious calm contrasted sharply with the gravity of their undertaking, adding a surreal quality to their endeavor.

Elise's eyes widened as she scanned an old newspaper article. The faded print told of unexplained deaths in New Orleans, chillingly similar to what had happened to Jericho Montgomery. She quickly motioned to the others, her voice a mix of excitement and concern.

"Guys, check this out," Elise said, pointing at the article. "This is way too similar to Jericho's case. It's like history repeating itself or something."

John leaned in, his eyes scanning the article. "Whoa, that's freaky. It's like some serial killer vibe, but from ages ago."

Annabelle, peering over John's shoulder, added, "This is getting creepier by the minute. We definitely need to dig deeper into this."

Meanwhile, John had been scrolling through online forums on his laptop. He paused, a look of realization dawning on his face. "Hold up, this is weird. There's been a bunch of reports about animal attacks around here, all in the last few months. What if they're all linked?"

Elise glanced at John, her expression turning serious. "You mean, like a pattern? That's kinda sus, not gonna lie."

"Yeah, exactly," John replied. "It's like something or someone is targeting this area. We might be onto something big here."

Crimson, who had been quietly listening, chimed in thoughtfully. "It's intriguing, indeed. These 'animal attacks' could be a cover-up for something more sinister. We should consider all possibilities, no matter how outlandish they seem."

The group was huddled in the corner of the library, their table a chaotic mix of ancient lore and modern technology. Crimson, usually more reserved, had a look of intense concentration as he scrolled through a website on his laptop. Finally, he broke the silence, catching everyone's attention.

"Okay, so check this out," he began, his voice low but carrying a note of excitement. "I've been deep-diving into some online forums, and I stumbled upon this group called the Midians, or Bloodborne of Orleans. They're all over the net, and dude, it's not just some spooky bedtime story. This stuff looks legit... like an actual blood cult."

Elise's eyes widened, her artistic curiosity piqued. "A blood cult, right here in NOLA? That's wicked and kinda freaky at the same time. It's like something out of a dark fantasy novel."

John leaned in, trying to catch a glimpse of Crimson's screen, whistles lowly. "That's some dark web stuff, man. Are you sure it's safe to even be looking at that? And are we talking real-life vampires here or what? That's some next-level goth stuff. Kinda cool, but also mad sketchy."

Annabelle, who had been skimming through a book on local myths, looked up, her adventurous nature evident in her expression. "Well, it's not like we have much choice if we want to get to the bottom of this. We're not gonna find any answers just sitting here. If there's a chance this Midian thing is for real, we gotta dig deeper."

Crimson nodded, closing his laptop. "Yeah, but let's keep it on the down-low, okay? We don't want to stir up something we can't handle."

Their hushed conversation, a blend of intrigue and apprehension, set the tone for the next phase of their investigation. The idea of an actual cult operating in New Orleans added an ominous and thrilling edge to their quest for the truth.

The group's research session in the library was drawing to a close, but a last-minute discovery by Annabelle reignited their enthusiasm. She tapped on her tablet, bringing up an image of an old, ominous-looking house. "Look at this," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "This is the LaLaurie Mansion. It's infamous around here, known for its hauntings, and it keeps coming up in connection with these Midian folks."

Crimson leaned over to get a better view, his intrigue evident. "The LaLaurie Mansion, you say? Haunted, you reckon? Sounds like it's straight out of a horror flick. Could be the perfect haunt for a blood cult."

Elise, her eyes wide, nodded in agreement. "It's like the ultimate spooky spot in New Orleans. If we're hunting for clues about some creepy cult, that's got to be the place to start."

John, always the voice of caution despite his adventurous spirit, chimed in. "Alright, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Exploring an old haunted mansion? Sounds legit scary. We need to be super careful and maybe, like, not get cursed or something."

The group shared a nervous laugh, the reality of what they were proposing sinking in. Yet the allure of uncovering the truth behind the Midians and their possible connection to the mysterious events was too strong to ignore.

"Let's plan to check it out later this week," Annabelle suggested, her tone serious. "We need to be prepared for whatever we might find. Or, you know, not find."

Crimson nodded, his usual calm demeanor reassuring. "I'm with you. And hey, I can bring some of my folklore knowledge to the table. Might come in handy if we're dealing with some ancient cult stuff."

The group began to pack up their things, each lost in their thoughts about the upcoming adventure. There was a palpable mix of fear and excitement as they contemplated stepping into the heart of New Orleans' dark history.

As they left the library, the setting sun cast long shadows across the campus, a fitting end to a day filled with eerie discoveries. The LaLaurie Mansion loomed in their minds, a symbol of the unknown they were about to confront.

"See you guys tomorrow," John said as they parted ways. "And hey, maybe do some ghost-repelling yoga or something tonight, just in case."

They shared a brief laugh, the tension easing momentarily. But as they walked away, the reality of their plan remained. They were about to delve deeper into the shadows of New Orleans, and what they would find there was anyone's guess.