
Compound Cultivator

Just like every man, 20 year-old Zhou Kai strives to leave a legacy in this world. His legacy. A legacy that will be eternal and be glorified throughout the Dawn Continent until the end of time. But, he first needs to overcome his impotence and lack of talent for cultivation. In his kind of world where “dog eat dog”, he needs to become stronger than his enemies and be the strongest among his allies to restore the village and ensure a clear path to greatness. Join Kai in his Journey as he makes his way up the ladder of his world and discover the unknowns of his world. *** First story English is not my mother tongue The cover is not my original art.

_Cloud9_ · ファンタジー
37 Chs

Lucky Bastard

Zhou Kai's answer was not an impulsive one. He had been thinking of this for a long time now. He even consulted his dear uncle, Wu Chen about this.

Agreeing to Ning's proposal was full of benefits for him. For the whole time he knew Ning, Kai had seen how much of a prodigy she was. Kai had seen how talented youths are due to his exposure to his siblings before they left the village.

She managed to make her own palm art by watching Kai practice his Draining Palm Art and her cultivation speed is said to be on the fast side. She managed to advance to the 4th level of the mortal realm already.

Even Ning's metal affinity was high. Wu Chen strongly advised Kai to agree to take her as a wife because he thought that Ning's intellect and talent are both good. More importantly, Kai is already 21 yrs old and he still lacks a wife or an heir for that matter.

It must be remembered that the average male age for marriage is 17 in their empire. It is because of the issue brought by the banshee hunts and summons. Men had to have children while they were still younger than 21. Kai has to act fast if he wants to make his own family. No one knows when a queen banshee will show up.

And the most important thing is that Ning is dead set on marrying Kai even though Kai has refused her multiple times already. Another thing that impressed Kai was Ning's teachable trait. She was like a sponge absorbing water when something new was taught to her.

The only setback was that she wasn't human. Wu Chen and the others don't know. Only Kai, the 3 elves and Ning know. Perhaps Zhou Mei and Ash also know but they wouldn't really be able to spread the news.

Ning didn't even know that she wasn't human at first but she readily accepted it when Kai told her she was a daemon.

Meeting the elves elevated the issue of her being a daemon. Now that Ella confirmed that daemons are demonkin, Kai wanted to reconsider and change his thoughts. Afterall, demons are what killed his father and destroyed this village.

But his attachment to Ning was greater than the prejudice he has for banshees. 'She's not a banshee is she? She lived among us peacefully for 18 years now. In this village.' Kai thought.

The thing is that except for his mother and Zhou Mei, Ning was the first girl to take a liking to him. A romantic way of liking to the point that she wanted to marry him. Even though there was a chance that she was just playing him, he still valued her confession.

As a guy who grew up with a limping member down there, he always thought that no girl nor woman would accept him. Not when he doesn't have anything to give.

Sure Ning proposed to him after his rod recovered but at that time, no one knew of his recovery. No one knew until he disclosed it to Wu Chen. This meant that Ning liked him even when she knew of his impotence.

How moving is that?

And finally, the most important thing is Ning.

Ning is pretty.

Long black hair, black pupils, white skin, cute height and good aesthetic figure of a young woman. Kai couldn't let it escape his grasp anymore so he said 'yes.'

"She's my fiance."

Everyone was taken aback by this. The elves looked somewhat distressed all of a sudden. But Ning's jaw almost dropped to the floor. Her breathing became fast and for the first time, her steel-cold face revealed an expression worthy of praise.

Her cheeks become rosy and her eyes darted around in another direction. Looking away from Kai.

'Ha! So she has a shy side to her! Stubborn but also has a soft side!' Kai was lost in his own imaginations.

The elves recovered fast from the surprise. 'So we can't just kill everyone now. Ning would also be kidnapped if the worst comes.' They obviously thought that killing the beast master's lover would just escalate things.

"What did he say?" It was Dani. She wanted to also hear answers.

Ella answered. "Sigh. He said that this quiet female daemon, Ning, is his fiance." She did so while hinting Dani to ask more questions for her.

Dani wasn't able to take the hint though. She was too dumb. "Ha! How romantic!" Her eyes sparkled in excitement.

Dani slammed the tea cup on the poor wooden table then put on a dreamy look like a teenager imagining a knight in shining armor coming to save a damsel in distress. "Forbidden love! A demon girl fell in love with a boy that her clan wants to eliminate. The boy accepted her feelings and reciprocated in spite of the - mhmmmhmph!"

Dani wanted to say more but Elaine and Ella silenced her mouth from uttering more ridiculous comments.

"Err…Ah! I just remembered that we have to talk about something urgent! We'll leave you two alone for now heh hehe… L-Let's continue this later!"


The elves went out of the room like they were never there and silence descended.

Ning and Zhou Kai were left there in an awkward atmosphere. Ning was fidgety and looked all over the place. Zhou Kai on the other hand racked his brain on how to properly proceed from here on out. 'I just have to man up and say what I think!'

Just as he was going to explain, Ning abruptly spoke.

"W-When is our w-wedding?" Ning said silently and sheepishly while looking up directly at Kai's eyes.

That was the first time Kai saw that expression on her. And it was heavenly. She had always been a poker faced serious girl but now, she was acting like a cute cat.

"Spring. H-Huh?!"

Kai's world seemed to have stopped and things have slowed down. 'I was just about to explain things and you had to rizz me like this?! How dare you be so pretty?!' He subconsciously blurted a response to her question.

"H-How many k-kids should we have?" Ning asked in the same manner again. Serious and had this almost pleading gaze. She looked so hopeful.

That question made Kai's mind shirt circuit. But fortunately, he managed to endure and prevent his nose from bleeding.

"I-It will depend on you. But if it's possible, I uhm uh, want at least 1..." Kai wasn't so sure if a demon can even conceive a human child but he still gave her an answer that he thought is ok for her to hear.

In all honesty, Kai also has some real feelings for her by now. All those times they were together couldn't have been just nothing.

Kai still didn't know why Ning liked him but at this point, he didn't care any more. No single man would be able to endure the everyday rizz of a beauty.

It's just not possible.

"A-Alright. 1 is good." Ning had always been a girl of few words but her delighted expression tells more. Her face beamed with joy.

Meanwhile Kai could not take it anymore. His nose bled like a broken faucet. His happiness reached its limit and broke through the heavens. As a result, he fainted. Fell like a dead leaf.

"V-Village chief! I-I mean fiance! Don't die just yet! We-…" Those were the last words Kai heard as his consciousness faded due to blood loss. Ning's reaction seemed excessive but her worry was genuine.

Lucky bastard.

***Royal Palace of the East Human Empire***

Yin Xing, the current emperor sat on his throne wearing the full formal attire he uses for big events. The royal crown, the scepter, even the royal ceremonial sword was on ready.

The royal guards were present and the invited nobles and big timers were also there to witness this episode.

"My king, your majesty. The rankers have been gathered. They are ready for your summons." An old looking man spoke.

"Invite them in." Yin Xing commanded.

A few minutes later…

"The rankers have arrived!" Royal guard 1 announced their arrival for ettiquette's sake before opening the double doors.

What came to the people's view was a 100 figures walking in gracefully and respectfully. The 100 men and women entered in silence.

Many of them were women for obvious reasons — Banshees. However, all of them are strong. All of them have talent for cultivation. All of them had the will to get stronger.